


2008-08-29 | 赤毛のアン(高2夏)



 She`s terrible skinny and homely , Marilla.
    Lawful heart , did anyone ever see such freckles ?
    And hair as red as carrots!
    Come here , child , I say.

    Anne came there , but not exactly as Mrs Rachel expected.
    With one bound she crossed the kitchen floor and stood befor Mrs Rachel ,
    her face scarlet with anger , her lips quivering , and her
    whole slender from trembling from head to foot.

 I hate you , she cried in a choked voice , stamping her foot
    on the floor.
 I hate you ー I hate you ー I hate you ー
    a louder stamp with each assertion of hatred.

 How dare you call me skinny and ugly ?
    How dare you say I`m freckled and red-headad ?
    You are rude , impolite , unfeeling woman!


2008-08-18 | 赤毛のアン(高2夏)

 ‘Call you Cordelia ! Is that your name ? '
 ‘No-o-o, it`s not exactly my name , but I would love to be
    called Cordelia. It`s such a perfectly elegant name.'

 ‘I don`t know what on earth you mean. If Cordelia isn`t
     your name, what is ?'
 ‘Anne Shirley ,' reluctantly faltered forth the owner or that name,
    ‘but oh, please do call me Cordelia. It can`t matter much to you
    what you call me if I`m only going to be here a little while, can it ?
    And Anne is such an unromantic name.'


2008-08-12 | 赤毛のアン(高2夏)

 ‘No boy ! But there must have been a boy,'insisted Marilla.
   ‘We sent word to Mrs Spencer to bring a boy.'
 ‘Well , she didn`t. She brought her.・・・
 ‘Well , this is a pretty piece of business !' ejaculated Marilla.

  During this dialogue the child had remained silent , her eyes roving from
  one to the other , all the animation fading out of her face.
  Suddenly she seemed to grasp the full meaning of what had been said.
  Dropping her precious carped-bag she sprang forward a step
  and clasped her hands.

 ‘You don`t want me ! '
   ‘You don`t want me because I`m not a boy!'


2008-08-05 | 赤毛のアン(高2夏)

 Flowers spring to blossom where she walks
   The careful ways of duty ,
   Our hard , stiff lines of life with her
   Are flowing curves of beauty.

 There is some good in every person if you can find it.
   It is a teacher's duty to find and develop it.

 I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those
   on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens ,
   but just those that bring simple little pleasures ,
   following one another softly , like pearls slipping off a string


2008-08-01 | 赤毛のアン(高2夏)

 The good stars met in your horoscope,
   Made you of spirit and fire and dew.

 All sorts of mornings are interesting , don't you think ?
   You don't know what's going to happen through the day ,
   and there's so much scope for imagination.

 It gives you a lovely , comfortable feeling
   to apologize and be forgiven , doesn't it ?

 isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day
   with no mistakes in it yet ?

 Now there is a bend in it.
   I don't know what lies around the bend ,
   but I'm going to believe the best does.
