

『Anne of Green Gables』 16 ラスト

2012-08-31 | Anne of Green Gables
  夏休み企画の『Anne of Green Gables』も今日でラストとなります
最後は、アンシリーズの第1巻『Anne of Green Gables』と第2巻『Anne of Avonlea』
  からそれぞれの題辞と暗唱したいイチオシフレーズをpick upしてラストとしたいと思いま~す

『Anne of Green Gables』より

 The good stars met in your horoscope,
   Made you of spirit and fire and dew.
   精と火と露より創られた  <ブラウニング>

 All sorts of mornings are interesting , don't you think ?
   You don't know what's going to happen through the day ,
   and there's so much scope for imagination.

『Anne of Avonlea』より

 Flowers spring to blossom where she walks
   The careful ways of duty ,
   Our hard , stiff lines of life with her
   Are flowing curves of beauty.

 I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those
   on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens ,
   but just those that bring simple little pleasures ,
   following one another softly , like pearls slipping off a string

  『Anne of Green Gables』とロンドンオリンピックに熱中した夏でした。
  しばらく、Long Vacation しちゃおうかな~~~
  See you again ! (^O^)/~

『Anne of Green Gables』 15 最後に仲直り

2012-08-30 | Anne of Green Gables
“You mustn't sell Green Gables , ”Anne resolutely .
“Noting could be worse than giving up Green Gables_notheing could hurt me more .
We must keep the dear old place . My mind is quite made up , Marilla . I'm not going
to Redmond ; and I am going to stay here and teach . Don't you worry about me a bit . ”
“But your ambitious_and_”
“I'm just as ambitious as ever . Only , I've changed the object of my ambitions .
I'm going to be a good teacher_and I'm going to save your eyesight . Besides ,
I mean to study at home here and take a little college course all by myself .
Oh , I've dozens of plans , Marilla . I've been thinking them out for a week .
I shall give life here my best , and I believe it will give its best to me in return .
When I left Queen's my future seemed go stretch out before me like a straight road .
I thought I could see along it for many a milestone . Now there is a bend in it .
I don't know what lies around the bend , but I'm going to believe that the best does . ”

゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜ ゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜

“Gilbert , ”she said , with scarlet cheeks , “I want to thank you for giving up the
school for me . It was very good of you_and I want you to know that I appreciate it . ”
Gilbert took the offered hand eagerl .
“I wasn't particularly good of me at all , Anne . I was pleased to be able to
do you some small service . Are we going to be friends after this ? Have you really
forgiven me my old fault ? ”
Anne laughed and tried unsuddessfully to withdraw her hand .
“I forgave you that day by the pond landing , although I didn't know it .
What a stubborn little goose I was . I've been_I may as well make a complete
confession_I've been sorry ever since . ”
“We are going to be the best of friends , ”said Gilbert , jubilantly .

resolutely (心に決めて、決意して)
ambitious (野心的な、大志を抱いた)
many a milestone (たくさんの節目)
appreciate ((事柄を)感謝する)
unsuddessfully (失敗して)
withdraw (引っこめる)
stubborn (強情な)
make a confession (白状する)
jubilantly (歓声を上げて喜んで)

“We are going to be the best of friends , ”


『Anne of Green Gables』 14 マシューとマリラの愛

2012-08-29 | Anne of Green Gables
“You've been working too hard today , Matthew , ”she said reproachfully .
“Why won't you take things easier ? ”
“Well now , I can't seem to , ”said Matthew , as he opened the yard gate to let
the cows through . “It's only that I'm getting old , Anne , and keep forgetting it .
Well , well , I've always worked pretty hard and I'd rather drop ing harness . ”
“If I had been the boy you sent for , ”said Anne wistfully , “I'd be able to help
you so much now and spare you in a hundred ways . I could find it in my heart
to with I had been , just for that .”
“Well now , I'd rather have you than a dozen boys , Anne , ”said Matthew patting
her hand . “Jast mind you that_rather than a dozen boys . Well now , I guess it
wasn't a boy that took the Avery scholarship , was it ? It was a girl_my girl_
my girl that I'm proud of , ”

“Oh , Marilla , what will we do without him ? ”
“We've got each other , Anne . I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here_if
you'd never come . Oh , Anne , I know I've been king of strict and harsh with you
maybe_but you mustn't think I didn't love you as well as Matthew did , for all that .
I want to tell you now when I can . It's never been easy for me to say things
out of my heart , but at times like this it's easier . I love you as dear as if
you were my own flesh and blood and you've been my joy and comfort ever since
you came to Green Gables . ”

reproachfully (非難するように、とがめるように)
wistfully (思いに悩むように)
strict (厳しい、厳格な)
harsh (過酷な、とげとげしい、無情な)
own flesh and blood (肉親、身内)
comfort (慰め)

