
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イラン:取締りを中止せよ



(New York, June 19, 2009) – The Iranian government should immediately end its nationwide crackdown on opposition activity, Human Rights Watch said today. The scale of the crackdown is apparent in the arrest of scores of reformist politicians, intellectuals, and journalists across Iran on June 17 and 18, together with violent attacks by police and state-sponsored militias against largely peaceful demonstrators, Human Rights Watch said.


Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on June 19 issued a warning that protests against the country’s disputed presidential election results must end and that political leaders would be blamed for any violence. Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks followed several public statements by leading officials in the past week threatening a crackdown against protesters.

イラン最高指導者アリ・ハメネイ師(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)は、争いが起きた同国大統領選挙の結果を巡っての抗議運動は終結しなければならず、暴力が発生したら政治的指導者の責任が問われる、という警告を発した。ハメネイ師の発言は、先週政府高官が行った、抗議者に対する取り締まりの恫喝となる、幾つかの公式発言を受けてのものだった。

“Peaceful protests are a fundamental right,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch. “The government needs to stop its harassment and intimidation of its critics, including peaceful demonstrators.”


Other signs of the nationwide crackdown include attacks by security forces and state-sponsored militias on university student dormitories (a traditional stronghold of opposition protesters), the severe disruption of internet and mobile telephone communications, and restrictions on international and domestic media reporting on the protests against alleged election fraud.


In past years, peaceful student protests, as well as labor unrest and protests by ethnic minorities, have been met with a harsh crackdown from the authorities including physical attacks by security forces and pro-government Basij militias on protesters, mass arrests, and the torture of some detainees ( ). The last major round of student protests in Tehran occurred in 1999, but this week’s demonstrations in Tehran and other Iranian cities appear to be by far the biggest since the Islamic revolution of 1979.



Iran is bound by international human rights law, in particular the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which it ratified in 1975. Under the covenant, Iran is required to recognize and protect key human rights, including peaceful assembly and freedom of association.


Widespread Arbitrary Arrests


Since protests started on June 13, following the release of the disputed results of the June 12 election, Human Rights Watch has confirmed from sources across Iran the arrest of hundreds of opposition and reformist activists. Those arrested include prominent political and religious leaders on the reforming wing of the political establishment as well as leading intellectuals, journalists, and students. The arrest of hundreds of protesters, including university students in Tehran and Mashhad, has been reported by unofficial Iranian internet news sites.


According to reliable reports, beginning on June 13, security forces began arresting leading reformers, including: Mohammad Reza Khatami, member of the Central Committee of the leading reformist party, the Islamic Iran Participation Front and the brother of former President Mohammad Khatami; Behzad Nabavi, founding member of the reformist Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Party; Mohsen Mirdamadi, secretary-general of the Islamic Iran Participation Front; Mostafa Tajzadeh, a leading strategist in the Islamic Iran Participation Front and former deputy interior minister; and Shaeed Shariati, a member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Iran Participation Front. The following day three, leading opposition journalists – Taghi Rahmani, Reza Alijani, and Hoda Saberi – were arrested, but were released within 48 hours.

信頼できる報道によれば、6月13日日付が変わった直後から、治安部隊は主要な改革派を逮捕し始めたそうである。逮捕者の中には、主要な改革派政党、イスラム・イラン参加党(Islamic Iran Participation Front)の中央委員会委員でありかつ前大統領モハマド・ハタミの弟でもあるモハマド・レーザ・ハタミ(Mohammad Reza Khatami)、改革派イスラム革命聖戦士党(Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Party)の創立メンバーであるベーザド・ナバヴィ(Behzad Nabavi)、イスラム・イラン参加党事務総長モーセン・ミルダマディ(Mohsen Mirdamadi)、イスラム・イラン参加党の主要な戦略家であり前内務副大臣だったモスタファ・タジザデー(Mostafa Tajzadeh)、イスラム・イラン参加党中央委員会委員シャイード・シャリアティ(Shaeed Shariati)などが含まれている。その翌日には、主要な政府反対派ジャーナリスト3名、タギー・ラーマニ(Taghi Rahmani),レザ・アリジャニ(Reza Alijani), ホダ・サベリ(Hoda Saberi)が逮捕されたが48時間以内に釈放された。

