
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ダゲスタンでの過激派による攻撃に人権を尊重した対応を



HRW欧州&中央アジア局長代理 ターニャ・ロクシナ

On June 23, armed militants—apparently supporters of the Islamic State (ISIS)—attacked the two largest cities in Dagestan, in Russia’s North Caucasus region. By day’s end, a church and a synagogue were in flames and a Russian Orthodox priest killed in Derbent, and in Makhachkala, Dagestan’s capital, a church and a police checkpoint near a synagogue were attacked. At least 15 law enforcement personnel and four local residents were killed, and dozens were wounded.

6月23日の日曜日にイスラム帝国(以下アイシス)の支持者と思われる武装過激派が、ロシアの北コーカサス地方、ダゲスタン共和国の2大都市を攻撃した。日付が替わるまでに, デルベントで教会とユダヤ教の礼拝堂各一ヶ所が炎に包まれ、ロシア正教会の司祭1人が殺され、ダゲスタンの州都マハチカラでは、教会とユダヤ教の礼拝堂近くにある警察の検問所が攻撃された。少なくとも15人の法執行要員と4人の地元住民が殺され、数十人が負傷した。

Experts widely link the attacks to failings on the part of security services and the federal government in addressing domestic threats amidst Russia’s war in Ukraine.


In November 2023, Russian authorities failed to prevent or adequately respond to antisemitic mob attacks in Dagestan and other regions of the North Caucasus. Those acts included the takeover of the Makhachkala airport by a mob hunting for Israeli passengers on a flight from Tel Aviv; an attack on a hotel after false rumors it was housing “Israeli refugees”; an arson attack on a Jewish community center under construction; and the use of antisemitic language by protesters at two pro-Palestine rallies.


Russia’s authorities should ensure an effective investigation capable of identifying those responsible for Sunday’s horrific attacks and holding them accountable, while fulfilling their responsibility to protect people from militant attacks.


But will they do so in a way that respects human rights?


Authorities’ response to the monstrous attack in March on a concert hall in the outskirts of Moscow, in which militants killed at least 140 people and ISIS claimed responsibility, show otherwise. Russian authorities tortured and shared recordings of the torture of at least two men of Tajik origin held as suspects for the crime. Security services followed up with abusive raids against Tajiks and other Central Asian migrants. Many faced arbitrary dismissals from jobs, physical intimidation accompanied by anti-migrant slurs and slogans, and xenophobic violence, including destruction of migrant-owned property, beatings by groups of people, and attacks with pepper spray and knives.


For over two decades, Russian authorities have been intermittently battling militant Islamist insurgencies in Dagestan. Their response has included abduction-style detentions, enforced disappearances, torture, and forcible displacement of local residents.


In responding to this week’s attacks, Russian authorities should uphold their human rights obligations instead of perpetuating a climate of lawlessness and impunity for abuses. This, among other things, risks only contributing to sympathy for ISIS and other extremist groups, especially among local youth.


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