“Well now , I'd rather have you than a dozen boys , Anne , ”
 “I love you as dear as if you were my own flesh and blood ”


『Anne of Green Gables』 13 合格発表

2012-08-28 | Anne of Green Gables
“Anne you've passed , ”she cried , “Passed the very first_you and Gilbert both
_you're ties_but your name is first . Oh , I'm so proud ! ”
Diana flung the paper on the table and herself on Anne's bed , utterly berathless
and incapable of further speech .
“You did just splendidly , Anne ,”puffed Diana , recovering sufficiently to sit
up and speak , for Anne , starry-eyed and rapt , had not uttered a word .
“Father brought the paper home from Bright River not ten minutes ago_it came out
on the afternoon train , you know , and won't be here till tomorrow by mail_and
when I saw the pass list I just rushed over like a wild thing . You've all passed . ”
“Oh , Anne what does it feel like to see your name at the head of a pass list
like that ? If it were me I know I'd go crazy with joy . I am pretty near crazy
as it is , but you're as calm and cool as a spring everning , ”

“Oh , Matthew , ”exclaimed Anne , “I've passed and I'm first_or one of the first !
I'm not vain , but I'm thankful . ”
“Well now , I always said it , ”said Matthew , gazing at the pass list delightedly .
“I knew you could beat them all easy . ”
“You've done pretty well , I must say , Anne , ”said Marilla , trying to hide her
extreme pride in Anne from Mrs Rachel's critical eye . But that good soul said heartily :
“I just guess she has done well , and far be it form me to be backward in saying it .
You're a credit to your friends . Anne , that's what , and we're all proud of you .”

exclaim (叫ぶ)
vain (うぬぼれの強い)
delightedly (喜びに満ちて、嬉しそうに)
backward (しりごみする)
credit (ほまれ、名誉)

“I knew you could beat them all easy . ”(マシュー)
   “You've done pretty well , ”(マリラ)
   “ ・・・we're all proud of you .”(リンド夫人)

   桜の花びらたちが咲く頃 どこかで 希望の鐘が鳴り響く

『Anne of Green Gables』 12 パフスリーブのドレス♪

2012-08-27 | Anne of Green Gables
“Pick out a dress for you to give Anne ? To be sure I will . I'm going to
Carmody tomorrw and I'll attend to it . Have you someting particular in mind ?
No ? Well , I'll just go by my own judgement then . I belive a nice rich brown
would just suit Anne , and William Blair has some new gloria in that's real pretty .
Perhaps you'd like me to make it up for her , too , seeing that if Marilla was
to make it Anne would probably get wind of it before the time and spoil the surprise ?
Well , I'll do it . No , it isn't a mite of trouble . I like sewing. I'll make
it to fit my niece , Jenny Gillis , for she and Anne aer as like as two peas
as far as figure goes . ”
“Well now , I'm much obliged , ”said Matthew , “and_and_I dunno_but I'd like
_I think they make the sleeves different nowadays to what they used to be .
If it wouldn't be asking too much I_I'd like them made in the new way . ”
“Puffs ? Of course . You needn't worry a speck more about it , Matthew .
I'll make it up in the very latest fashion , ”said Mrs Lynde .

゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜ ゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜

Anne took the dress and looked at it in reverent silence . Oh , how pretty it was
_a lovely soft brown gloria with all the gloss of silk ; a skirt with dainty frills
and shirrings ; a waist elaborately pintucked in the most fashioable way ,
with a little ruffle of filmy lace at the neck . But the sleeves_they were
the crowning glory ! Long elbow cuffs and above them two beautiful puffs divieded
by rows of shirring and bows of brown silk ribbon .
“That's Christmas present for you , Anne , ”said Matthew shyly . “Why_why Anne ,
don't you like it ? Well now_well now . ”
For Anne's eyes had suddenly filled with tears .
“Like it ! Oh , Matthew ! ”Anne laid the dress over a chair and clasped her hands .
“Matthew , it's perfectly exquisite . Oh , I can never thank you enough .
Look at those sleeves ! Oh , it seems to me this must be a happy dream . ”

particular (特別な)
be obliged (感謝する)
reverent (うやうやしい)
crowning (このうえない)
glory (壮観、美観、はなばなしさ)
exquisite (このうえなくすばらしい、絶美の)

