


2016-02-29 | Book

『 未来を変えた島の学校 』 山内道雄著
『 逝きし世の面影 』 渡辺京二著
『 原始が生命に転じるとき 』 相沢慎一著
『 君の望む死に方 』 石持浅海著
『 彼女が追ってくる 』 石持浅海著
『 人魚の眠る家 』 東野圭吾著
『 死神の浮力 』 伊坂幸太郎著
『 オーデュボンの祈り 』 伊坂幸太郎著
『 古書ミステリー倶楽部3 』 法月倫太郎他著
『 和菓子のアン 』 坂本 司著
『 鷺と雪 』 北村 薫著
『 火花 』 又吉 直樹著
『 眠りの庭 』 千早 茜著
『 うちゅうの目 まど・みちお詩集 』 まどみちお詩
『 本を読むわたし 』 華恵著

最近 ハマっているのは <石持浅海>の倒叙ミステリ(碓氷優佳シリーズ)
あと<伊坂幸太郎>も、今のところ ほとんどハズレなし!



Typing 2015 <30> チューリップ♪

2016-02-15 | Anne 再び♪
" That's the apple-scented geranium . "
 " Oh , I don't mean that sort of a name . I mean just a name you gave it
 yourself . Didn't you give it a name ? May I give it one then ? May I call it
 ーlet me seeーBonny would doーmay I call it Bonny while I'm here ? Oh ,
 do let me ! "

 " Goodness , I don't care . But where on earth is the sense of naming
 a geranium ? "
 " Oh , I like things to have handles even if they are only geraniums .
 It makes them seem more like people . How do you know but that it hurts
 a geranium's feelings just to be called a geranium and nothing else ?
 You wouldn't like to be called nothing but a woman all the time .
 Yes, I shall call it Bonny . I named that cherry-tree outside my bedroom
 window this morning . I called it Snow Queen because it was so white .
 Of course, it won't always be in blossom, but one can imagine that it is ,
 can't one ? "

" I never in all my life say or heard anything to equal her , " muttered
 Marill, beating a retreat down to the cellar after potatoes . " She is kind
 or interesting as Matthew says . I can feel already that I'm wondering
 what on earth she'll say next . She'll be casting a spell over me , too .
 She's cast it over Matthew . That look he gave me when he went out
 said everything he said or hinted last night over again . I wish he was like
 other men and would talk things out . A body could answer back then and
 argue him into reason . But what's to be done with a man who just LOOKS ? "
 Anne had relapsed into reverie , with her chin in her hands and her eyes
 on the sky, when Marilla returned from her cellar pilgrimage . There Marilla
 left her until the early dinner was on the table .

 昨日、富山からチューリップが届きました (ありがとう

 アンデルセン公園のチューリップたちは今頃 どうしてるかしら???