On June 16, the security forces arrested: Saeed Hajjarian, a former adviser to former President Khatami who was severely disabled in a March 2000 assassination attempt; Mohammad Ali Abtahi, also known as “the blogging Mullah,” a leading adviser to the reformist presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi who chairs the Institute for Religious Dialogue and sits on the central council of the reformist-oriented Association of Combatant Clerics; and Abdolfattah Soltani, a leading human rights lawyer who directs the Defenders of Human Rights Center and had previously been detained from July 2005 until March 2006.

6月16日、治安部隊は、前大統領ハタミの前アドバイザーであり、2000年3月に起きた暗殺未遂事件で重度障害者になっていた、サイード・ハッジャリアン(Saeed Hajjarian)、宗教的対話機構(Institute for Religious Dialogu)の議長であり、改革派指向の戦う聖職者たち(Association of Combatant Clerics)中央理事会理事でもある、改革派大統領候補メーディ・カッロウビ(Mehdi Karroubi)の主要アドバイザーであり、“ブログ界の宗教的指導者(Mullah)”としても知られるモハマド・アリ・アブターイ(Mohammad Ali Abtahi)、そしてヒューマン・ライツ・センターの守護者(Defenders of Human Rights Center)を運営し、2005年7月から2006年3月まで拘禁されていたアブドルファッター・ソルターニ(Abdolfattah Soltani)の各氏を逮捕した。

On June 17, security forces detained Dr. Ebrahim Yazdi, Iran’s first foreign minister after the revolution and secretary-general of the opposition Freedom Movement of Iran, at Pars Hospital, where he was undergoing medical treatment. He was later returned to the hospital from Evin prison, but remains under guard. Saeed Laylaz, the prominent economist and business reporter for Sarmayeh newspaper who is one of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s most outspoken critics, was arrested on June 17 at his home.

6月17日、治安部隊は、革命後最初の外務大臣であり野党イラン移動の自由党(Freedom Movement of Iran)の事務総長である、イブラヒム・ヤズディ(Ebrahim Yazdi)を治療を受けていたパルス(Pars)病院で逮捕した。彼は後に、エヴィン(Evin)刑務所から病院に返されたが、看守の監視の下にある。著名な経済学者でありサルマイェー(Sarmayeh)新聞の経済記者でもあるサイード・ライラズ(Saeed Laylaz)は、マハムード・アフマディネジャド(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)イラン大統領を最もズバズバと批判してきた者の1人であるが、6月17日に自宅で逮捕された。

Among other prominent figures reported to have been detained are Abdollah Ramezanzadeh, the spokesperson during the Khatami presidency and a leading member of the Islamic Iran Participation Front: Bagher Oskouiee, a leading campaign official for Karroubi; Amir Mardani, a member of Karroubi’s campaign staff; Mohsen Aminzadeh, former deputy minister of foreign affairs and a supporter of the reformist presidential candidate Mirhossein Mousavi; Mohammad Atrianfar, an opposition journalist and senior adviser to former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani; and Mohammad Tavasoli, the director of the political office of the Freedom Movement of Iran. It is also reported that other members of the Karroubi campaign staff have also been arrested in Tehran and Tabriz. Dozens of other arrests of lesser-known activists, students, and politicians have also been reported to Human Rights Watch.