“I can never thank you enough . ”

  ここでの『Anne of Green Gables』も今週中にダッシュで仕上げま~す

『Anne of Green Gables』 11 お化けの森

2012-08-24 | Anne of Green Gables
“I can't go through the Haunted Wood , Marilla ,”cried Anne desperately .
Marilla stared .
“The Haunted Wood ! Are you crazy ? What under the canopy is the Haunted Wood ?”
“The spruce wood over the brook ,”said Anne in a whisper .
“Fiddlesticks ! There is no such thing as a haunted wood anywhere . Who has been
telling you such stuff ? ”
“Nobody , ”confessed Anne . “Diana and I just imagined the wood was haunted .
All the places around here are so_so_commonplace . We just got this up for our
own amusement . We began it in April. A haunted wood is so very romantic , Marilla .
We chose the spruce grove because it's so gloomy . Oh , we have imagined the most
harrowing things .There's a white lady walks along the brook just about this
time of the night and wrings her hands and utters wailing cries .”

“Anne Shirley ,”interrupted Marilla firmly .
“I never waut to hear you talking in this fashion again . I've had my doubts about
that imagination of yours right along , and if this is going to be the outcome of it ,
I won't countenance any such doings . You'll go right over to Barrys , and you'll
go through that spruce grove , just for a lesson and a warning to you.”

Anne might plead and cry as she liked_and did , for her terror was very real .
Her imagination had run away with her and she held the spruce grove in mortal
dread after nightfall . But Marilla was inexorable .
“Oh Marilla , how can you be so cruel ?”sobbed Anne .
“What would you feel like if a white thing did snatch me up and carry me off ? ”
“I'll risk it , ”said Marilla unfeelingly .

dsperrately (やけになって、必死になって)
under the canopy (一体全体)
fiddlesticks (ばからしい)
commonplace (平凡な、ありふれた)
harrowig (悲惨な)
countenance (黙認する)

“Oh , we have imagined the most harrowing things .”


『Anne of Green Gables』 10 お茶会の悲劇(喜劇?)

2012-08-23 | Anne of Green Gables
Anne looked on the second shelf on the room pantry , but there was no bottle
of raspberry cordial there . Search revealed it away back on the top shelf .
Anne put it on a tray and set it on the table with a tumbler .
“Now , please help yourself , Diana ,”she said politely .
“I don't believe I'll have any just now . I don't feel as if I wanted any after
all those apples .”
Diana poured herself out a tumblerful , looked at its bright red hue admiringly ,
and then sipped it daintily .
“That's awfully nice raspberry cordial , Anne , ”she said .
“I didn't know raspberry cordial was so nice .”

゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜ ゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜゜・*:.。..。.:*・゜

Diana had stood up very unsteadily ; then she sat down agin , putting her hands
to her head .
“I'm_I'm awful sick ,”she said , a little thicky . “I_I_must go right home .”
“Oh , you mustn't dream of going home without your tea ,”cried Anne in distress .
“I'll get it right off_I'll go and put the tea down this very minute .”
“I must go home ,”repeated Diana , stupidly but determinedly .
“Let me get you a lunch anyhow ,”implored Anne .
“Let me give you a bit of fruit-cake and some of the cherry preserves . Lie down
on the sofa for a little while and you'll be better . Where do you feel bad ? ”
“I must go home , ”said Diana , and that was all she would say . In vain Anne pleaded .
“I never heard of company going home without tea ,”she mourned .

raspberry cordial( 木イチゴ水)
politely (丁寧に)
admiringly (感嘆して)
daintily (優美に、上品に)
unsteadily (ふらふらして)
distress (嘆き、悩み)
stupidly (ぼうっとして)
determinedly (断固として、決心して)
mourn (嘆く、悲しむ)

“I didn't know raspberry cordial was so nice .”
  アンが間違えて出してしまったのは『currant wine』スグリのワインだったのでした~


