
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ フィリピン:暗殺部隊を否定する複合構造


2014年2月6日 カルロス・コンデ

Rodrigo Duterte, the mayor of Mindanao’s Davao City, has a novel strategy to address the problem of rice smuggling: murder the suspected smugglers. At a public hearing of the Philippine senate this week, Duterte boasted that if a notorious suspected smuggler tried to do business in Davao, “I will gladly kill him.”


Duterte’s comments are no laughing matter. Davao’s long-time mayor has a track record of threatening alleged “hoodlums” with deadly violence. Not surprisingly, Duterte’s mayoralty coincided with the operation of “death squads” in the city that have killed hundreds of drug dealers, petty criminals and street children since 1998. In 2001-2002, Duterte would announce the names of “criminals” on local television and radio – and some of those he named would later become death squad victims. No one has been successfully prosecuted for any of these murders. In the meantime, the killings continue.

ドゥテルテの発言は、笑いごとではない。長年ダボス市長を務めたドゥテルテは、 “やくざ”と言われた人々を、激しい暴力で脅迫してきた経歴がある。同市の「暗殺部隊」は1998年以降、数百人の薬物取引業者・軽犯罪者・ストリートチルドレンを殺害してきており、その活動と、ドゥテルテの市政が重なるのは驚くに値しない。2001年から2002年にかけ、ドゥテルテは地元のテレビやラジオで「犯罪者」の名前を公表、彼が名前を挙げた者の一部はその後、暗殺団の犠牲者となった。それらの殺人事件で、有罪判決に結び付く訴追を受けた者はおらず、その一方で、殺人は続いている。

Duterte’s threat was appalling. But equally disturbing was the lack of condemnation by lawmakers. Senator Cynthia Villar, chairperson of the Senate Food and Agriculture Committee, which held the hearing, expressed sympathy with Duterte’s approach to crime control. “In Mindanao, you have to be tough because if not, there will be several abuses,” Villar said. Senator Grace Poe expressed concern about how children might misconstrue Duterte’s threat, rather than its affront to rule of law.


This tolerance from lawmakers for Duterte speaks volumes about the failure of successive Philippine governments to address the country’s problem of extrajudicial killings. Such killings are down considerably from the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Nonetheless, 12 journalists were killed in 2013, bringing the total number of Filipino journalists and media workers killed to 26 since President Benigno Aquino III took office in June 2010. In only six of those 26 cases have police arrested suspects. Leftist activists, including environmental advocates, have been among those targeted. A much-vaunted initiative by the government to address impunity – the creation in 2012 of a so-called “superbody” to expedite the investigation and prosecution of cases of extrajudicial killings – remained largely inactive in 2013 even as new cases were reported by domestic human rights groups.


Duterte is the embodiment of impunity in the Philippines. Legislators who ignore or, worse, seek to justify his abusive tactics not only insult the victims of such killings and their families, but also undermine efforts to bring them to an end. The Philippines deserves better.


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