イラン: 石打による死刑の報告
Human Rights Watch has received reports that a court in the northern Iranian city of Rasht has upheld a sentence of death by stoning against Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami. The reports also indicate that the sentence, which Iranian judges have sometimes imposed for “moral offenses” such as adultery, will be carried out imminently.
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチはイラン北部のラシュト(Rasht)市の裁判所がマハマド・アリ・ナビド・カマミ(Mohammad Ali Navid Khamami)に対する石打による死刑判決を支持する判断を言い渡した、という報告を受けた。イランの裁判官が不倫などのような「道徳犯」に対して科す場合が多い、この判決は直ちに執行されるであろうことを報告は示している。
Rooz Online, a Persian- and English-language website staffed by Iranian journalists living outside of Iran, and the group Iran Human Rights both said that they have received credible information that the sentence against Khamami will be implemented shortly.
If carried out, this would be the second stoning execution in Iran, and in Rasht, in 2009. Rooz Online and Iran Human Rights reported in March that a court in Rasht convicted Vali Azad of adultery and sentenced him to death by stoning. The sentence was reportedly carried out shortly afterwards.
もし執行されれば、2009年になってイラン及びラシュト市で2度目の石打による死刑となる。ローズ・オンラインと、イラン・ヒューマン・ライツは、3月にもラシュト市の裁判所がバリ・アザド(Vali Azad)の不倫容疑に対して有罪とし、石打による死刑に処す判決を言い渡したことを報告した。伝えられるところによるとその判決はすぐ後に執行されたという。
In December 2008, two men were reportedly stoned to death in Mashhad, Iran. The stonings were later confirmed by Iranian authorities.
“Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty in all circumstances,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Stoning is a particularly cruel form of capital punishment that grossly offends the inherent dignity of all human beings.”