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Empyrean Age 訳 (1/4)

2008-06-09 01:26:35 | EVEOnline(Patch)
Empyrean Age Patch Notes

Build 53162 to 56722 addresses Patch notes for Empyrean Age

Patch notes for Empyrean Age, released 10 June 2008

(訳注:青字は訳者補足. 緑字は公式に後で追加されたもの.)

Table of Contents

  • Warに関わっていないプレイヤーが,Warに関わっているプレイヤーと同じ Fleetに所属しても,その Warの有効なターゲットになることは無くなります.High Security 宙域では,同じ Gang内でも Warに関与していないプレイヤーが攻撃されると,CONCORDが反応するようになります.
  • 全ての Navy NPC の能力は大幅に強化されます.彼らの与えるダメージは今までより遥かに強大になります.
  • Augoror Navy Issue に置き換わって,Amarr の Tir II Faction cruiser として新たに Omen Navy Issue が加わります.Augoror Naby Issue は Amarrの Tir I faction cruiser として再導入され,Amarr系列の NPC LPストアで購入できます.


World Shaping

  • およそ 60星系から成る新しい Lowsec region "Black Rise" が,Caldari と Gallente の中間付近に出現します.
  • 新たに 4つの Non Player Corporations(NPC企業)が Factional Warfare のために設立されます:
    • 24th Imperial Crusade (Amarr Empire)
    • Federation Defense Union (Gallente Federation)
    • State Protectorate (Caldari State)
    • Tribal Liberation Force (Minmatar Republic)

  • ごく少数の Station が Black Rize region に設置されます.これらの大部分は Caldari軍閥のものです.また,New Eden全般に渡って 4派閥の Militia(民兵軍)の Station が追加されます.
  • 以下の星系から Black Rise に向けた Jumpが開通します:
    • Aldranette (Placid 0.4)
    • Manjonakko (The Citadel 0.3)
    • Ohbochi (Lonetrek 0.4)
    • Tama (The Citadel 0.3)
    • Oicx (Placid 0.3)
    • Karjataimon (Lonetrek 0.3)
    • Piak (Lonetrek 0.7)
    • Abune (Essence 0.3)
    • W-4NUU (Cloud Ring 0.0)

  • 幾つかの Jumpは閉鎖されます:
    • Aldranette <> Manjonakko
    • Ohbochi <> Oicx

  • その他にも,New Eden では更に幾つかの Jumpが開通します:
    • The Bleak Lands
      • New Jump - Anka <> Tannakan

    • Lonetrek
      • New Jump - Haajinen to Elanoda

    • The Citadel
      • New jump - Nagamanen <> Deven (Essence region)

    • Essence
      • New jump - Heydieles <> Old Man Star

    • Placid
      • New jump - Anchauttes <> Odamia

    • Metropolis
      • New Jump - Hagilur <> Thelan (Sinq Laison Region)
      • New Jump - Todifrauan <> Akkio (The Forge Region)

  • 長い間公開されていなかった 6番目の Amarr frigate "Magnate" がリリースされました.この艦は Astrometry と Survay に特化しています.
  • Iteron と Itreon Mark II の Reference(参照)がループしていたのを修正.
  • Augoror Navy Issue cruiser の変更.(以下参照)

    The Navy-issued version of the Augoror cruiser is an extremely resilient piece of hardware able to provide very good support in fleet battles, but it is also a relatively nimble cruiser ideally suited for escort duties as well as smaller skirmishes. Created to fill a void within the ranks of the traditionally slow and lumbering Amarrian fleet, this vessel has fit in perfectly.

    Special ability: 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret Capacitor Usage and 10% bonus to Armor Hit points per level.

    • Slots: 5/3/7
    • Turret hard points: 5
    • Launcher slots: 0
    • Fitting: 310tf, 885mw
    • Drones: 15/15

  • Osprey Navy Issue cruiser の追加.(以下参照)

    Caldari ships have never been renowned for their speed. With this in mind, Caldari Navy engineers set about designing the Osprey Navy Issue. The fastest Caldari cruiser in existence and a formidable missile boat, this vessel gives Navy personnel and State loyalists alike greater opportunities to conduct true skirmish warfare than ever before.

    Special Ability: 5% bonus to Assault, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire and 10% bonus to Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile velocity per level.

    • Slots: 4/5/3
    • Turret hard points: 2
    • Launcher slots: 4
    • Fitting: 365tf, 540mw
    • Drones: 10/10

  • Exequror Navy Issue cruiser の追加.(以下参照)

    The Exequror Navy Issue was commissioned by Federation Navy High Command in response to the proliferation of close-range blaster vessels on the modern stellar battlefield. While it doesn't boast the speed of some of its class counterparts, this up-close-and-personal gunboat nonetheless possesses some of the more advanced hybrid plasma-coil compression subsystems available, making it a lethal adversary in any upfront engagement.

    Special Ability: 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage per level and 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret rate of fire per level.

    • Slots: 4/3/5
    • Turret hard points: 4
    • Launcher slots: 0
    • Fitting: 280tf, 760mw
    • Drones: 20/20

  • Scythe Fleet Issue cruiser の追加.(以下参照)

    The Scythe Fleet Issue is a throwback to earlier days of Minmatar ship design, when the scarcity of resources meant that a single ship needed to be able to do almost everything. While often dubbed a "mini-Typhoon" for this reason, this versatile gunboat nonetheless has nowhere near the defensive capabilities of its larger ancestor. What it does bring to the table, however, is unparalleled agility and unpredictability. A squadron of these ships can be an immense thorn in the side of even the most able and well-equipped fleet commander.

    Special Ability: 5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire and 5% bonus to Assault, Heavy Assault and Heavy Missile Launcher rate of fire per level.

    • Slots: 6/4/3
    • Turret hard points: 3
    • Launcher slots: 3
    • Fitting: 275tf, 745mw
    • Drones: 25/25

  • Omen Navy Issue cruiser が建造され,既存の全ての Augoror Navy Issue と入れ替わります.(以下参照)

    The Omen Navy Issue was originally conceived as a multipurpose search and rescue vessel with strong combat capabilities. In response to the increasing need for ships capable of countering frigate swarms, its designers additionally included a drone bay intended to give the ship a greater range of options when faced with mixed enemy squadrons. The end result is a somewhat more flexible offering than Amarr design philosophy generally dictates, but don't be fooled: this crusher still packs all the punch one would expect from a ship of the golden fleet.

    Special Ability: 10% bonus to Medium Energy Turret capacitor use per level and 7.5% bonus to Medium Energy Turret rate of fire per level.

    • Slots: 6/3/7
    • Turret hard points: 5
    • Launcher slots: 0
    • Fitting: 335tf, 960mw
    • Drones: 25/25

  • ECM burst モジュールに適切な詳細(Description)を加筆.これらは Battleship の ECM Target Jammer Strength ボーナスだけを受けることができます.
  • Miner II, Iteron Mark II, "Spiegel" Reflective Plating I 各アイテムの正しくなかった Variationタブを修正.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations
  • 役職"Caretaker"は Silo を空にできるようになります.


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