eラーニング | WARKの最新情報ブログ

eラーニング | WARKの最新情報ブログ

We are looking forward vigorously in WARK booth today

2010-07-29 | eラーニングニュース

We are looking forward vigorously in WARK booth today.

Since the first day, visitors were slightly fewer, but WARK booth, we had you come to customers 250. (Pamphlet out of stock after another) lottery also I'm great! Still, 1 etc. does not come out! Yo have a chance to!

I think today, a major conference also many there, and pretty busy.
I We look forward to seeing you all means.




日本eラーニング大賞 総務大臣賞受賞
eラーニング | WARK

e-Learning Awards Ceremony

2010-07-29 | eラーニングニュース

e-Learning Award Ceremony!

Immediately, I went awards ceremony. Commendation is awarded a person in charge of JINS like
While taking the photo, I have impressed!
This is also thanks to everyone. I'm very much obliged to you.

This time, the Fukuoka nursing e-learning study group Nakamura teacher you are in great care always
And the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award,, El TS who served as vice president Lee of our e-learning content in-house group researcher becomes the triple award and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award, and I'm glad. And I think I'll do my best as hard as possible to thrive on this. Thank you in the future.

It seems to be the number of e-learning conference track E application is great

2010-07-23 | eラーニングニュース

It seems to be the number of e-learning conference track E application is great!
Again, I can ask about the high level of interest of the content to the in-house production.
Yell enters!

For more information

By the way, July 29, track E is Thursday, 13:00 to 16:20.
http://www.elw.jp/conference/program.html # e-truck

If you are not is application, immediately, I would appreciate apply now.
So, thank you.

I am a lecturer at the track E of the 2010 Summer e-Learning Conference

2010-07-17 | eラーニングニュース

Once again, it was decided that a lecturer at the track E of 2010 Summer e-Learning Conference.
Track E is done in my e-learning in-house research group. I attracted a cast of the best for that! By all means, please you come!

e-Learning Conference 2010 Summer track E

Date: July 29 (Thursday) 1:00 p.m. to 4:20 p.m.

E-learning in-house know-how to succeed Theme:

Goal: to understand the overall picture of the workflow of e-learning implementation, phase five
You can view the contents to be done (policy, planning, design, production, operation, effect measurement) in.
Among them, the item to be performed in-house, it may be better to outsource is to isolate the good item,
To acquire the know-how to produce e-Learning quality content efficiently
The goal is to give.
Person of the e-learning user: target

And in-house production program of [Introduction] e-Learning content

Guidelines for in-house production and workflow [Session 1] e-learning
Eye Learning Dreams GK representative Yukio Ishii

Point of Scenario Writing of [the second session] e-Learning
GK Gauloises representative Hiroyuki Tanaka

E-learning video production to learn from [the third session failure]
Panasonic Learning Systems Co., Ltd. Mr. Nakao Yohei

Seven points in the [fourth] session online testing problem created
NPO Japan school education sophistication Institute director Mr. Matsumoto Muneo

[Session 5] operation, effect measurement
Eye Learning Dreams GK representative Yukio Ishii

[Summary and discussion]
Coordinator: Japan e-Learning Consortium e-Learning content
In-house research group leader / WARK Co., Ltd. Representative Director Akihiko Nagase


"It is allowed to dispel the student mood, to wear the professionalism"

2010-07-16 | eラーニングニュース

"It is allowed to dispel the student mood, to wear the professionalism" education seminar experience -

WARK and co. Com our Ken, HR professionals for seminars
Held a "form of training to be early strength of a rookie in 2011"
[Is allowed to dispel the student mood, to wear the professionalism "education experience blending seminar -]

For more information at the following site

The attempt to evolve a corporate training! Steady activity and ambition has gained the sympathy and evaluation of corporate human resources department personnel, site a growing enthusiastic fans, Japan e-Learning Award (management Co., Ltd. Guronesu Consulting) and. Com our Ken The freely from 13:21 August at Shinjuku Bunka Center under the heading of "form of training to be early strength of a rookie in 2011" jointly won the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award of the "Pocket e-learning" and (Yes) WARK I will hold a seminar.

