
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ バーレーン:人権保護活動家の自宅が襲撃される


(Manama) - Unknown assailants lobbed teargas grenades at the home of a leading Bahraini human rights defender in the early hours of April 18, 2011, Human Rights Watch said today. The attack, which took place at 3:30 a.m. in the village of Bani Jamra, targeted the home of Nabeel Rajab, head of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and a member of the Human Rights Watch Middle East Advisory Committee.

(マナーマ2011年4月18日)-2011年4月18日未明、正体不明の襲撃者がバーレーンの指導的人権保護活動家の自宅に、催涙弾数発を放り込んだと本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。バニ・ジャムラ(Bani Jamra)村で午前3時30分に起きた襲撃は、バーレーン・センター・フォー・ヒューマン・ライツ(Bahrain Center for Human Rights)代表でありかつヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ中東委員会委員である、ナビール・ラジャブ(Nabeel Rajab)氏の自宅を狙ったものだった。

Rajab said two of the grenades spread gas into the adjacent home of his 78-year-old mother, who suffers from respiratory disease, causing her great distress. The third grenade did not detonate. To Human Rights Watch's knowledge, only Bahrain's security forces have access to the types of grenades that were thrown into the Rajab family's compound.


"This attack certainly appears to target Nabeel Rajab for his human rights advocacy," said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Bahraini authorities need to investigate this incident and hold those responsible to account."


Markings on the grenades identified them as Triple Chaser CS 515 grenades, manufactured by Federal Laboratories in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania. They were thrown over a high wall that surrounds both his home and his mother's, Rajab said. He said that everyone was sleeping in the two houses at the time, and that he was unaware of any unrest in the neighborhood at the time.

「催涙弾の標識には、トリプル・チェイサーCS 515(Triple Chaser CS 515)催涙弾、ペンシルバニア州ソルツブルグ(Saltsburg)フェデラル・ラボラトリー(Federal Laboratories)製造と記載があり、ラジャブ氏と母親の自宅を囲む高い塀を越えて投げ込まれた、その時は皆2件の家の中で就寝中であり、同氏も隣の騒動に気がつかなかった。」とラジャブ氏は話していた。

On April 10, officials publicly accused Rajab of fabricating photos posted on his Facebook site of the body of Ali Isa Ibrahim Saqer, who died in detention on April 9. The photos showed slash marks all over his back and other signs of physical abuse. A Human Rights Watch researcher saw Saqer's body just prior to his burial and said the photos were accurate.

当局は4月10日、「フェイスバックの同氏サイトに載せた、4月9日に拘束中に死亡したアリ・イサ・イブラヒム・サケル(Ali Isa Ibrahim Saqer,)の遺体の写真は、ラジャブ氏が捏造したものである。」と公式に批判していた。サケル氏の背中全体にある切り傷など、身体的虐待の痕跡があるのを写真は明らかにしていた。ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチの調査員は、埋葬直前にサケル氏の遺体を調べており、その写真は本物だと語っている。

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