
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スーダン紛争が世界最大の国内難民発生を煽っている



2024年1月31日 HRWアフリカ調査員 モハメド・オスマン

Last week, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported that 10.7 million people have been uprooted from their homes in Sudan, including 9 million displaced internally—two-thirds since the conflict broke out in April 2023. Sudan now has the highest rate of internal displacement in the world, even surpassing Syria’s 7.2 million. This grim record should be a wakeup call.


Behind these figures are many stories of personal upheaval and devastating decisions. “We had to leave everything behind: our older and sick relatives who couldn’t travel, and our homes and belongings,” said a 57-year-old woman forced to flee Wad Madani town when it came under attack by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), one of Sudan’s two warring parties, in December. “My father is almost 80. Another relative has a chronic heart condition, and another relative is an amputee. They just couldn’t cope with the long trip.” More than half a million people were displaced following the attacks, around half of whom had already had to flee fighting in Khartoum hoping to find safety in Wad Madani.


The outlook is devastatingly bleak across the board. According to the UN, 20.3 million people in Sudan face severe hunger, more than 70 percent of hospitals in conflict-affected areas aren’t functioning, and 19 million children are out of school.


Sudan’s warring parties are to blame. Neither the RSF nor the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) have shown regard for civilian lives. For nine months, Human Rights Watch and journalists have been documenting SAF’s indiscriminate bombings, the targeting of activists, and widespread abuses by the RSF, including pillage and rape connected to their occupation of residential areas. Both the SAF and RSF have been actively hampering aid delivery, with the SAF hindering access to aid workers and supplies, or point-blank denying access, and the RSF repeatedly looting humanitarian supplies.

スーダンの戦争当事勢力に責任がある。RSFとスーダン軍(以下SAF)のどちらも民間人の命に敬意を払うことはなかった。HRWとジャーナリストは9ヶ月の間、SAFによる無差別爆撃、活動家を標的にした攻撃、そしてRSFによる占領住居エリアに関係した略奪・レイプを含む広範な人権侵害を記録・取りまとめてきている。SAF は RSFは共に援助物資の配布を盛んに阻み、SAFは援助事業従事者と援助物資へのアクセスを妨害、或はあからさまにアクセスを否定し、RSFは人道援助物資を繰返し略奪している。

Despite the horrific human toll, the international response to the conflict has failed to prioritize civilian protection, ensure warring parties are held accountable for their blatant disregard for international humanitarian law, or ensure civilians can at least access assistance.


The humanitarian effort is woefully underfunded. The 2024 Sudan Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) requires US$2.7 billion to carry out relevant operations across Sudan, however only 3.1 percent of this is funded. The United Nations Security Council allowed the Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan, of which civilian protection was a key pillar, to be scrapped almost overnight, with no adequate alternative in its place or adequate discussion of the country’s civilian protection needs.

人道的取組にはひどく資金が不足している。 2024 年スーダン人道ニーズ対応計画(HNRP) では、スーダン全土における関連活動の実施には 27 億米ドルが必要としているが、その内資金提供されているのは僅か 3.1% だ。民間人保護を重要な柱としていた国連スーダン統合移行支援ミッションが、適切な代替案や同国における民間人保護の必要性について十分な議論もないまま、ほぼ一夜にして廃止されることを国連安全保障理事会は認めた。

These numbers show that global inaction costs lives. Concerned governments need to ramp up funding, including to local response groups. They also need to finally put real pressure on warring parties to allow unfettered and safe humanitarian access and take concrete action when these parties once again violate these basic principles of international humanitarian law.


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