

CHD 警察の刑事 乳児の突然死の50%はワクチン接種後48時間以内に起きているが、それを口にすることは誰にも許されない

2023年10月03日 19時39分51秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

CHD 警察の刑事 乳児の突然死の50%はワクチン接種後48時間以内に起きているが、それを口にすることは誰にも許されない



10/02/23 Childrens Health Defense、2023年10月2日、子供の健康防衛

Police Detective: 50% of Sudden Infant Deaths Happened Within 48 Hours of Vaccination — But No One Is Allowed to Say It

警察の刑事: 乳児の突然死の50%はワクチン接種後48時間以内に起きているが、それを口にすることは誰にも許されない

In an interview with Steve Kirsch, a former police detective claimed that about half of the sudden infant death cases she investigated showed the child had received a vaccination in the previous 48 hours.


But coroners never mentioned vaccines on the death certificates, and doctors have been trained to gaslight parents, she said.


By  John-Michael Dumais


A former police detective claimed that around 50% of the 250 sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) cases she investigated over seven years happened within 48 hours after the infant received a vaccine. About 70% happened within one week.

元警察刑事は、7年間にわたって調査した乳児突然死症候群(SIDS)事件250件のうち、約50%が乳児がワクチン接種後48時間以内に発生したと主張した。 70%は1週間以内に起こりました。

She argued this timing proves vaccines are behind SIDS because the correlation would not be observed if the deaths were occurring randomly.


The detective, who worked in a “major city” of over 300,000 people and identified herself simply as “Jennifer,” shared her story with Steve Kirsch in a video and Substack article published last week.


Kirsch, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist and executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, said he contacted the police station where Jennifer worked and verified her identity.


The detective’s information is independently verifiable in the police records “for any health authority who has any doubts,” Kirsch said, adding that he is actively working with the police department to make the statistics public.



Describing her department’s policy to “leave no stone unturned” when investigating sudden infant deaths, Jennifer wrote:


“Standard police policy was to ask about any pharmaceuticals … and ask every single thing that a person was doing in the moments, hours, days and weeks leading up to their death …


“So, with a baby: ‘When was the last time he saw a doc? Was he healthy? Any meds or shots? What has he been eating? What kind of soap do you wash them with?’ …

「それで、赤ちゃんの場合、『最後に医者に会ったのはいつですか?』 彼は健康でしたか? 薬や注射はありますか? 彼は何を食べていましたか? どのような石鹸で洗っていますか?』

“The coroner we had to often report to was especially a stickler on everything that went into that kid, food- and drug-wise.”



Dr. Elizabeth Mumper, president and CEO of The Rimland Center For Integrative Medicine, told The Defender, “Many parental reports about a baby dying suddenly start with the phrase, ‘He just was at the pediatrician’s office — they said he was healthy.’”


“If there were no correlations between vaccines and SIDS, then sudden death cases would be evenly distributed throughout the month,” Mumper said.


“Instead, we see clusters of unexpected deaths in the first week after shots are given. Reports from police officers and first responders are supported by this published evidence,” she added.

「その代わりに、ワクチン接種後の最初の週に予期せぬ死亡が多発しているのが見られます。 警察官と初期対応者からの報告は、この公開された証拠によって裏付けられています」と彼女は付け加えた。

"The Wuhan Cover-Up" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.



Vaccines never mentioned in coroner reports



Despite the comprehensive data gathering required by the coroner, Jennifer told Kirsch vaccines were never listed as the cause of death — or even mentioned — in the final reports.



It took a couple of years before she learned why. “It’s because it’s a pharmaceutical that doesn’t carry liability,” she said, referring to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

彼女がその理由を知るまでに数年かかりました。 「それは責任を負わない医薬品だからです」と彼女は1986年の国家小児ワクチン傷害法に言及しながら語った。

That the coroner’s report would mention parents “put Johnson & Johnson baby lotion on the baby the day before they died” but never mention vaccines is what got her “triggered,” she said.


“Nobody in my office had an answer,” Jennifer said. “I’m like, ‘Why isn’t the medical examiner putting this on here?’ And they were like, ‘I don’t know.’ … They thought it was as crazy as I did.”

「私のオフィスには誰も答えられませんでした」とジェニファーは言いました。 「私は『なぜ医学監察官はこれをここに載せないのですか?』と言いました。そして彼らは『分からない』と言っていました。…彼らも私と同じように、これはおかしいと思ったのです。」

The Defender recently reported on the case of a Maine couple whose 7-week-old child died the day after receiving multiple vaccines.


The state medical examiner refused to investigate vaccines as a possible cause, but a later toxicology report confirmed the infant had toxic levels of aluminum in his blood.


(訳注: この件は、次の記事参照

ワクチン接種後34時間後に死亡した乳児の血中には有毒レベルのアルミニウムが含まれていたことが報告書で確認 )


The conspiracy of silence does not end with coroner’s offices, according to Jennifer, but extends to law enforcement policy.


