

83. bad 悪い

2005-08-31 | Weblog
 I haven't been sleeping very well lately.
   When I woke up this morning , I felt really bad.

 Have you received any bad news recently ?

 No , not at all. Bad things have not happened.

 But you look a little tired.

 I'm just a little tired.

 Well , this treatment is excellent. All you need to do today is relax.


 I have some bad news. (悪い知らせがあるんだけど)
 I'm sorry we have such bad weather.(あいにくの天気で残念だ)
 Did you have a bad time yesterday ? (昨日は楽しくなかったの?)
 I had bad luck yesterday.(昨日は運が悪かった)
 It's a bad movie.(ひどい映画だ)
 She's a bad driver.(彼女は運転が下手だ)
 We made a bad choice.(選択を間違えた)
 It's not so bad.(まあまあだね)
 Not bat at all.(いいんじゃない)
 He might be a bad teacher.

82. side 側 、側面

2005-08-30 | Weblog
 Can you stand on the side of the sidewalk ?
 Here ?
 Yes. And can you turn so that your right side is towards me ?
 Like this ?
 Yeah , that's great. Hold that position. Thank you.
 OK. Let's have some Chinese food.

 the other side(of) (~の)向う側
 on this(that) side こちら側
 the opposite side 反対側
 this side of the rivar 川のこちら側

 My house is on the other side of this street. 
 There're no restaurants on this side of the street.
 He's driving on the wrong side of the street.
 Please stay by my side for a while.(しばらく私のそばにいて)
 I'm always on your side.(いつでも君の味方だよ)

81.  word  単語 言葉

2005-08-29 | Weblog
 You know , I used to take Chiness lessons.
 You did ? What does that word say ?
 I'm not that good.
 Can you speak Chinese ?
 My level ws ・・・I sometimes hear words that I understand.
 Well , that's impressive , too.

 Can I have a word with you ?(ちょっと話があるんだけど)
 I have not words to express my feelings.(この気持ちは言葉では伝えられない)
 Don't use bad words on TV.(TVで汚い言葉を使うな!)
 I can't hear a word.(なにもきこえない)
 Can you say that in a few words ?(もう少し手短に言ってくれる?)
 I can't find the right words.(適切な言葉がみつからない)
 Don't believe his words.(彼の言葉を信じちゃだめだよ)

 in other words 言い換えれば
 in a word 要するに
 the words “corpus”コーパスと言う単語
 100 words 100語


2005-08-28 | Weblog
 scholarship 奨学金 学識
 script 手書き 筆跡
 secretary 秘書 書記官 長官 大臣
 seldom めったに~ない まれに
 He is senior to me by seven years.(彼は、私より7歳年上です)
 in a sense(ある意味では)  in every sence (あらゆる意味で)
 I shall never forget you.(私は、決してあなたを忘れません)
 shame 恥ずかしさ 恥 不名誉
 sight 見ること 視力 眺め
 Smoking cigarettes is not good for yure health.
 solution 解答 解決 溶けること
 solve the problem(問題を解く)
 soul 魂 精神 心
 She is my special friend.(彼女は、私の親友です)
 splendid 素晴らしい 見事な
 step by step(1歩1歩)
 I still love you.
 stupid ばかな 頭の悪い
 surround 囲む 取り囲む
 sweep 掃除する 掃く 押し出す 
 smart 利口な 気の利いた 粋な


久しぶりの・・・単語です。 R

2005-08-26 | Weblog
 rather むしろ、どちらかというと
 reason 理由、わけ
 recently 近頃 最近
 repair 修理する 直す
 reply 答える 返事する
 review 調べなおす 批評する  復習
 at the risk of~ ~の危険を冒して
 all the year round (一年中)


80. something somebody etc.   何か、誰か

2005-08-25 | Weblog
 This was something new.(新しい体験でした)
 Did you enjoy ?
 Very much. I've never done anything like this.
 Now there is nothing stopping you riding horse in the future.
 No. But I would still need someone to watch me.
 Well. You can come back anytime.(いつでもまた来て下さい)

 How's every thing ?(調子はどう!?うまくいってる?)
 There's something wrong with my engine.
 Is there anything I can do.(僕にできることある?)
 There's nothing I can do.(僕に出来ることはなにもない)
 Let's me call somebody.(だれかよぼうか?)
 Can somebody help me ?(だれか手伝ってくれる人いませんか?)

79. part 部分

2005-08-24 | Weblog
 So , you've never taken part in activities with horses.
 Horses have not played a part in my life yet.
 I'm sure this will be an exciting experience then.
 I hope so. A part of me is afraid though.
 You'll be fine. Once you learn the basics it's going to be wonderful.

 play a part 役割を演じる
 take part in ~ ~に参加する
 from a part 部分を構成する

 There'll be rain in parts of Tokyo.(東京の一部で雨になるところがあるでしょう)
 I play an important part in this program.(この番組では、僕が重要な役割をはたしています)
 This is news in some part of Tokyo.(東京のところどころではニュースなのです)

 the front part of the train <物質>電車の最前部
 in some parts of France <地域>フランスのある地域で
 part of the body <身体>身体の一部
 in the early part of the 20th century <時間>20世紀の初期
 part of the team <団体>チームの一員

  満足みたいだし、ATのスーザン先生にも『Good job!』と言って

78. sorry 

2005-08-23 | Weblog

 I don't know about this. I feel nervous.
 Don't be. Horse riding is easy.
 Are you sure ?
 Yes. You're not going to be sorry to do this. It will be fun.
 Sorry for the silly question , but is it safe ?(くだらない質問をして申し訳ないですが・・・)
 If you're sensible , yes.(ふざけなければ安全だ)

 I'm sorry I'm late.(遅れてすみません)
 Sorry ? What was that again ?(ごめんもう一度言ってもらえる?)
 Sorry about all that noise.(うるさくしてごめんね)
 I'm truly sorry for what I did.(自分のしたことを心から後悔しています)
 I'm sorry you didn't come.(あなたが来られなくて残念です)
 I'm sorry I ate it. (食べちゃってごめんなさい

77. place 場所

2005-08-22 | Weblog

 This is the place to take lessons.
 You may go places where you need to ride a horse.

 His wedding will take place in autumn.(彼の結婚式は秋に行われる)
 We have a place to stay.

 This would be a great place for a party.(ココはパーティにうってつけの場所だ)
 She has a special place in my heart.(彼女は、僕の心の特別な場所を占めている)
 Let's go out for a drink. I know a good place.(飲みに行こうよ!いいとこ知ってるんだ)
 Can I come over to your place tomorrow ?(明日きみのとこに行ってもいい?



2005-08-20 | どこからピックアップ!?英語


 I'm nervous. 緊張しちゃう
 I'm bored. 退屈
 I'm tired. 疲れた~
 I'm angry. 怒ってる
 I'm in trouble. 困ったなぁ
 I feel down. おちこんでいる
 I feel irritated. イライラする
 I feel sad. 悲しい
 It's painful. つらい

 Cheer up! 元気を出して!
 Be brave! 勇気を出して!
 Come on! ガンバレ
 Keep it up. その調子でがんばれ
 Take it easy. 大丈夫だよ
 Never give up! あきらめない
 Do your best. 力をだしきってね
 You can do it. あなたならできる

 Relax. リラックスして!
 Calm down, おちついて
 Be cool. 気をしずめて
 Don't be upset. おろおろしないで