
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イスラエル/パレスチナ:地上侵攻のもとで民間人に重大な懸念



(Jerusalem, October 29, 2023) – Israel began major ground operations in the Gaza Strip on October 28, 2023. During the last major Israeli ground operation into Gaza in July and August 2014, Israeli forces committed numerous violations of the laws of war – including fatally firing on civilians – that amounted to war crimes. These violations were never prosecuted. Palestinian armed groups also deliberately launched numerous rocket attacks towards Israeli communities in 2014, which are war crimes. They also deployed and kept munitions in areas that unnecessarily put civilians at risk.

(エルサレム、2023年10月29日) イスラエルは2023年10月28日にガザ地区で大規模な地上作戦を始めた。2014年7月と8月のガザにおける従前最後の大規模な地上作戦の際、イスラエル軍は、戦争犯罪に該当する民間人射殺など多くの戦争法違反を行った。それらの違反は一切訴追されていない。パレスチナ武装組織もまた、2014年中イスラエル人コミュニティに向け、多数のロケット弾を発射、それも戦争犯罪である。彼らは様々な地域に弾薬を配備・保管し、不必要に民間人を危険に晒した。

The following quote can be attributed to Tirana Hassan, executive director at Human Rights Watch:


“Israel’s major ground offensive in Gaza, following weeks of bombardment that have reduced large parts of neighborhoods to rubble, raises grave concerns for the safety of all civilians caught in the fighting. Thousands of children and other civilians have already been killed. Palestinian armed groups are continuing to indiscriminately launch rockets at Israeli communities. All civilians, including the many who cannot or do not want to leave their homes in northern Gaza, retain their protections under the laws of war against deliberate, indiscriminate, or disproportionate attacks.”


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