


2015-01-31 14:00:58 | DPRK

2014-9-10 Wed.

[ 答礼宴 ]
The party for returning a courtesy to
the North Korean association which invited us
was held at an exclusive restaurant.

[ 音楽教育のレベル ]
# The tenor who sang " Arirang " is one of
our members.
He majored in " tenor " at
Tokyo University of the Arts and
specialized in " countertenor " at
the graduate school.
He has a range of four octaves.

According to his opinion ,
the level of the music education at school
in North Korea is higher than that of
Japanese school.

* The guides sang vigorously with
very nice voice arm in arm.
It reminded me of my young days.

[ Appendix ]

( to be continued )


2015-01-31 13:00:52 | DPRK

2014-9-10 Wed.

[ Pediatric Hospital ]

Products made in Germany monopolized
the medical equipment in this newly built ,
big and beautiful hospital.
Speaking of a monopoly , most of the cars
which ran on the road were German ones.

This hospital is the biggest and the newest
Pediatric Hospital in this country ,
but it's very odd that I could see
very few patients.

The children seemed to be made to do
rehabilitation against their will.

[ National Theatre ]

We went to the concert by
the National Symphony Orchestra.
They played in a full orchestra with more than
60 players.
But they played military marches except
" Salute d'Amour " by Edward Elgar.

Mother and child who sat in the royal box
must have been mobilized.
They didn't match there.

[ Appendix ]

( to be continued )


2015-01-30 18:00:28 | DPRK

2014-9-10 Wed.

Early in the morning ,
I sneaked out of the hotel
and went out for a walk alone in secret
( without my passport , cos the guide kept it ) ,
but the guide
, who was the de facto watcher ,
had followed me before I noticed him.

When I was going to enter
the Pyongyang station , the guide told me ,
" As you might cause a trouble with a citizen ,
plz don't enter the station. "

The guides were extremely nervous
for us to contact with the ordinary people.

[ Factory ]
The Factory was neat and tidy ,
but the workers did't seem to work hard.

[ Good Harvest ]
I didn't see any fallow rice fields.
Rice grew heavily and
they will have a good harvest of rice this autumn.

[ Kim Il-sung Square ]

September 9th
was the 66th National Foundation Day , so
a military parade
should have been carried out here ,
but this year it was called off.
This country seems to be
awfully poor economically
because of economic sanctions.

And the Square was smaller than I imagined.

[ Appendix ]

( to be continued )


2015-01-30 16:00:00 | DPRK

2014-9-9 Tue. National Foundation Day

[ 太陽宮殿  Kumsusan Palace of the Sun ]


The embalmed bodies of
Kim Il-sung and Kim jong-il
lie inside a clear glass sarcophagus.

Videotaping , smoking , talking
are not permitted anywhere inside the palace.

[ Dolphinarium ]
Performance played by Dolphins
was dull and boring.

[ 平壌冷麺 * 玉流館 ]  

[ 冷やし中華 ]


” 平壌冷麺 ”  was not so yummy.
I prefer Japanese " 冷やし中華 ” to " 平壌冷麺 ”.

[ Riding Club ]
Riders seemed to be mobilized in order to show
to the foreign tourists how the ordinary people
were enjoying riding.

[ Swimming Pool ]

Though it was 3 consecutive holidays ,
there were only few swimmers
in this newly built swimming pool.

[ Buses ]
Every trolley bus was flooded with passengers.

The female employees of the hotel danced
" barndance " to celebrate
National Foundation Day
at the open space in front of the hotel.

They were wearing " chima jeogori " ,
which is the Korean women's traditional outfit
consisting of a " chima " skirt and " jeogori " top.

( to be continued )


2015-01-29 20:00:08 | DPRK

2014-9-8 Mon. / Bon Vacation

[ Juche Tower ]

# At the observatory of Juche Tower ,
the guide explained proudly abt the newly built
condominiums and the sports stadium which
can accommodate 150,000 people ,
but he didn't take us there.
The guides seemed to avoid
for us to meet the ordinary people.

Here I couldn't see the ordinary people.

[ 万寿台 ]


* The association which planned
this tour to North Korea seems to have
a thick diplomatic channel with DPRK.
Kim Yong-nam 金永南 , who is
the chairperson of the national assembly and
No.2 in national ranking , greeted us
with smile and shook hands with each of us.

And he recommended us to sit at
the delegate seat rather than the gallery seat.

[ Appendix ]

( to be continued )