



Japan has enormous potential to encourage human rights reforms in Asia and beyond as one of the most developed countries, a party to most major international human rights treaties, and a major provider of international aid and development assistance. In recognition of Japan’s ability to become a world leader in the area of human rights, Human Rights Watch founded an office in Tokyo in April 2009.


Virtually every day brings news of a new or renewed human rights crisis, so it is clear that the role Japan needs to play is enormous. Even focusing only on our Asian neighbors, civilians are being killed in conflicts in Burma and Afghanistan; governments are crushing protest movements in Burma, Tibet and Xinjiang, Viet Nam, and Uzbekistan; security forces and armed groups are abducting, torturing and/or killing people in Sri Lanka, North Korea, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. In some cases, like Burma, elections were plagued by military intimidation and abuse of opposition supporters, and widespread violations of civil and political rights.

Japan continues to be one of the top donors to many countries with some of the worst human rights records in Asia, including Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. While Japan has significant leverage to influence these governments’ human rights practices positively, Japan has used that leverage only occasionally.


HRW’s Japan office supports the investigations conducted by Human Rights Watch researchers around the world, brings them to a Japanese audience, and uses their accurate and detailed findings in our advocacy work. HRW’s Japan office will continue to push the Japanese government to live up to its own stated commitment to human rights and to incorporate a stronger human rights focus into its foreign policy.


While our Tokyo activities must promptly follow crises and abuses as they happen and therefore cannot all be planned beforehand, our efforts in FY 2012 will include the following priority issues, among others:


         Sri Lanka.  As the largest bilateral donor among the OECD countries, Japan has significant influence on this post-conflict nation.  The defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by government forces came with an enormous loss of civilian lives. Human Rights Watch’s research and advocacy opened the eyes of the world to the horrific human rights abuses inflicted on civilians during the final months of the war between the government and the separatist LTTE.  Tens of thousands of civilians were killed during the last five months of the war. The government illegally confined almost 300,000 people displaced by war in large detention camps, and it is still violating the rights of many people suspected of involvement with the LTTE. Addressing allegations of war-time abuse is a crucial element of reconciliation in a deeply divided Sri Lanka.  The recommendations made by the UN Panel of Experts in 2011 should backed by UN member states. While Japan has shown its strong commitment to Sri Lanka by providing large amount of humanitarian aid, it has failed to adequately speak out against the Sri Lankan government's human rights violations. Stronger criticism from Japan can make a real difference. We will continue to work to raise the public profile of human rights abuses in Sri Lanka and support investigations conducted by HRW researchers. Further, we will continue to regularly brief Japanese officials on our research findings in Sri Lanka, and continue to recommend concrete actions to address abuses. We will also encourage Tokyo to suppport international investigations to hold those accountable of serious rights abuses during the civil war.      

  • スリランカ 


         Burma.  Japan has a longstanding relationship with Burma, which is ruled by one of Asia’s most abusive governments.  Japan has employed a policy of engagement towards Burma, characterized by largely ineffective efforts at “quiet diplomacy” on human rights issues for years. When the former Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada pushed Burma for open and inclusive general elections, the Burmese government refused to comply with his requests. HRW will work to raise the public profile of Burma’s serious human rights abuses and support investigations that are conducted HRW researchers. Furthermore, we will continue to encourage Japanese officials to consider our research and accordingly re-evaluate Japanese foreign policy toward Burma, moving it from “quiet diplomacy” to a position supporting a UN Commission of Inquiry on Burma, and using more assertive diplomacy.


日本はビルマと長く関係を保って来ているが、同国はアジアで最も人権侵害的な政府に支配されている国でもある。日本がビルマとの関係において採用している政策は、長年、人権問題に関して概して効果がないとされてきた「静かなる外交(quiet diplomacy)」である。日本政府の前外務大臣岡田克也氏が、オープンかつ包括的な総選挙実施に向けてビルマに働き掛けをした際、ビルマ政府は当時外務大臣だった岡田氏の要請に従う事を拒否した。HRWはビルマの重大な人権侵害に対して市民の関心を高めるよう活動するとともに、HRW調査員が行う調査を支援していく。更に私たちは、日本政府当局者にHRWの調査結果を検討し、それに沿ってビルマに対する外交政策を見直し、国連ビルマ問題調査委員会を支持すると同時に、「より主張する外交(assertive diplomacy)」を行う姿勢に、「静かなる外交」から転じるよう働きかける活動を継続していく。

         North Korea.  North Korea is one of the world’s most repressive states. Japan has led the efforts to shed light on human rights abuses in North Korea, including drafting and leading the effort to pass an annual resolution on North Korea at the UN General Assembly. But Japan’s interest in North Korean human rights issues continues to focus first and foremost on the cases of Japanese abductees. Japan is in a unique position to shed a light on the suffering of ordinary North Koreans as well by investigating the fate of close to 100,000 Korean and Japanese who migrated from Japan to North Korea from 1959 to 1984. Japan should also offer greater assistance to North Korean asylum seekers, serve as a voice for human rights in the Six Party Talks, lead international efforts to seek information and demand accountability for abductees of all different nationalities, and provide crucial food aid (with proper monitoring) to the most vulnerable North Korean populations facing famine. Human Rights Watch will continue to work to raise the public profile of human rights abuses in North Korea and support investigations by HRW researchers. Human Rights Watch will also continue to encourage the Japanese government to broaden its focus and to lead efforts to pressure North Korea on human rights in international forums.



In order to effectively advocate with the Japanese government on its foreign policy, Human Rights Watch will continue our efforts to raise our profile in major Japanese media including newspapers, television, and radio. The weekly TV show hosted by Kanae Doi which has operated since April 2009 is a very important tool for us to deliver our findings and messages. To raise awareness on global human rights issues and also to raise Human Rights Watch’s profile, we plan to organize different seminars/conferences/events on our own, in addition to speaking at numerous seminars and conferences of other organization. We also plan to hold meetings of our supporters in Tokyo several times a year, and we will continue our efforts to deepen and broaden our base of supporters in Japan.


Furthermore, we will undertake efforts to network with other Japanese human rights organizations, and urge them to join our advocacy efforts to reform and improve Japan’s foreign policy with respect to human rights. To date, many other Japanese human rights groups have not focused significant advocacy efforts on Japanese foreign policy, but we believe that we can persuade them that this is an area with great potential for impact.


To advance our focus on reforming Japanese foreign policy, Human Rights Watch will seek assistance to conduct research on Japanese policy and practices. One such initiative will be to hire a consultant to research the aid policy and practices of Japan. Human Rights Watch will examine the human rights policies of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the world’s largest bilateral aid provider, and publish the findings into a report which will provide an overview of Japan’s aid policy and practices, review the implementation of the principles of Japan’s ODA Charter, and recommend how Japan’s aid policy and practices should be revised to increase attention on human rights issues.

日本の外交政策改革に対して私たちの意識を集中されるという課題を前進させるため、HRWは日本の政策とその実施に関する調査を行う支援を求めて行く。そのような1つのイニシアティブで、日本の援助政策とその実施に関する調査を行うべくコンサルタントを1名雇い入れることになるだろう。HRWは、世界最大の2国間援助提供団体である日本国際協力機構(JAICA)の人権政策を調査し、そこで明らかにした事実を報告書にして発効する予定である。それは日本の援助政策とその実施に関する概要を提供するとともに、日本のODA 憲章の理念における実行面を洗い直し、更に日本の援助政策とその実施が人権保護問題への関心を高めるために、どの様に改正されるべきなのかについて勧告する事になるだろう。

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