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Issues in Japan (International affairs): China now becoming a rule maker

2022-02-20 | Issues in Japan


This time I would like tentatively share the contents of the article of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper dated February 10, 2022, which was written by Ms. Wu Junhua, Senior Director, Japan Research Institute.

Ms. Wu Junhua analyzed as follows. 

I saw the Olympics as an opportunity to observe the relationship between China and the international community, especially the Western world centered on the United States. 

Through the series of games, I was able to get a rough idea of how the relationship between China and the United States and other countries was moving.

We can find three characteristics in these movements.

The first is that China's attitude toward the international community has fundamentally changed. 

China, once a follower of the postwar international order formed under U.S. leadership, is now becoming a rule maker in the formation of a new order.

When China hosted the Beijing Olympics in 2008, it promised the international community that it would improve the human rights situation.

Now, China has kicked all criticism of its human rights crackdown to the curb. 

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