

subject to penalties

2013-03-12 11:43:29 | cameras

“Like any new program there teco dc motor have been some hiccups during implementation -- some early adopters have experienced delays and complications sometimes arising out of a lack of familiarity on the part of CBSA border agents with the new policies and procedures – but on balance most have experienced faster clearance or believe clearance will be expedited once the bugs are worked out,” Bradley said. “We remain committed to working with CBSA to get the eManifest program in place. An automated border is the key to a more efficient border.”

For those carriers that are not yet compliant with the program, Bradley encourages them to “get with the program” now. “If you wait until the 45 day notice period before starting to get ready, you won’t have enough time to be in compliance when the program does become mandatory,” he warned.

During the dc motor speed controlcurrent informed compliance period, the CBSA is monitoring compliance with eManifest and providing feedback to non-compliant carriers. Carriers are not denied entry to Canada nor are they subject to penalties if found to be in non-compliance during this period.

Once the eManifest highway carrier requirements become mandatory CBSA must receive and validate highway carriers' electronic cargo and conveyance data a minimum of one hour before commercial goods arrive at the border. Non-compliant carriers will be subject to penalties.

Highway carriers can choose between two options to transmit their cargo and conveyance data to the CBSA: 1) the eManifest Portal or 2) an Electronic Data brushless dc motor Interchange (EDI) method (Value Added Network, Customs Internet Gateway, Direct Connect to the CBSA and Third Party Service Providers).

On arrival at the border, drivers are required to present an eManifest lead sheet to the CBSA officer.

Release processes will not change with the implementation of eManifest and carriers must continue to provide importers/customs brokers with advance release data/documents for goods being released at first point of arrival.
