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American belligerents launched their project for world domination

2024-05-21 11:30:27 | 翻訳記事 Translation




 It was in February 1992 that the neocons and other American belligerents launched their project for world domination, and it was in 1995 that Japan was incorporated into that war machine. Since then, Japan can be said to be in a "wartime regime.

 However, the neocon project has been a series of miscalculations, and the U.S.-centered system of domination has begun to crumble. In order to support that system, the private powers in the West are strengthening their control of speech.

 In order to hide the facts that are inconvenient for them and to make people believe the stories that are convenient for them, the private powers that rule the West are using television, radio, film, newspapers, magazines, and publishing, and now they are tightening their control over the Internet.

 Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, who was working to support whistleblowing, was arrested by Scotland Yard agents at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on April 11, 2019, in line with the wishes of the U.S. government, and he is now being held in Belmarsh Prison, the British version of Guantanamo prison. He is now being held in Belmarsh Prison, the British version of Guantanamo, and some say that he is being "killed.

 While this crackdown is a clear indication of the will of the U.S. and British ruling class against journalists, he is not the only victim of the suppression of speech. Gonzalo Lira, who had been living in Ukraine and criticizing the neo-Nazi regime there, was arrested and tortured to death in prison shortly after criticizing President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The Joe Biden administration did not help Lira, a citizen of his own country.

 EU countries have also suppressed journalists who were reporting facts from Ukraine that were inconvenient for the West, some of whom could have been arrested if they returned home, and others whose bank accounts have been closed. In Gaza, journalists are targets of the Israeli military, as are medical personnel.

 We have repeatedly written in this blog that the intelligence community is at the center of information control. It is said that there are many Kabbalah believers in Hollywood, and it is the CIA that checks their work.

 One of the CIA's censorship criteria is the "soundness of the system of control. It is possible to depict some power crime, but the ruling system itself must be healthy and functioning. In other words, the scenario is that it is an individual or an evil group that is doing evil and that the system's cleansing action will eventually work. The same can be said of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and publishing. In the US, this rule seems to work, although there seems to be a conflict between Democrat and Republican supporters.

 However, there is still room for the Internet to disseminate information without being bound by these rules. How long that room will remain, I do not know, but the fact that the private powers in the West are so desperate is nothing but a sense of crisis on their part, and this is a chance for democracy to be realized.

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