
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ マレイシア:野党系新聞発行停止を撤回せよ



(New York) - Malaysia's Home Ministry should immediately rescind its order suspending publication of two opposition party newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch also called for repeal of the 1984 Printing Presses and Publications Act.


On March 23, the Home Ministry notified the opposition party Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and its coalition partner Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) that they were prohibited from publishing their respective party newspapers, Suara Keadilan and Harakah, for three months. With three key by-elections scheduled for April 7, 2009, the ban will harm the parties' ability to inform and rally voters. Both parties plan to go ahead with distribution of this week's publications, which are already in print.

3月23日、内務省は野党であるケアディラン・ラクヤット党(Parti Keadilan Rakyat:PKR)とそれと同盟しているイスラム・セ-マレイシア党(Parti Islam Se-Malaysia:PAS)に対して、それぞれの党機関紙、スアラ・ケアディラン(Suara Keadilan)とハラカ(Harakah)の発行を禁止すると告知した。主要3大補欠選挙が2009年4月7日に予定されているので、この発行禁止処分は、有権者に情報を伝え動員する政党の能力を損なうだろう。両政党は既に印刷済みである今週号の配布を強行する計画である。

No official reason accompanied the ministry's action, although in later reports Home Ministry officials said the papers were banned for publishing reports that contravened the ministry's guidelines and permit conditions. Home Minister Datuk Sri Syed Hamid Albar said that the newspapers "were still publishing untrue stories after they were given warnings." He also said that the stories aimed to "instill hatred for the government and leaders."

後のレポートで内務省当局者は、同省の指針と許可条件に違反した報道をしたために発行を停止したと述べたが、当局の行動に関する正式な理由は添付されていない。内務大臣ダツク・スリ・セド・ハミド・アルバル(Datuk Sri Syed Hamid Albar)は新聞2社は「警告された後にも尚、事実でない報道を続けていた。」と述べ、又、それらの報道は「政府と指導者への憎しみを植えつける。」のを狙っていた、とも語った。

"The government may argue it is banning party papers over concern for citizens' welfare, but this is unfair political warfare in disguise," said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "Malaysia's citizens deserve better from their elected leaders."


Despite constitutional guarantees to freedom of expression, the draconian Printing Presses and Publications Act effectively silences criticism of the Malaysian government by requiring newspapers to renew publishing licenses annually. According to the law, the minister's discretion to grant, revoke, or suspend licenses is "absolute" and not subject to judicial review.


Suara Keadilan has faced government interference since it received its first printing permit less than a year ago, eight years after its initial application. In September 2008, the Home Ministry instructed PKR to "show cause" why its publication license should not be suspended after it reported incorrectly that Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan became paralyzed after heart surgery. In February 2009, the government attempted to limit circulation by confiscating thousands of copies from distributors and warning them against selling the newspaper. It is unclear if Suara Keadilan circulation is limited to PKR party members.

スアラ・ケアディラン(Suara Keadilan)は、当初の免許申請から8年を経過した後、初めて印刷を許可されて1年に満たない機関紙であるが、この間、政府からの干渉に曝され続けてきた。2008年9月内務省は、PKR党に警察監督官タン・スリ・ムサ・ハッサン(Tan Sri Musa Hassan)が心臓手術の後にマヒになってしまった、という不正確な報道の後にもスアラ・ケアディランの発行免許証が停止されるべきでなかったのは何故か?に関して「正当な理由」を説示した。2009年2月には、政府は配達業者から数千の新聞を押収し、又、新聞を売ることに関して配達業者に警告を与え、発行部数の制限を試みた。スアラ・ケアディランの発行部数がPKR党の党員数に制限されているかどうかについては不明である。

On February 11, the authorities seized copies of Harakah, in print for 22 years without suspension. On February 26, PAS received a letter from the Home Ministry that it was in violation of its permit in part because Harakah reported on non-party matters.


A third member of the opposition coalition, Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP), has been trying unsuccessfully to renew the license of Rocket, the party paper, since December 2008.

野党同盟の三番目ティンダカン・デモクラティク党(Tindakan Demokratik :DAP)は、2008年12月以来、機関紙であるロケット(Rocket)の免許証更新を申請しているが許可されていない。

"Much of Malaysia's mainstream media, with ties to Malaysia's ruling coalition, rarely run into trouble," said Pearson. "But online journals and other ‘new media' that are critical of the government are easy targets for censorship."


Human Rights Watch also expressed concern with the refusal of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the dominant party in the ruling coalition, to grant six members of the "new media," including Malaysiakini and the Malaysian Insider, access to its annual meeting on March 24-28, 2009. An UMNO official cited their "unfriendly" reporting as the reason. The meeting is of particular importance this year as UMNO will be choosing a new leader. With the current leader, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, stepping down, the new UMNO leader will fulfill his unexpired term, which has another four years to run.


On September 12, 2008, in still another attack on a free press, police arrested Raja Petra Lamarudin, founder and editor of Malaysia Today, under the Internal Security Act, which allows for indefinite preventive detention without charge or trial ( He was accused of demeaning Islam. Although released on technical grounds, the government is appealing the decision. In a separate case, Raja Petra is on trial for sedition on the politically motivated charge of defaming a government leader.

"The Malaysian government needs to allow all voices to be heard," said Pearson. "Freedom of speech is a touchstone of a true democracy."

2008年9月12日自由出版物に対するもう一つの攻撃が行われた。起訴や裁判なしのまま無期限に予防拘禁を認める法律である国内治安維持法を適用して、マレイシア・トデイ(Malaysia Today)の創設者であり編集長であるラジャ・ペトラ・ラマルディン(Raja Petra Lamarudin)を、警察は逮捕したのである。




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