
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ギニア:人権擁護者を釈放若しくは起訴せよ



(Dakar, December 3, 2009) – Guinea’s military government should immediately release or bring specific charges against the human rights defender Mouctar Diallo, Human Rights Watch said today. He has been held by the military since November 26, 2009, on what appear to be politically motivated charges. Arbitrary and prolonged pretrial detentions violate Guinea’s obligations under both international and Guinean law.

(ダカール、2009年12月3日)-ギニア軍事政府は人権擁護者モクタル・ディアロ(Mouctar Diallo)を直ちに釈放若しくは、特定の容疑で訴追するべきであると本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。彼は2009年11月26日から軍に拘留されているが、その容疑は政治的動機に基づいているようだ。恣意的かつ長期の審理前拘留は国際法とギニアの国内法の両方の下で、ギニアが負っている義務に違反している。

Diallo, 58, is the director of promotion and protection for the National Observatory for Democracy and Human Rights (ONDH), an independent national institution. He was detained by gendarmes of the elite Anti-Drug and Anti-Organized Crime Unit, which is headed by Captain Moussa Tiégboro Camara, an influential government official. Military sources told journalists that Diallo had been detained for having given an interview to Voice of America radio the day after the September 28 massacre in Conakry, when more than 150 opposition supporters were gunned down in the city’s main stadium and dozens of women were raped by security forces.

ディアロ(58歳)は独立国家機関である国立民主主義&人権観測所(National Observatory for Democracy and Human Rights:ONDH)の擁護・促進担当局長である。彼は、政府内実力者ムサ・ティエグボロ・カマラ大尉に率いられる対麻薬&組織犯罪部隊(Anti-Drug and Anti-Organized Crime Unit)精鋭集団の憲兵に拘留された。軍情報筋はジャーナリストに「ディアロは9月28日にコナクリー(Conakry)で虐殺が発生した後、ボイス・オブ・アメリカ(Voice of America)ラジオのインタビューに、応じたため拘束された。」と伝えた。虐殺事件では市のメインスタジアムで治安部隊により、野党支持者150名以上が撃ち殺され、その他に女性数十名がレイプされている。

“There seems to be no legitimate reason for Diallo’s detention, much less by the unit in charge of serious crime and drug trafficking,” said Corinne Dufka, senior West Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch. “This appears to be yet another attempt by the Guinean military government to silence opposition voices.”


The National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD) took power in a bloodless coup in December 2008, following the death of long-time authoritarian president Lansana Conté. Since then, it has consolidated control of the country’s political affairs, failed to hold the free and fair elections it promised, and steadily and violently suppressed the opposition. The perpetrators of these abuses have enjoyed near-complete impunity.

「民主主義と発展のための国民評議会(CNDD)」は2008年12月、長期にわたる独裁的大統領だったランサナ・コンテ(Lansana Conté)の死亡後、無血クーデターで権力を掌握した。以来同評議会がギニアの政治問題のコントロールを一元管理しているが、公約だった自由で公正な選挙を行わず、徐々にかつ暴力的に反対勢力を弾圧してきている。それらの人権侵害を行った犯人は完全な不処罰に近い措置を享受している。

At various times throughout the year, the coup leader, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, has lifted and then reinstated a ban on political and union activity. He also imposed a ban on mobile phone text-messaging and political discussions on radio talk shows. Immediately following the September 28 violence at the stadium, the security forces rounded up and detained dozens of demonstrators in military camps around Conakry, seriously mistreating, and even torturing, many of them.

クーデター指導者ムサ・ダディス・カマラ(Moussa Dadis Camara)大尉はこの1年様々な機会において、政治運動や労働運動の禁止令を撤回してはその後再発令してきた。彼は携帯電話を使ってのメール通信とし、ラジオ局トークショウでの政治的議論を禁止した。9月28日スタジアムでの暴力弾圧直後から、治安部隊はデモ参加者数十名を一斉検挙しコナルキー周辺にある軍事基地に拘束、その内の多くに激しい虐待を行い、拷問さえも加えている。

Not one of those detained since the September violence, including Diallo, has been taken before the courts to bring formal charges, in violation of international and Guinean law. Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Guinea has signed and ratified, states that anyone arrested must be informed at the time of the arrest of any charges and also must be brought promptly before the courts. Absent any charges, Guinea’s Code of Penal Procedure, 1998, article 60, limits the time a detainee may be held before being brought before judicial authorities to 48 hours. An extension of 48 hours – for a total of 96 hours or four days – is allowable only with the intervention of a public prosecutor or investigating magistrate. Article 6 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, also ratified by Guinea, equally prohibits arbitrary detention.


It is unclear whether Diallo, who suffers from hypertension and diabetes, has received medical care while in detention. His wife, Djenabou Diallo, has been allowed to visit him only to deliver food.

高血圧と糖尿病を患っているディアロが拘留中に医療を受けているかどうかは不明である。妻のドゥジェナボウ・ディアロ(Djenabou Diallo)は食料を届けるためにだけ面会を許されている。

“It seems Diallo has done nothing wrong except to speak candidly to the press about a grave episode in Guinea’s history,” Dufka said. “If the authorities have evidence he has committed a crime, they should charge him with it; otherwise, they should let him go immediately.”


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