Jennifer told Kirsch about her husband attending a conference for police investigators in St. Louis, where the presenters never mentioned vaccines as a possible cause of SIDS.


“There’s always … some sort of symptom of suffocation or brain bleed associated with a SIDS stamp on a death report or an autopsy report,” she said.


However, in side conversations at the conference, detectives would admit the connection. “It’s kind of a common thing for detectives who investigate SIDS deaths to know at least SIDS is a kind of false diagnosis,” she said.

しかし、会議での余談では、刑事たちは関連性を認めることになる。 SIDSの死を捜査する刑事にとって、少なくともSIDSが一種の誤診であることを知っているのは、ある意味よくあることです」と彼女は言う。


Kirsch shared the story of forensic police detective Helen Grus from Ottawa, Canada, who is being prosecuted for investigating the link between sudden infant death and vaccines.


Grus is facing misconduct hearings for allegedly accessing files of infant death cases in which she was not previously involved.


According to a Rebel News report, Grus was investigating reports that the sudden infant death rate had increased by a factor of two or three after the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines.


The detective was subjected to a smear campaign casting her “as the problem, rather than the vaccines,” according to Kirsch.


Grus also was suspended without pay for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine and for questioning the usefulness of masks.


RFK Jr. and Brian Hooker’s New Book: "Vax-Unvax"



AAP trains docs to gaslight parents so they ‘don’t start questioning vaccinations’



When Jennifer and her husband, who also is a police detective, were shopping around for a pediatrician, they were upfront about their concerns regarding the SIDS-vaccine connection.


They eventually found a pediatrician who, after hearing their observations of infant deaths from their investigations, “didn’t even change expression,” Jennifer recalled. “He’s like, ‘I’m not shocked at all.’”

最終的に彼らは小児科医を見つけたが、その医師は調査から乳児の死亡に関する観察を聞いた後、「表情さえ変えなかった」とジェニファーは思い起こす。 「彼は『全然ショックじゃないよ』って感じでした」

He said, “You have a really valid reason to not want to do this [vaccinations] with your kids. And I support whatever decision you make,” she told Kirsch.

彼はこう言いました。「あなたが子供たちにこれ(ワクチン接種)をしたくないのには、正当な理由があるのです。 そして私はあなたがどんな決断を下しても支持します」と彼女はキルシュ氏に語った。

But the pediatrician told them that the American Academy of Pediatrics “actually trained them to talk to parents so that they don’t start questioning vaccinations,” she said.


“He started so many sentences with, ‘According to the AAP, I’m not supposed to say this, but I don’t lie to my patients,’” she recalled.


Kirsch pointed out the difficulty doctors face when they believe vaccinations are necessary to prevent diseases like polio and meningitis.


If doctors admitted to the connection between vaccines and SIDS, he said, “that would destroy the public confidence in the vaccination program. People wouldn’t get vaccinated.”

もし医師たちがワクチンとSIDSとの関係を認めれば、「ワクチン接種プログラムに対する国民の信頼は失墜するだろう」と同氏は述べた。 人々はワクチン接種を受けられなくなるでしょう。」

“So we’ll basically keep our mouth shut about that,” doctors reason to themselves, Kirsch speculated, and “minimize the vaccine hesitancy by telling parents that it wasn’t the vaccine, these things just happen.”


“That’s how they’re trained,” he said.



Dr. Paul Thomas, pediatrician and author of “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years,” told The Defender, “Pediatricians don’t recognize the link nor would they consider SIDS vaccine-related. They just don’t know what they don’t know.”

小児科医であり、『ワクチンに優しい計画: 妊娠から子供の 10 代までの免疫と健康に対するポール博士の安全で効果的なアプローチ』の著者であるポール・トーマス博士はディフェンダーに次のように語った。 彼らはSIDSワクチンに関連していると考えますか? 彼らは自分たちが知らないことを知らないだけなのです。」


AAP, in its treatment of sleep-related infant deaths, does not mention vaccines as a possible cause of SIDS, instead claiming it is best explained by the following “triple risk model”:


“SIDS occurs when an infant with intrinsic vulnerability (often manifested by impaired arousal, cardiorespiratory, and/or autonomic responses) undergoes an exogenous trigger event (e.g., exposure to an unsafe sleeping environment) during a critical developmental period.


“The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a safe sleep environment to reduce the risk of all sleep-related deaths. This includes supine positioning; use of a firm, noninclined sleep surface; room sharing without bed sharing; and avoidance of soft bedding and overheating.”

「米国小児科学会は、あらゆる睡眠関連の死亡リスクを軽減するために、安全な睡眠環境を推奨しています。 これには仰臥位も含まれます。 しっかりとした傾斜のない睡眠面を使用する。 ベッドシェアなしのルームシェア。 柔らかい寝具や過熱を避けてください。」


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “studies have found that vaccines do not cause and are not linked to SIDS.”


The Public Health Collaborative, citing Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, states that “the condition’s exact cause is unknown,” but that “numerous studies have shown that vaccines do not cause SIDS.”



