
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ロシア/シリア:立ち往生の民間人に空爆、死者多数

Russia/Syria: Deadly Airstrikes on Trapped Civilians

Cluster Munitions, Attacks on Main Roads, Residential Areas in Idlib Area



(Beirut October 31, 2017) – The Russian-Syrian joint military operation has carried out unlawful airstrikes in recent weeks that have killed civilians trapped in northern Syria, Human Rights Watch said today. The ongoing attacks and the lack of escape routes highlight the dangers facing civilians in the area and undermine any notion that Idlib can be considered safe for civilians.


Russian and Syrian aircraft started the attacks on Idlib province and surrounding areas on September 19, 2017. A Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson stated that it was responding to a large-scale offensive in the area by Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which includes fighters from the group Jabhat Fath al-Sham, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, an affiliate of Al-Qaeda. However, evidence Human Rights Watch collected indicates that some of the attacks struck markets and populated residential areas, including camps for the displaced. The attacks used cluster munitions and explosive weapons with wide-area effect in populated areas.


“Two million civilians in Idlib are sitting ducks,” said Nadim Houry, terrorism and counterterrorism director at Human Rights Watch. “Rather than a safe zone, Idlib has effectively become in some parts a ‘killing zone’ with escape routes closed.”

「イドリブの民間人200万人は, 無防備です」、とHRWテロ及び対テロプログラム局長ナディム・アウリーは指摘した。「安全地帯というより、イドリブの一部は事実上、避難路が閉ざされた“虐殺地帯に”なっています」

On September 15, Russia, Iran, and Turkey agreed to a ceasefire zone in Idlib province and parts of Hama and Western Aleppo, as part of a de-escalation agreement. One of the main armed groups in the area, HTS, which includes fighters from Jabhat al-Nusra, was not part of the agreement, however. The de-escalation zones are often referred to as safe zones.


Turkey appears to have all but closed its border with Idlib province to Syrian refugees. As fighting continues in Syria with offensives by the Syrian government, Russia, and HTS, this cuts off one escape route for civilians in Idlib, who have said they feel it is dangerous to try to reach other parts of Syria. On October 16, Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority announced that it was prepared to receive refugees from Idlib, but maintained that waves of refugees were unlikely to occur. Turkey has yet to open its border except for urgent medical cases, and only temporarily according to witnesses. The United Nations has said that 2 million civilians are currently in Idlib province, half of them displaced people.


Human Rights Watch investigated three air strikes conducted after September 19. The three attacks killed at least 72 people, including at least nine children, according to local witnesses and first responders. Human Rights Watch also reviewed photos and video footage showing remnants of cluster munitions in four attacks and investigated one of them, which reportedly killed two civilians, in greater depth, interviewing witnesses and residents.


Prior to the September offensive, fighters and civilians from other parts of the country and Syrian refugees in Lebanon had moved to opposition-controlled territory in and around Idlib province, following local evacuation agreements. In July alone, Idlib received upward of 24,000 displaced people, including thousands of Syrian refugees from Lebanon and thousands more fleeing fighting in other parts of the country. Russian-Syrian strikes have hit at least two displacement camps since September 19, according to local reports, and killed at least four displaced people according to witnesses.


Russia has claimed that the offensive came in response to a large-scale offensive by HTS against Syrian troops in the Idlib de-escalation zone on September 18, which led to the encirclement of a platoon of 29 Russian military police in the area. Sources close to HTS told local news outlets that HTS opened its offensive to undermine the de-escalation agreement. Russia and Syria responded with massive firepower, with Russia’s military stating on September 20 that in “the past 24 hours, 187 facilities were hit by airstrikes and artillery fire, and about 850 terrorists were destroyed.” The attacks on Idlib province and surrounding areas continued for at least 10 days after that.


Since September 30, the intensity of attacks has reduced, but local media and the Syria Civil Defense, which provides search-and-rescue operations, reported that airstrikes continued to hit civilian areas as recently as October 8.


Russia has denied that it is targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure and claimed that the targets were “far away” from residential areas, but Human Rights Watch has documented numerous attacks on residential neighborhoods as well as a main road lined with shops in the city of Jisr Al-Shughur. Local activists and first responders estimate that 102 airstrikes hit Jisr Al-Shughur between September 19 and 28, killing 55 people and injuring 135. The attacks destroyed significant parts of the infrastructure in the city and surrounding areas and led to the evacuation of two hospitals in the city, according to statements by Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders - MSF) and the local council.

ロシアは、民間人と民用インフラを狙っていることを否定し、標的は居住地域から「遠く離れていた」と主張したが、居住区とジスル・アッシュグール市内の店舗沿い主要道路が、多数回攻撃された事実を、HRW は検証・取りまとめた。地元活動家と救急救助隊員は、ジスル・アッシュグールは9月19日から28日までの間に、102回の空爆を受け、55人が死亡、135人が負傷したと推計している。国境なき医師団(MSF)と地元評議会の声明によれば、攻撃は同市内のインフラを大きく破壊し、市内の2病院が避難する事態に繋がった。

The attacks led people from Jisr Al-Shughur to flee to nearby displacement camps. A camp manager on the border with Turkey said that approximately 12,000 people fled the city and surrounding areas following the attacks.


On September 28, MSF found that the airstrikes had put four hospitals in Idlib and Hama provinces out of service. On October 5, the UN Regional Humanitarian Coordinator said in a statement that between September 19 and 30, 149 people had died from airstrikes on residential areas in Idlib.


At least some of the attacks Human Rights Watch documented were indiscriminate and therefore prohibited under international law. Russia and Syria used cluster munitions, which are inherently indiscriminate, over the towns of Qalaat Al-Madiq, Jisr Al-Shughur, and Al-Tamaneh, among others, in populated areas.


They may have used enhanced blast weapons, also called fuel-air explosives or “vacuum bombs,” in populated areas. More powerful than conventional high-explosive munitions of comparable size, these weapons inflict extensive damage over a wide area and produce indiscriminate effect in populated areas. Human Rights Watch documentation shows the strikes caused what appears to be significant destruction, implying use of heavy firepower, in heavily civilian populated areas, including main roads and shopping and residential areas, potentially violating the principle of proportionality, which says that harm to civilians must be proportionate to the military gains.


On October 12, Turkey deployed troops inside Idlib province, Anadolu Agency reported. The Syrian government responded with a statement calling on Turkey to immediately withdraw, per news reports.


Russia and Syria should comply with the laws of war in its military operations and take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian casualties, including taking adequate steps to determine that the sites targeted served a military objective and distinguishing between civilians and combatants. Russia and Syria should allow independent investigations into these strikes and make information about them available. All parties to the conflict should ensure that civilians can flee the fighting in safety, including to seek refuge in Turkey, and respect the laws of war in their military operations in Syria.


“The intense fighting in Idlib and the uncertainty surrounding the area’s future exposes the myth that Idlib is a safe area for Syrians to return to,” Houry said.


This investigation is based on 16 remote interviews by Human Rights Watch researchers with first responders, local residents, hospital staff, and relatives of victims involved in the three attacks. Human Rights Watch also reviewed images and videos available as open source information, and provided to Human Rights Watch directly by local witnesses and first responders.


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