フサフジウツギ (房藤空木 フジウツギ科 Buddleja フジウツギ属 学名Buddleja davidii 落葉低木 花期6、7月 別名ブッドレア 英名は Butterfly bush) 枝が根本から分岐し株立ち状になる。樹高は2,3m。葉は対生、葉身は卵状長楕円形で、葉裏に星状毛が密生し白っぽく見える。枝先から長い円錐状の花序を出し、小花をびっしりと穂状につける。花は基部が長い筒状で先が4裂し、花序の下部の方から順次咲き上がる。花色は紫色、ピンク色などがある。野草のオカトラノオとは縁もゆかりもないけれど、花序の形が似ている。芳香と蜜があるのでよく蝶が吸蜜に訪れており、英名でバタフライ・ブッシュと呼ばれる。
属名Buddleja イギリスの宣教師・植物学者アダム・バドルAdam Buddle(1660-–1715)に因む
種小名davidii フランスの宣教師で博物学者アルマン・ダヴィド(Armand David 1826–1900)に因む。彼はフランス南西部のバスク地方に生まれ、宣教師となって北京に赴任し、中国の博物学調査を行い、ジャイアントパンダの存在をヨーロッパに報じた。ハンカチノキ(学名Davidia involucrate) の属名も彼の名に因んでいる。
日本自生種:フジウツギ(B. japonica )とウラジロフジウツギ(B. curviflora ) ・・・花冠の外側に星状毛が密生(未見)
Adam Buddle (1662 - 1715) was an English cleric and botanist. He was educated at Cambridge University and eventually ordained into the Church of England, obtaining a living at North Fambridge, near Maldon, Essex, in 1703. His life between graduation and ordination remains obscure; he lived at Hadleigh, Suffolk, and established a reputation as an authority on bryophytes. Buddle was commemorated by Linnaeus, who named the genus Buddleja in his honour.
Father Armand David (1826-1900 ) was a Lazarist missionary Catholic priest as well as a zoologist and a botanist.
Born in the north of Basque Country, in Pyrénées-Atlantiques département of France, he entered the Congregation of the Mission in 1848, having already displayed great fondness for the natural sciences. Ordained in 1862, he was shortly afterwards sent to Beijing, where he began a collection of material for a museum of natural history, mainly zoological, but in which botany, geology, and palaeontology were also well represented.
At the request of the French government, important specimens from his collection were sent to Paris and aroused the greatest interest. The Jardin des Plantes commissioned him to undertake scientific journeys through China to make further collections. He succeeded in obtaining many specimens of hitherto unknown animals and plants, and the value of his comprehensive collections for the advance of systematic zoology and especially for the advancement of animal geography received universal recognition from the scientific world.
The most remarkable of the animals found by David which were hitherto-unknown to Europe were the Giant Panda in Baoxing County and Père David's Deer.