『Anne of Green Gables』 9  ニンジン事件

2012-08-22 | Anne of Green Gables
“Carrots ! Carrots ! ”
Then Anne looked at him with a vengeance !
She did more than look . She sprang to her feet , her bright fancies fallen into
cureless ruin . She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry
sparked was swiftly quenched in equally angrey tears .
“You mean , hateful boy ! ”she exclaimed passionately . “How dare you ! ”
And then_Thwack ! Anne had brought her slate down on Gilbert's head and cracked
it_slate , not head_clear across .
Avonlea school always enjoyed a scene . This was an especially enjoyable one .
Everybody said , “Oh ,”in horrified delight . Diana gasped .
Ruby Gillis , who was inclined to be hysterical , began to cry . Tommy Sloane let
his team of crickets escape him altogether while he stared open-mouthed at the tableau .
Mr Phillips stalked down the aisle and laid his hand heavily on Anne's shoulder .
“Anne shirley , what does this mean ? ”he said angrily .
Anne returned no answer . It was asking too much of flesh and blood to expect her
to tell before the whole school that she had been called “carrots ”.
Gilbert it was who spoke up stoutly .
“It was my fault , Mr Phillips . I teased her .”
・・・When Anne went to her seat after dinner hour_she had been told by Mr Phillips
to sit with the model Minnic Andrews_she found on her desk a big , luscious
‘Strawberry apple ’. Anne caught it up all ready to take a bite , when she remembered
that the only place in Avonlea where strawberry apples grew was in the old Blythe
orchard on the other side of the Lake of Shining Waters . Anne dropped the apple
as if it were a red-hot coal and ostentatiously wiped her fingers on her handkerchief .
The apple lay untouched on her desk until the next morning , when little Timothy Andrews ,
who swept the school and kindlet the fire , annexed it as one of his prequisites .

vengeance (復讐、かたき)
passionately (激情して)
speak up (名乗り出る)
stoutly (勇敢に)
ostentatiously (これみよがしに)

“Carrots ! Carrots ! ”アンの一番のコンプレックスである赤毛を「ニンジン!」と言って


『Anne of Green Gables』 8 友情の誓い

2012-08-21 | Anne of Green Gables
“Oh , Diana ,”said Anne at last , clasping her hands and speaking almost in a whisper ,
“Do you think_oh , do you think you can like me a little_enough to be my bosom
friend ? ”Diana laughed . Diana always laughed before she spoke .
“Why , I guess so ,”she said frankly .“I'm awfully glad you've come to live at
Green Gables . It will be jolly to have somebody to play with . There isn't any
other girl who lives near enough to play with , and I've no sosters big enough .”
“Will you swear to be my friend for ever and ever ? ”demended Anne eagerly .
Diana looked shoucked .
“Why it's dreadfully wicked to swear , ”she said rebukingly .
“Oh , no , not my kind of swearing . There are two kinds , you know .”
“I never heard of but one kind ,”said Diana doubtfully .
“There really is another . Oh , it isn't wicked at all . It just means vowing
and promising solemnly . ”
“Well , I don't mind doing that . ”agreed Diana , reliever .
“ I'll repeat the oath first . ‘I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend ,
Diana Barry , as long as the sun and moon shall endure .’ Now you say it and put
my name in .”
Diana repeated the ‘oath’with a laugh fore and aft . Then she said :
“You're queer girl , Anne . I heard before that you were queer . But I believe
I'm going to like you real well .”
When marilla and Anne went home , Diana went with them as far as the log bridge .
The two little girls walked with their arms about each ather . At the brook
they parted with many promises to spend the next afternoon together .
“Well , did you find Diana a kindred spirit ? ”asked Marilla as they went up
through the garden of Green Gables .
“Oh yes ,”sighed Anne , blissfully unconscious of any sarcasm on Marilla's part .
“Oh Marilla , I'm the happiest girl on Prince Edward Island this very moment .”

bosom friend (腹心の友)
swear (誓う)(ののしる)
dreadfully (おそろしく、ものすごく)
rebukingly (非難するように)
doubtfully (疑わしげに)
oath (誓い)
kindred spirit (気のあう人、心の同類)

I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend ,
Diana Barry , as long as the sun and moon shall endure .



2012-08-20 | どこからピックアップ!?英語
Fly away
Oh I must fly away
And go my own way to places that
We've never been together
I might fly away
Take to the sky someday
But not for now , not today
'Cause nobody here is flying , (fly) away

You're my anchor , I'm a kite
You're what gets me through the night
Keep me steady and on course
Till I found you , I was lost now
You're the earth , I'm the sky
Sometimes when I go too high
You pull the string that holds me back
If not for you , I might lose track and

You have reasons , I have dreams
So we're perfect , so it seems
You tell fortunes , I tell truths
You kept me from my crazy youth
'Cause when you're near me , I feel whole
I don't have to rock'n'roll
I don't worry and I don't think
But hold ne , 'cause I'm on the brink
I might just

お盆休み明けです !(^^)! 

今日は、竹内まりやのアルバム『LOVE SONGS』よりpick up
夏休み後半も『Anne of Green Gables』どんどん書いていきます