flagburner's blog(仮)


Flotilla probe report: Japan abstained...

2010-10-01 20:05:33 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
イスラエルによる Gaza 地区の封鎖に抗議するため Free Gaza のメンバー達が用意した抗議船団に対し、イスラエル軍が5月31日に攻撃した騒動。
先日、国連人権理事会(UN Human Rights Council)が行った例の騒動に関する調査の報告書が公表された。
・Israel:Straight to quangmire 6(2010年9月23日 flagburner's blog(仮))

・UN rights body backs critique of Gaza flotilla raid(2010年9月29日 alternet.org)

ただし、今回の会議では、2008年12月~2009年1月にかけてイスラエル軍が Gaza 地区で行った(略)中の行為を国際司法裁判所(ICC)に訴える案は無視されたみたいだが・・・。
以下、2010年9月29日分 alternet.org『UN rights body backs~』からその部分について(略

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But there was no indication in two separate resolutions tabled at the 47-nation council by the Organisation of Islamic States (OIC) that Israel's critics were aiming to have it taken soon before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

That possibility was raised on Tuesday by a British judge on the council-appointed team that investigated the flotilla raid on May 31, in which nine pro-Palestinian activists, mainly Turks, were killed by Israeli commandos.

Palestinian rights campaigners in Geneva for the council session told reporters that they wanted Israel taken immediately to the ICC over the Gaza fighting in December 2009 and January 2009, in which more than 1,400 Palestinians died.

But diplomats said both resolutions appeared to take heed of public and private appeals from Western countries and the Palestinian Authority to avoid any action that would create new difficulties for the renewed Middle East peace process.
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そんな調子じゃ、イスラエル政府どころかスーダンの Bashir 大統領が ICC への訴追に抵抗しても文句を言えないっつーの。

・Council adopts texts on follow-up on Report of Fact-Finding Mission on flotilla attack and on Committee of Independent Experts on Gaza conflict(2010年9月29日)

以下、2010年9月29日分 ohchr.org『Council Adopts~』から報告書と補足の決議案に対する投票結果を引用する。






さしあたっては、2010年9月29日分ohchr.org『Council Adopts~』から、米国代表こと Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe 氏の報告書本文に関する発言部分を(略

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EILEEN CHAMBERLAIN DONAHOE (United States), speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that the United States was mindful for the loss of life on the Gaza-bound ships in May this year.
The United States commended the Secretary-General for convening the panel to review the results of the investigations conducted by Israel and Turkey.
The United States would continue to regard this panel as the primary instrument to review this incident. The United States remained deeply concerned by the suffering of civilians in Gaza; the situation there was not sustainable and was not in the interest of anyone.
The already existing mechanisms should be used to improve the situation of those in Gaza, and the United States said it would continue to engage daily with the Israelis to increase the scope of goods going into Gaza.
Direct talks between Israel and Palestine were resumed and all parties should be working to advance the cause of peace.
The United States opposed the current resolution, called for a vote and said it would vote against it.
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次は、報告書の補足文書に関する Donahoe 氏のコメントを(略

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EILEEN CHAMBERLAIN DONAHOE (United States), speaking in an explanation of the vote before the vote, said that the United States had been clear in its earlier communications that it would not accept an international oversight of domestic issues.
It had also expressed its conviction that the violations of international humanitarian law that had occurred could be handled by domestic investigations by Israel.
As the fact-finding mission’s report indicated, beyond responding to specific violations, the Israeli military had already changed protocols in order to increase the protection of civilians.
Israel was engaging in the ongoing investigations to establish accountability and to punish those who broke the law.
The United States called on all parties to fulfil their obligations in promoting the respect for international humanitarian law and human rights.
The United States believed that the Committee of Independent Experts was not necessary and called for a vote on this draft resolution.
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つーか、2回目に引用した Donahoe 氏の「国際法と人権を全ての当事者が守ることを呼びかける」ってのも意味不明。



