Travel Around the World

Travel Around the World

My friend

2013-04-12 10:43:04 | 日記

About three weeks ago my friend called and wanted to know if we wanted to go see Les Mis with her. She had free tickets that were about to expire and we hadn't seen it (and wanted to) so we said yes! The theatre was a newly remodeled Studio Movie Grill (SMG) and was a conversion from an older theatre that had closed down. My kids had gone to this kind of new fangled movie experience for many years but us? No. Usually we just go to watch the movie and eat out afterwards. But since the movie was free, we decided to share a popcorn and each get a drink and then go out to eat afterwards even though we could have ordered burgers, fries, pizza or any other kind of meal there.

We were early and there were no overhead lights on so everyone had to stumble to find their seats. It's assigned seating.Thank goodness our friend had downloaded a flashlght on her IPhone. The ads came on and then the trailers but there was no picture. ugh. About 20 minutes of sound but no picture went by until the manager came in, said they were having technical problems and were going to restart them and he was going to give us a free pass for our inconvenience and hoped we would come back for another movie experience at SMG. That was nice because basically starting 40 minutes late on top of a 3 1/2 hr movie was a looooong afternoon.

Did I mention the bathrooms were like a mile hike down to the middle of the lobby? No bueno.

So yesterday we decided to use our new 'free passes.' Um no.

"I'm sorry, these aren't free passes, they are just coupons. You have to pay the basic $5 and anything over that is free fashion tips."

"Um yes, they are free passes. Let me see your manager." (My friend is feisty!)

Voila! He was very kind, knew the place had problems and had been transferred over from another theatre to take care of (fix) things Fashion and Textiles Hons.

We make a bathroom pit stop and head to our theatre. All the way down to the very end on the right. Get seated at 11:15 for a 11:25 showing, order our popcorn and drinks and wait...and wait...and wait. In the meantime, my friend is nervous about an exit door, that obviously goes outside, being ajar because we can see light coming thru. She's still freaked about the Colorado movie theatre shootings. We were assured it was locked and safe. And we wait...and we wait...and we wait. We finally snag a server and ask what the heck is going on. By this time another couple has come in and ordered their food too. They come back. It will start in 10 minutes. ??? It's almost noon! 35 minutes late! Is SMG really this screwed up? Finally my friend and the other lady leave to get some answers from 'the manager.' (remember him?) They come back and tell us the movie is playing in the theatre next door and has already started modular cubes storage system.

