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Issues in Japan (Imperial family): Empress Emerita Michiko's personal assets

2022-02-20 | Issues in Japan

Empress Emerita Michiko can legally give Maako her personal assets that she has managed for 63 years since her marriage.

I would like to tentatively share the contents of the article of Josei Jishin magazine posted on February 17, 2022.

Three months after their decisive trip to the United States, Kei Komuro and Mako are facing a "moment of destiny".

The New York State bar exam is coming up on February 22 and 23.

At one time, the Komuros were frequently photographed outside the house, but recently there have been no sightings of them.

That's how serious Kei Komuro is about making another attempt.

This is what a Japanese journalist living in the area said.

If Kei Komuro fails the bar exam again, he will likely be forced to change his life plan.

A New York State lawyer, said as follows.

First of all, he will have to face the visa issue.

Kei Komuro's status of residence is most likely still a student visa, and he is probably using the OPT program, which is an extension of that visa.

Then his visa will expire around May this year.

If he can pass the bar exam, he will probably apply for an H-1B visa, which is a work visa for occupations that require a high level of specialized knowledge.

However, if he is not successful and remains in his current position as a legal assistant, there is a good chance that he will not be eligible for an H-1B visa.

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