‘No other viable explanation’ 



A review of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the medical literature between 1990-2019 analyzing the correlation between vaccines and SIDS, found that “of all cases post-vaccination, 75% occurred within seven days.


Kirsch noted this number is a close match to Jennifer’s estimate of around 70% over her 250 cases.

カーシュ氏は、この数字はジェニファーさんの 250 件の症例の約 70% と推定した値とほぼ一致していると指摘しました。

“This is impossible if the vaccines aren’t causing SIDS,” Kirsch said.


“There is simply no other viable explanation for the association,” adding “But of course, you won’t get your paper published if you say that.”


Thomas told The Defender, “The studies showing that most SIDS cases are in the first 3-10 days after a vaccine, make it clear that the vaccines are killing babies.”


Thomas said he did not witness SIDS cases in his pediatric practice, likely because none of his parents were giving their infants the hepatitis B vaccine on day one, and families were not following the CDC vaccine schedule but were spacing out the time between shots or avoiding them altogether.



In another paper, “Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997–2013,” the CDC researchers reported, “For child [0-17] death reports, 79.4% received >1 vaccine on the same day; among infants … 86.2% received >1 vaccine.”


「小児[0歳から17歳まで]の死亡報告では、79.4%が同じ日に1回以上のワクチンを受けていました。 乳児の間では…86.2%が1回以上のワクチンを受けています。」

Despite this, the authors concluded, “No concerning pattern was noted among death reports submitted to VAERS during 1997–2013.”


Nonetheless, they stated that, because vaccine use is expanding and new vaccines are being added to the childhood schedule, “it is important to continue to monitor death reports to VAERS.”


In a peer-reviewed study published in PubMed, researchers studied infant mortality rates around the world and found a “high statistically significant correlation between increasing numbers of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates.”


The authors reported 33 nations had infant mortality rates lower than the U.S., which has the highest vaccination rate of any country.


Mumper told The Defender, “Evidence of striking temporal correlations between vaccines and SIDS in a series of studies should lead to people in high places to consider vaccines as a cause of SIDS in a subset of babies.”


Kirsch’s article links to additional studies confirming the SIDS-vaccine connection.

Kirsch の記事は、SIDS とワクチンの関連性を確認する追加の研究にリンクしています。

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‘I’ve seen what happens to people who tell the truth’



Although Jennifer chose to appear fully visible in the video interview, Kirsch asked her why she hadn’t yet disclosed her full identity.


She responded that sharing this kind of information could “shut down an entire industry,” adding, “I’ve seen what happens to people who tell the truth.”


She and her husband discussed the potential impact on their children’s safety in light of her stepping forward to share what she knows.


She paraphrased what she recalled Ice Cube saying during a recent Tucker Carlson interview: “If you go along with the agendas, nobody bothers you, you’re fine. It’s when you tell the truth that you get in trouble.”


「予定通りに進めば誰にも迷惑はかかりません、大丈夫です。 本当のことを言うと問題が起きるんだよ。」

Jennifer and Kirsch discussed the blowback to doctors and nurses who’ve been fired over the past several years for telling the truth.


Parents of children injured or killed by vaccines who are passionate activists also “get treated like garbage,” she said.


Mumper wrote such parents must feel like “modern-day Cassandras” because their observation of the obvious connection between the administration of vaccines and the deterioration of their children’s health within one or two days was most often received as unwelcome news if not outright disbelieved.


Not all parents make the connection, however, or necessarily want to. Jennifer said she recognized the difficult position her testimony puts some parents in.

ただし、すべての親がつながりを持っているわけではありませんし、必ずしもそうしたいわけでもありません。 ジェニファーさんは、自分の証言で一部の親が困難な立場に置かれていることを認識していると語った。


She said: 彼女は言いました:


“I see parents on both sides of it with vaccine-injured children. Some of them hold on to the lie so strong, because admitting that this was true means that they had a hand in their child’s death or their child’s injury. And I understand that. I understand how hard it is to come to grips with that.”

「ワクチンで傷ついた子供たちを抱えた親たちが両側にいるのを私は見ています。 彼らの中には、これが真実であると認めるということは、子どもの死や子どもの怪我に自分が関与していたことを意味するため、その嘘を強く持ち続ける人もいます。 そして私はそれを理解しています。 それに対処することがどれほど難しいかは理解しています。」

The current medical consensus on SIDS may also leave parents with the impression they contributed to their child’s death.

SIDS に関する現在の医学的合意は、親が子供の死に貢献したという印象を親に残す可能性もあります。


John-Michael Dumais

John-Michael Dumais is a news editor for The Defender. He has been a writer and community organizer on a variety of issues, including the death penalty, war, health freedom and all things related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

John-Michael Dumais は、The Defender のニュース編集者です。 彼は、死刑、戦争、健康の自由、新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックに関連するあらゆる事柄など、さまざまな問題について作家であり、コミュニティのオーガナイザーでもあります。

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