逮捕されたと伝えられている著名人にはその他に、ハタミ大統領政権の報道官でありイスラムイラン参加党の主要メンバーであるアブドッラー・ラメザンザデー(Abdollah Ramezanzadeh)、カッロウビの大統領選挙運動の主要幹部バグアー・オスコウイエー(Bagher Oskouiee)、カッロウビの大統領選挙運動員アミル・マルダニ(Amir Mardani)、前外務副大臣であり改革派大統領候補ミルホッセイン・モウサヴィ(Mirhossein Mousavi)の支持者であるモーセン・アミンザデー(Mohsen Aminzadeh)、反政府ジャーナリストで前大統領アクバル・ハシェミ・ラフサンジャニ(Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani)の上級アドバイザー、モハマド・アトリアンファル(Mohammad Atrianfar)、イラン移動の自由の政治事務所所長モハマド・タヴァソリ(Mohammad Tavasoli)、などがいる。又、他にもカッロウビ選挙運動員が数名、テヘランとタブリズ(Tabriz)で逮捕されたと報道されているし、あまり知られていない活動家、学生、政治家数十人が又逮捕されている、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは報告を受けている。

Although Human Rights Watch has not been able to determine the circumstances of all of these arrests, in none of the cases it has examined did the authorities provide any document or warrant at the time of arrest. Associates of some of those detained contacted by Human Rights Watch indicated that their families have not heard from them since their arrests.


The wife of one of those arrested told Human Rights Watch that the arresting authorities presented no summons or other legal documents when taking her husband into custody. Since then, she said: “for five days, we have not received any information on where he is and his health condition. That makes us very concerned.”


The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 9, states that “no one shall be subject to arbitrary arrest or detention.” It requires Iran, as a state party, to ensure that everyone arrested is informed at the time of their arrest of the reasons for their detention, as well as any criminal charges against them, and brought before a judge or judicial officer to review their detention.


A Violent Crackdown by State-Sponsored Militias and Security Forces


Since the protests began last week, units of the state-sponsored Basij paramilitary militia and government security forces have engaged in sporadic violence against demonstrators and opposition activists. On a number of occasions, the Basij militia, which was founded during the 1979 revolution and is subordinate to the Revolutionary Guards, has attacked student dormitories, beating the students and ransacking their rooms. Basij militia members have arrived in large groups at mass demonstrations, normally on motorcycles, to attack protesters.

先週抗議が始まって以来、バシジ準軍事組織民兵と政府治安維持部隊は、デモ参加者や反政府活動家に対して散発的に暴力を加えてきた。1979年イスラム革命時に創設され、革命防衛隊(Revolutionary Guards)の従属下にある、バシジ(Basij)民兵が多くの場合において、学生寮を襲撃し、学生に暴行を加え、学生の部屋を荒し回っている。バシジ(Basij)民兵は大きなデモに、通常バイクに乗って多数のグループで乗りつけ、抗議者を襲撃する。

In Tehran, official media reported that seven people were killed at an incident at a Basij base on June 15 in the Azadi Square district, although it has not elaborated on the circumstances of those killings. Human Rights Watch has called for an investigation into the incident ( ).

テヘランでは、6月15日にアラディ広場(Azadi Square)地区でバシジ民兵基地の事件で、7名が殺害されたと、国営メディアが伝えていたが、殺害が起きた状況については詳しく伝えていない。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはその事件への調査を求めた。(

In another incident reported by local and foreign media, including the Amirkabir University newsletter ( ), Basij forces invaded dormitories at Tehran University on June 14, attacking students and burning some of their rooms. Amateur film footage of that attack appears to show black-clothed Basij militia members armed with sticks and other weapons chasing students. There have also been reports of violent attacks by security forces on demonstrators and students in the provincial towns of Shiraz, Isfahan, Tabriz, Bandar Abbas, and Mashhad. The Iranian government has attempted to suppress news from those towns by shutting down communication networks and banning reporters from traveling outside Tehran. International journalists who were present in provincial capitals such as Isfahan say that the crackdown in those towns has been even more violent than in Tehran.

