

My Bag Design Competition

2010年04月28日 | 日常

I have been super busy. It is my volunteer activity. My last action. My Bag Art Design competition.

Actually, this kind of promotion is usually held by many organizations. It is for reduce plastic bags. Advertise school kids to be participants of My Bag Art Design competition and collect designs. Then select the coolest design and print that design on the bag. This is one of the ways to rising awareness for reduce the plastic bags.
When I was a trainee in Kasumigaseki (Japanese government), I did the exactly same thing when I was there. (at that time I was well taken care by principal and staff)
In Japan, that project was in big scale. But Samoa’s population is about 200,000 and Samoan people love painting. I believe this kind of competition works very efficiently in this country.

サモア政府はこの解決の第一歩として、スーパーなどで使用されるレジ袋は生分解性のプラスチックを50%以上含有したレジ袋(BIO Bag)のみ使う事を法律で定めた。
In Samoa, if we go shopping in vegetable market, shop boy put the things in plastic bag immediately. Yup, it is free. According to data, one person consumes 170 bags in a year in Samoa. Here in Samoa, they never burn rubbish. Simply they are dumped in the soil. Even using Fukuoka method (enhances aerobic bacteria, decompose organic waste faster, less cost), the plastic bags are standing out in the dump site. Samoan government tried to solve this problem by making law which insist plastic bags using in such as supermarkets supposed to be Bio plastic bag(contain more than 50% organic plastic)

What does it mean ‘contain more than 50% organic plastic’? How about rest of 50% of plastic? Will it remain long time? Is there exactly data for rate of decomposition?
My luck of knowledge of plastic bag is sack. But it is clear that we should not mass production and mass consume. My purpose is very simple. I wana decrease the amount of plastic bag. Wana close the entrance!

そして、幸運にもサモアにあるSPREP(South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)という南大洋州の環境組織の目にとまり、スタッフとの数回の打ち合わせの結果、ついにキックオフできる予算を獲得できた!!!
This is my idea. Of course there is no budget. Fair enough. Originally, technically our section does not have budget. Everything is at stake to me. First of all, I wrote my proposal, ran around to get budget. If we gona do something, whatever good plan, bad plan, we need budget. I realize this matter every activity. And I understood how difficult to get budget as well.
I ran around supermarkets they are using plenty of plastic bag, private company with no appointment by myself.
Then I was lucky enough, finally, I got budget for kick of my project from SPREP (they are working for environment in south pacific region) after some meetings with them.

Besides, I’m lucky again. I got budget for printing bags from Digicel( a major cell phone company in pacific region). So my proposal comes true!! I believe.
Actually, I met many difficulties in this point. Barely, finally, they gave me a support. I discussed heard of marketing again and again…

samoa rugby official team jersey. now my favorite

It is no meaning if only print the bag and distribute for customers. We need involve supermarkets around capital city. There are 4supermarkets in capital area. Probably we can involve 3 supermarkets. They will give discount when we carry our own bag when we go shopping and refuse plastic bag. They might contribute to encourage using My Bag by taking part in such as discount system.

We already advertised on news paper about My Bag Art Design Competition, at the same time, I visited schools (primary to college) and lectured about plastic waste, mass production and mass consume, the present condition of waste in Samoa. Incidentally, advertised our competition. My Samoan coworker said he will help lecture but he skip lecture almost all time. But I didn’t give up and continued environment education in school. Then we got more than 200 images for printing bag. It was about double as normal submission in such a kind of competition in Samoa. Cool!! It was worth to have visited schools. And it was featured on newspaper in Samoa.
Then we hold competition with judge from sponsors, of course I judged too.

lectured in school

masterpiece from kids!

over all winning design

bag image 1 now editing

overall winning design college

bag image 2 now editing
Anyway, from proposal to end, I have to do by myself. I am super busy in many ways. With other people’s support, I am working on it. Prepare for printing bags, prepare for official launching ceremony for My Bag. I am hoping people in Samoa can receive small message from this project.
I definitely update about this project again soon.


2010年04月23日 | サモアでの発見

I have been super busy lately… I had not updated blog… bit update….

The other day, it was my daughter’s birthday! I love you cheeky little miss. Love you lovely little miss whatever happens wherever I am. Have a fun of your life. Then please play with your father when I gona back in Japan!

BTW, I had been run around Samoa busily, I got hole in my sandal.
I was just wondering why my shoes get wet so easily. This is why. Well, I covered in glue so far. Hold on 2 months. So my rest of time in Samoa as volunteer is 2 months.
I gona update soon again.