

Mammagamma (Alan Parsons) Zephyrus, Syntheway Strings, Magnus Choir VST Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

2018-04-23 17:54:21 | 日記
Mammagamma (Alan Parsons) Zephyrus, Syntheway Strings, Magnus Choir VST Audio Unit EXS24 KONTAKT

Mammagamma (The Alan Parsons Project cover*) with Zephyrus, Syntheway Strings, Magnus Choir VST for Windows, Audio Units and VST for macOS. Also EXS24 & KONTAKT Sample Libraries (See links below)

1.- Zephyrus VSTi (Presets: Vibrato-Fantasy (as Bassline) and six instances of Clavi-Synth)

2.- Magnus Choir VSTi (Preset: Celestial Choir)

3.- Syntheway Strings VSTi (Preset: Default Strings)

Additional VSTi: FPC Drums

* Mammagamma is an instrumental song from Eye in the Sky album by the British rock band The Alan Parsons Project, released in 1982.

Software Description:

1.- Zephyrus VSTi is a hybrid synthesizer that combines an analog synthesis engine and SoundFont oscillator to produce complex pads and background sounds.

2.- Magnus Choir VSTi: Magnus is a virtual instrument (choral software plug-in) which can be used to create natural and synthetic choirs, using a combination of synthesis and sampling.
Choirs, Vocal Textures and Pads are combined with an advanced sampling engine and synthesizing techniques which make it a versatile instrument, full of expression capabilities. DSP engine delivers a new level of realism in digital sound creation...

3.- Syntheway Strings VSTi: Is a "rich-sounding" sample based string VST instrument.
Its Multisampled Ensemble Strings: Violin, Viola, Cello & Double Bass, has the ability to produce beautiful and lyrical lines, as well as powerful and forceful articulations.

Installation Notes

Windows Requirements:

- Use these Syntheway VST plugins in your favourite DAW MIDI Sequencer host like: Image-Line FL Studio, Ableton Live, Cakewalk by BandLab, Steinberg Cubase, Nuendo, PreSounus Studio One, Cockos REAPER, Mixcraft, etc


macOS Requirements:

- These plug-ins that can be used to process audio by applications such as Logic Pro, GarageBand, Cubase, Ableton Live, REAPER, Studio One Professional, Ardour, MainStage and Digital Performer among others.

- Compatibility with Apple OS X v10.9 “Mavericks”, OS X v10.10 “Yosemite”, OS X v10.11 “El Capitan”, macOS v10.12 “Sierra”, macOS v10.13 “High Sierra”

Magnus Choir is also available for Mac as Audio Unit, VST, NI KONTAKT .nki Library, Apple EXS24 MkII Sample Library:

Syntheway Strings:

Zephyrus VSTi only via free Wine based host called SM Pro Audio V-Machine VFX Software:


Syntheway Virtual Musical Instruments


Facebook: http://facebook.com/Syntheway
Twitter: http://twitter.com/syntheway
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/syntheway-virtual-musical-instruments

#Mammagamma #TheAlanParsonsProject #AlanParsons #EyeInTheSky #MagnusChoir #ChoirVST #VirtualChoir #ChoirAudioUnit #ChoirKONTAKT #ChoirEXS24 #StringsVST #StringsKONTAKT #StringsAudioUnit #VirtualStrings #StringsEXS24 #HybridSynthesizer #VirtualSynthesizer #SynthesizerVST #VSTPlugins #DanielLaiseca #FLStudio #Cubase #REAPER #AbletonLive #CakewalkbyBandLab #StudioOne #Garageband #LogicPro #AudioUnit #SampleLibrary

Mammagamma, The Alan Parsons Project, Alan Parsons, Eye In The Sky, Magnus Choir, Choir VST, Virtual Choir, Choir Audio Unit, Choir KONTAKT, Choir EXS24, Strings VST, Strings KONTAKT, Strings Audio Unit, Virtual Strings, Strings EXS24, Hybrid Synthesizer, Virtual Synthesizer, Synthesizer VST, VST Plugins, Daniel Laiseca, FL Studio, Cubase, REAPER, Ableton Live, Cakewalk by BandLab, Studio One, Garageband, Logic Pro, Audio Unit, SampleLibrary