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UPDATE 15 [06/10/29: Full]

2006-10-31 | Entry_List
UPDATE 16 [06/10/30 --]
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "OLPCノートまた改名、今度は「XO」", Engadget Japan, Oct 24, 2006
Power Mgmt, Enterprise Storage, データセンター関係メモ IV, 2006-09-29
 "IBM、新しいチップ冷却技術を発表", ITmedia, 2006年10月28日
 "「電力問題の解決には段階的な取り組みが必要」とAMDのショー氏", ITmedia, 2006年09月12日
Celoxica Ships HyperTransport (HTX) FPGA card, 2006-10-25
 "The Microsoft of FPGAs", Michael Feldman, Editor, HPCwire, October 27, 2006
Power Mgmt, Enterprise Storage, データセンター関係メモ IV, 2006-09-29
 "インテル、Energy Starの新基準に支持を表明", CNET Japan, 2006/10/26
 Computer Specification : ENERGY STAR
  Final Computer Specification, Version 4.0
Cray XT3 (ASCI Red Storm) とストレージ, 2006-01-10
 "Thanks for the Memory
  Powerful quantum methods and the Cray XT3 open a door to next-generation magnetic storage"
クロスプラットホームベンチマーク, 2006-02-03
 Sun Ultra 20 M2 (AMD Dual-Core Opteron 1210/512 MB)での、Windows XPと Solaris10の比較
Movidis: 16 MIPS64 Cores (OCTEON CN3860) Server, 2006-08-21
 "Cavium Networks Introduces New OCTEON™ Plus Multi-core MIPS64® Processors with World’s Highest Networking, Wireless and Security Performance
  4-core to 16-core, Gigahertz OCTEON™ Plus CN58XX Processors Double Performance and Extend Cavium’s Lead in Performance per Watt", October 9, 2006
IBM Redbooks: Published books memo [06/09/05 -], 2006-09-05
 "Tuning Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM eServer xSeries Servers"
IBM POWER6, Real World Technologies, 10-16-2006, 2006-10-17
 "Fall Microprocessor Forum 2006 - IBMが次世代サーバプロセッサPOWER6を発表", 安藤壽茂, MYCOMジャーナル, 2006/10/22
Niagara II 関連リンク, 2006-09-25
 "サン、「Niagara 3」チップの設計に着手--さらなる性能アップを目指す", CNET Japan, 2006/10/19
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "Terra Soft to Provide Linux for the Sony PLAYSTATION®3.", 17 October 2006
Power Mgmt, Enterprise Storage, データセンター関係メモ IV, 2006-09-29
 Enterprise Server and Data Center Efficiency Initiatives
 Server Efficiency Benchmark Development
 "Draft Server Energy Measurement Protocol", August 18, 2006
EU:通信データ保存規則の承認 [05/12/15:オリジナル], 2006-01-07
 "FBI長官、ISPのデータ保持義務化を支持", CNET Japan, 2006/10/18
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "Speed is the name of the game for researchers", 11 October 2006
  The University of Manchester
Power Mgmt, Enterprise Storage, データセンター関係メモ IV, 2006-09-29
 Intel Developer Forum Fall 2006 プレゼンテーション資料
  Track => Power Thermal Management
  Track => Enterprise Platform Research
  Track => High Performance Computing
  Track => Server Platfome Technologies
ClearSpeed Press Releases, June 27th, 2006 --, 2006-06-27
 "ClearSpeed and Tokyo Institute of Technology Redefine Expectations for Supercomputing
  47 TeraFLOP TSUBAME Cluster Sets New Record as the First Accelerated Cluster in the Top500", October 09, 2006
 Intel Developer Forum Fall 2006プレゼンテーション資料
  "Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) Enhanced Acceleration for Multi-Core Systems" 
IBM Redbooks: Published books memo [06/09/05 -], 2006-09-05
 "IBM System Blue Gene Solution Problem Determination Guide"
 "IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook"
IBM developerWorks/alphaworks, [06/09/30 -- ], 2006-09-30
 "Integrate GridFTP into Firefox", 10 Oct 2006
IBM developerWorks: System-on-a-Chip (SoC) 解説, 2006-02-17
 "SoC drawer: Eyes inside the silicon", 10 Oct 2006
IBM tips POWER6 Processor Architecture, ISSCC2006, 2006-02-07
 General Decimal Arithmetic, Mike Cowlishaw, IBM Fellow
  "The decimal-encoded formats and arithmetic, as described in the 754r draft, is expected to be shipped
   in the IBM Power6 processor in mid-2007 and also in certain other future IBM processors."
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "Mercury Computer Systems and Barco Federal Systems Announce Collaboration on Sensor Visualization and Data Fusion System
  Companies to design and develop a forward-deployable system for mapping courses of action in counter and human intelligence", Oct 11, 2006
Niagara II 関連リンク, 2006-09-25
 "FallMPF '06: Niagara2: A Highly Threaded Server-on-a-Chip", 10 October 2006
 Fall Microprocessor Forum 2006でのプレゼンテーション資料 (PDF) の公開
Cell Broadband Engine Links VI [06/10/12 --], 2006-10-12
 "Appleのくびきを脱したTerra Soft、世界初のCellベース・スーパーコンピューティングクラスタに取り組む", Open Tech Press, 2006年10月12日
 Folding@Home on the PS3: the Cure@PS3 project
 "CEDEC 2006 - CellプロセッサをGPU的に活用することができるのか", MYCOMジャーナル, 2006/9/14
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "OLPC 100ドルノートPC:リビアが120万台の導入を決定", Engadget Japanese, Oct 12, 2006
 "Hundred-dollar laptop designed with futuristic security", Technology Review, October 09, 2006
IBM developerWorks/alphaworks, [06/09/30 -- ], 2006-09-30
 "Assembly language for Power Architecture, Part 1:
  Programming concepts and beginning PowerPC instructions", 03 Oct 2006
Niagara II 関連リンク, 2006-09-25
 "Sun Niagara2の詳細が明らかに", PC Watch, 2006年10月12日
IBM tips POWER6 Processor Architecture, ISSCC2006, 2006-02-07
 "Intel、AMD、IBM、Sunなど、次世代プロセッサのロードマップ明らかに", ITmedia, 2006年10月12日
 "IBM、次期プロセッサ「POWER6」で「5GHzに近い高速化」を実現--10進数にも対応", CNET Japan, 2006/10/11
100ドルラップトップ (OLPC), Part III [06/09/29 --], 2006-09-29
 "Open hardware and the Marvell wireless chip in the OLPC….", jg's ramblings, October 6th, 2006
Power Mgmt Enterprise Storage, データセンター関係メモ IV, 2006-09-29
 "IBM Licenses Water-Cooling Technology to Global Manufacturer, Panduit Corporation; Expands Access to CoolBlue Innovations", 28 Sep 2006
 "IBM CoolBlue Technology Helps Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Dissipate Heat Emissions in the Datacenter", 28 Sep 2006
IBM developerWorks/alphaworks, [06/09/30 -- ], 2006-09-30
 IBM developerWorks/alphaworksではないですが、POWERシリーズについて良くまとまっています:
 IBM POWER Systems Overview (at LLNL)
Cell Broadband Engine Links V [06/09/08 --], 2006-09-08
 東芝 Cell Users' Group
UPDATE 14 [06/09/22-10/07]


