
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ フィリピン:反乱軍が茶番裁判の末に3人を処刑



(New York, November 21, 2022) – The Communist New People’s Army (NPA) in the Philippines executed three people in August after unfair trials before so-called People’s Courts, Human Rights Watch said today. The executions of the men as “counter-revolutionaries,” in trials that violated international humanitarian law, was the latest instance of what the NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, calls “revolutionary justice” meted out against “enemies of the people.”

(ニューヨーク、2022年11月21日) フィリピンの共産党新人民軍(NPA)が今年8月、人民裁判と呼ぶ不公正な裁判の後に3人を処刑した、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(HRW)は本日述べた。国際人道法に違反した裁判で、「反革命分子」とされた男性3人の処刑は、フィリピン共産党の武装部門NPAが、「人民の敵」に下した所謂「革命的正義」の最新事例だ。

The NPA sought to justify the executions, which occurred in the central Philippines province of Negros Occidental, by citing the men’s alleged offenses, including spying for the Philippine military and common crimes such as rape. The armed group also said that the allegations against the men were “submitted before the people’s court” and that it held an “in-depth investigation and trial.” The group did not provide details about the trials, raising concerns about whether the men were present, were provided adequate representation, or had an opportunity to present a defense.


“The New People’s Army has a long history of executing people following trials that don’t meet the most basic standards of fairness,” said Carlos Conde, senior Philippines researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The sparse information provided by the armed group about these recent executions suggests that once again, the most severe punishments were inflicted without any regard for fundamental precepts of international law.”


In a statement, the NPA’s Roselyn Jean Pelle Command confirmed the execution of Benjamin Javoc, 54, chairman of the Lalong village in the town of Calatrava, Negros Occidental, on August 26. The group claimed that Javoc was “notorious for protecting drug dealings within and nearby barangays [villages].” They also accused him of “crimes against the people and the revolutionary movement for being an active military asset mounting intelligence network within the barangay.”

ロセリン・ヘアン・ペレ・コマンド‐新人民軍北部ネグロス・ゲリラ戦線 (RJPC-NPA) は声明で、8月26日に西ネグロス州カラトラバ町のラロング村の長ベンジャミン・ハボック(54歳)を処刑したことを認めた。同武装組織は、ハボックが「バランゲイ(村々)の中や付近における薬物販売を保護していたことで悪名高かった」、と主張、更に「バランゲイ内に情報網を備えるフィリピン軍の現役工作員であり、人民と革命運動に対する犯罪者」だったと非難した。 

On August 12, the group executed Renato Estrebillo, 43, a laborer from Calatrava. The group accused Estrebillo of “tipping off” soldiers from the Philippine Army’s 79th Infantry Battalion in the province, which then allegedly conducted operations in the same town on July 6. The NPA said that two children were injured and one civilian was arbitrarily arrested during the incident. It also alleged that Estrebillo was “notorious for theft of farm products and animals.”

同武装組織は8月12日にカラトラバ町出身の労働者レナト・エストレビージョ(43)を処刑し、彼が西ネグロス州のフィリピン陸軍第 79 歩兵大隊の兵士に「密告」し、それに基づいて同大隊は 7 月 6 日に同町で作戦を実行、子供 2 人を負傷させ、市民 1 人を恣意的に逮捕したと非難、更に「農産物と動物の窃盗で悪名高かった」とも主張した。

On August 7, NPA fighters killed Rodel Nobleza, 37, from another village in Calatrava, for allegedly providing information to the army that led to a raid on the town in April 2019 that resulted in the deaths of two NPA members and a civilian. The NPA claimed he was also a drug dealer.

NPA 戦闘員は8月7日に、カラトラバ町内の別村落出身ロデル・ノブレザ(37歳)を殺害した。彼は軍に情報を提供、それが2019年4月、NPA戦闘員2人と民間人1人が殺害された同町での襲撃に結び付いたと、NPAは非難し更に、ノブレザは薬物の売人だったと主張した。

Human Rights Watch sent several emails and messages to the NPA requesting information about the conduct of the trials and executions, but received no substantive response. However, media reports that could not be corroborated indicated that the three men were not in NPA custody at the time of their executions, suggesting that they had no defense at their trials. Javoc reportedly was shot in his home, Estrebillo was shot as he was stepping out of his house, and Nobleza was killed after alleged rebels stopped him while riding a motorcycle with two children.


In December 2021, the same NPA command confirmed the executions of two people they accused of providing intelligence to the army. The group executed Ponciano Carbajosa, a former paramilitary member from Toboso town, on December 14. The previous day, the group killed Mariel Encarquez, also from Toboso. “Being an active intelligence asset, Encarquez became a legitimate military target,” the NPA stated.


Human Rights Watch has previously denounced unlawful killings and other abuses by the group that violate international humanitarian law and may amount to war crimes.


As a party to an internal armed conflict, the NPA is obligated to abide by international humanitarian law, including common article 3 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Second Additional Protocol of 1977 (Protocol II), to which the Philippines is party. International humanitarian law prohibits the summary killing or mistreatment of civilians in custody or captured combatants, and punishments after proceedings that do not meet international fair trial standards.

国内武力紛争の当事勢力として、NPA は、フィリピンが加盟している 1949 年ジュネーブ諸条約共通第 3 条と 1977 年第 2 追加議定書(第2議定書)を含む国際人道法を遵守する義務を負っている。国際人道法は、拘束中の民間人や捕虜となった戦闘員の略式殺害や虐待、国際的な公正裁判の基準を満たさない手続き後の処罰を禁止している。

Protocol II specifies that courts prosecuting criminal offenses related to the armed conflict must be independent and impartial, and the accused shall have “all necessary rights and means of defense,” among other guarantees.


Throughout its 53-year history, the NPA has executed numerous people found “guilty” by its People’s Courts. Many of those were convicted in absentia, denying them the right to present a defense before an impartial court. The armed group has also killed or tortured allegedly traitorous NPA or Communist Party members, particularly during purges in the late 1980s and early 1990s when hundreds of cadres were accused of being “deep penetration agents,” or spies, for the Philippine military.


The provinces of Negros Oriental and Negros Occidental have long been focal points of the communist insurgency in the central Philippines, resulting in the heavy presence of government troops. In recent years in these provinces, government security forces have been linked to several cases of extrajudicial killings targeting leftist activists and human rights defenders. The Philippine armed forces have also “red-tagged” a number of people from the region, publicly accusing them of working for or assisting the insurgents, putting them at grave risk of attack.


“The New People’s Army should immediately stop executing people after phony trials by phony courts,” Conde said. “The Communist Party should recognize that wanton lawlessness and cruelty is no way to win over the Filipino people.”


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