The first half hot blood lecturer for Naniwa wide Masao veteran with company trainers ray, a track record of 22 years (Guronesu Consulting
Course by Representative Director), the second half is the president of (Yes) WARK as a guest speaker, demo content experience and description of mobile e-learning by Nagase Akihiko to serve the director of the Japan e-Learning Consortium, successful case studies, participants at the end with each other
I will also individual consultation and information exchange.

The combination of the eラーニング media, announced a program that can help ensure that you continue to "articles of their own" while learning to repeat the knowledge in conjunction with practice "is allowed to dispel the student mood, wear a professional mind" and effectively and.

■ Specific programs
◎ trend and features of rookie in recent years
◎ three points for the early strength of
◎ experience and explanation of professional training Mind training
◎ for follow-up "mobile e-learning" demo content experience
◎ effect you can expect and how to "mobile e-learning" introduction, success stories
Questions in the application form in advance, and we plan to in the description of the seminar in if there is a demand.

Friday, 13:00 to 17:00 August 20: date and time
Conference Room 3 Shinjuku Bunka Center: Place
Admission: Free
I will assume the lottery in the case of 20 people ※ application a lot: capacity.
Subject: HR professionals and training personnel and human resource development, personnel management and managers
Instructor: for wide Masao (Guronesu Consulting Co., Ltd. Representative Director)
Guest speaker: Nagase Akihiko (limited company WARK Representative Director)

Education IT Solutions EXPO

2010-07-11 | eラーニングニュース

Education IT Solutions EXPO>

Gee, it was amazing!
Rather than education and IT, the Book Fair was Monosugoka~tsu.
And about people who did not impassable Prior to google and letterpress ".

Anyway, interest in e-book will be because this year was higher.
iPad or black ships of the publishing industry?

However, probably there is a business opportunity how much.
It would look good all if in the PDF, and production tools also do not need any.

It is noted in the course of the future.

I think of going to the 2010 Human Capital

2010-07-08 | eラーニングワールド

I think of going to the 2010 Human Capital

Celebration of HRD, I hope if you can study various

Everyone How about?

Are you interested in e-learning in particular pavilion


Human Capital 2010

Employee training is one of the most important challenges for the HR department.
Well as human skills training, and sales force training and language training,
In addition, such as e-learning system to create the program,
More than 30 companies will gather.

Tokyo International Forum (Yurakucho, Tokyo)
Friday, 10:30 to 18:00 July 9 July 2010 (Wednesday) to July
Nikkei BP
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Japan Society for Human Resource Management, National Industrial human capacity development Federation
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, TV Tokyo
It will be free of charge 1,000 yen (tax included) ※ Pre-registration


Want to e-learning with a mobile phone?
Pocket e-learning
e-Learning | WARK

E-learning in-house know-how to succeed

2010-07-06 | eラーニングコンソーシアム

Summer 2010 e-Learning Conference to be held on Wednesday - 7/30 (Fri) 7/28, content in-house research group of our e-Learning Consortium will be announced.

For more information

By the way, July 29, content in-house research group, (Thu) 13:00 to 16:20
E is the track.
http://www.elw.jp/conference/program.html # e-truck

Guidelines for in-house production and workflow [Session 1] e-learning
Eye Learning Dreams GK representative Yukio Ishii

Point of Scenario Writing of [the second session] e-Learning
GK Gauloises representative Hiroyuki Tanaka

E-learning video production to learn from [the third session failure]
Panasonic Learning Systems Co., Ltd. Mr. Nakao Yohei

Seven points in the [fourth] session online testing problem created
NPO Japan school education sophistication Institute director Mr. Matsumoto Muneo

[Session 5] operation, effect measurement
Eye Learning Dreams GK representative Yukio Ishii

It is the best member of the house. I think it is interesting absolutely. E track is the best any way you slice it. The person you have the time, please you come out! I'll be expecting you.


WARK will run through at full speed by the end of July!

2010-07-05 | eラーニングニュース

WARK will run through at full speed by the end of July!
More quickly, more quickly! ! !

e-learning and planning, more speedy, time to get the results from the content creation
I wonder can not be performed. . . . 1 month, unpleasant as it can in one week?

There is no sense at all unless think the information is up to date.
Aiming to match the changes in the world speedy, new forms of e-learning!

We want to continue to run at full speed.

In the future, I ask whether well.