アミルカビル(Amirkabir)大学通信など地元及び外国メディアはその他に、バシジ民兵部隊が6月14日にテヘラン大学の学生寮に侵入し、学生を襲撃・学生の部屋の幾つかを焼いた事件を伝えている。アマチュア・カメラマンが撮った現場映像には、棒その他の武器で武装した黒ずくめのバシジ民兵が学生を追い掛け回している場面が映っている。又、シラズ(Shiraz)、イスファファン(Isfahan)、タブリズ(Tabriz)、バンダル・アッバス(Bandar Abbas)、マシュハド(Mashhad)の地方都市で、デモ参加者や学生に治安部隊が暴力的な襲撃をかけたという報告がある。イラン政府は通信網を遮断し、記者がテヘランの外に出るのを禁止して、それらの都市からニュースが流されるのを食い止めようと試みた。イスファファンのような都市に居合わせた外国人ジャーナリストは、それらの都市での取り締まりはテヘランよりも一層暴力的だったと語っている。

Throughout the week, residents of Tehran and other Iranian cities have reported sightings of Basij militia armed with clubs and chains patrolling the streets, stopping passers-by and beating up those suspected of involvement in anti-government protests. Many protesters can be identified by their green clothes or armbands, as that color has become the symbol of support for Mousavi.


Mousavi filed a complaint with Iran’s state national security council that plainclothes agents used sticks, metal rods, and firearms to “attack the lines of peaceful participants before the arrival of the security forces.”


One resident of Tehran told Human Rights Watch that he had seen Basij militia members operating in various parts of the city, including Vanak Square, the focal point of many reformist gatherings. The Basij moved about in groups of about 20 on motorcycles, beating and harassing protestors with batons. “People were coming through peacefully, chanting, but not provoking the Basji militia members,” he said. “But they [the militia members] came forward and beat people.” Human Rights Watch has received similar reports of unprovoked violence by the Basij militia and Iranian security forces from other parts of Tehran and other Iranian cities.


The Iranian Parliament has taken some steps to investigate violent attacks. On June 16, Ali Larijani, the speaker of parliament, created a committee to investigate “unfortunate incidents” at a Tehran University student dormitory on June 14, in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election. The following day the deputy speaker of parliament, Mostafa Abutorabi, said that “plainclothes individuals entered the dormitory without being on a mission from their responsible institutions.”

イラン国会は暴力的な襲撃に対する調査をするため、幾つかの措置を講じてきた。6月16日国会議長は、争いが起きた大統領選挙の結果、6月14日にテヘラン大学学生寮で起きた「不幸な事件」を調査するため、委員会を創設した。翌日副議長のマスタファ・アブトラビ(Mostafa Abutorabi)は、「私服の個々人が責任官庁の任務としてではなく寮に入った。」、と述べた。

In the past, the Iranian government has failed to hold the Basij militias accountable for violent attacks on opposition activists and protesters ( ). During some of the violent attacks against protesters by Basij militias this week, witnesses have reported that police and other formal uniformed security forces were often present but failed to intervene.



Warnings of a Crackdown on ‘Criminal’ Protests


Government officials also appear to be engaged in an organized campaign to discredit and criminalize those engaging in peaceful protest. Leading government and pro-government figures have claimed the latest protests are a result of a Western-sponsored conspiracy.


On June 11, the eve of the election, Yadollah Javani Mousavi, political head of the Revolutionary Guard, warned that authorities would crush any attempt at a popular “revolution” and said they would not tolerate the formation of a post-election political force under the banner of the candidate Mousavi's “green movement.”

6月11日、投票表日前夜、革命防衛隊の政治的な責任者である、ヤドッラー・ジャヴァニ・ムサビ(Yadollah Javani Mousavi)は、当局は如何なる大衆「革命」の企てをも叩き潰すと警告し、大統領候補ムサビの「グリーン・ムーヴメント」の旗の下で、選挙後の政治的な部隊が形成されることを容認しない、と述べた。

On June 15, the Revolutionary Guard’s “Center for Review of Organized Crime” issued a statement accusing several Iranian blogs and websites of promoting “street riots” and “rebellious behavior,” warning that “our legal action against them will cost them dearly.”


On June 18, Mohammadreza Habibi, the prosecutor-general of the province of Isfahan, threatened protesters “controlled by foreigners” that they could face the death penalty, stating that the punishment for “waging war against God is execution.”

