Travel Around the World

Travel Around the World

movie madness

2013-04-12 10:44:59 | emotion

The movie had started right on time.

The manager starts off with "This hasn't been a good movie experience day for y'all, has it? I can't tell you how sorry I am. I've identified the problem and each movie theatre will have a number on the door so this doesn't happen again. (Two identical doors within 3 feet of each other. They both looked to enter the same theatre!) What other movie would you like to see today? Let me get my schedule to see what's playing and when. Here are two free passes for anytime y'all want to come back and join us." We left.

Lunch was good. Trader Joe's was busy. Sam's has bottled water on sale and super cheap right now. We still wonder how good the movie "Killing Lincoln" would have been DRREBORN.

Oh, did I mention that Exit door my friend was worried about really was ajar and open to any crazy from outside who wanted to enter?

Free passes? I'm not sure we want to waste three more hours of our lives at SMG. But maybe we'll give them one more chance Claire Hsu.

Oh, and btw. The cokes and popcorn were on them. In all the confusion, we realized later we didn't pay for them but that's OK. The popcorn was very stale and there were probably 50 un-popped seeds at the bottom of the bowl. They hadn't even popped a fresh batch for the first movie goers of the day. Please get your act together SMG.