6月18日イスファファン州の検察長官、モハマドレーザ・ハビビ(Mohammadreza Habibi)は、「神に対して戦争を仕掛けたことに対する刑罰は処刑である。」と言明し、「外国人に支配された」抗議者は死刑に遭う可能性があると恫喝した。

On June 19, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, gave a sermon following Friday prayers at Tehran University, again endorsing Ahmadinejad as the winner of the disputed presidential elections and demanding an end to the street protests, ominously warning that “if there is any bloodshed, leaders of the protests will be held directly responsible.” The sermon could give the green light to a broader, more violent crackdown on the opposition.

6月19日、イラン最高指導者アリ・ハメネイ師(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)は、テヘラン大学での金曜礼拝に引き続いて説教を行い、結果を巡って争いが起きた大統領選挙でのアフマディネジャドの勝利を再度承諾し、街頭での抗議を終結するよう要求するとともに、「もし流血の事態になったならば、抗議運動の指導者は直接責任を問われる。」、と不吉な警告を発した。その説教は反政府勢力に対する、より広範かつ、より暴力的な取り締まりに、ゴーサインを与えた可能性がある。

Attempts to Shut Down the Media and Communications in Iran


The government has sought to disrupt the flow of information about the demonstrations, banning the foreign and domestic media from reporting on unauthorized protests and rallies, intimidating bloggers, and seeking to block websites that have been a vital tool for the opposition movement.


The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has refused to extend the short-duration work visas of foreign journalists currently in Iran, and has ordered them not to attend or report on unauthorized opposition protests and rallies without permission from the ministry, which has not been granted.

文化イスラム指導省(Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)は、イランで現在、外国人ジャーナリストに対する短期間労働ビザの延長を拒否、同省の許可(与えられたことがない)なく、未承認の反政府系抗議運動や集会に出席し、それに関しての報道をしないよう命令してきた。

Authorities have also placed the domestic press under severe censorship: on June 17, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance ordered two major opposition dailies, Hayat e No and Aftab e Yazd, not to publish, stating this was because of their prominent coverage of the peaceful opposition protests. Mohammad Atryanfar, the publisher of a number of opposition newspapers including Hamshary, Shargh, and Shahrvand Emrouz, was detained on June 15 and remains in detention.

当局は又、国内報道機関を厳しい検閲のもとに置いて来た。6月17日、文化イスラム指導省は、反政府系2大日刊新聞ハヤト・エ・ノ(Hayat e No)及びアフタブ・エ・ヤズド(Aftab e Yazd)に発行停止を命令し、2紙が非暴力反政府抗議運動への派手な報道を行ったためだと言明した。ハムシャリー(Hamshary)、シャルー(Shargh)、シャールヴァンド・エムロウズ(Shahrvand Emrouz)などの反政府系新聞の発行人モハマド・アトリャンファル(Mohammad Atryanfar)は6月15日に逮捕され、拘留され続けている。

Mobile phone and text messaging networks have also been switched off sporadically. Since June 12 censorship and filtering of websites has intensified. In the past three days Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, and other internet-based communication tools have been blocked or interrupted by the Iranian authorities. Several Iranian journalists in Tehran told Human Rights Watch that slowed internet connections, blockage of websites, and disruption of mobile phone and text networks have severely hampered their ability to report on events.


International law, in particular article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights requires Iran to protect freedom of expression. The covenant states that this right specifically includes the “freedom to seek, receive and impart information of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art or through any media.”


Human Rights Watch called on the Iranian government to stop arresting peaceful protesters and opposition supporters, and to free those it has already detained. It should allow all Iranians to exercise their rights to demonstrate peacefully and to express and receive information freely from any source. Authorities should end all harassment, especially acts of the violence by security forces and Basij militias against peaceful protesters. The acts of violence by security forces that have taken place should be immediately investigated, and perpetrators of unlawful violence should be prosecuted.


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