


2013-01-12 11:34:11 | cameras

Standing the Solar Cell overlooking the south, a white column "big guy " stands under a blue sky; one hundred pieces, large glass panels, reflect the sun's light to it.

The recently completed the big guy is our country, but also Asia's first solar thermal power station of the heat absorbing tower. One of its builders, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of electrical engineering researcher Wang Zhifeng can't believe: 4 years ago, here or a weed-infested wilderness, now became a scenery of the Great Wall.

Metamorphosis is the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of electrical engineering behind, led by the 863 project team as well as 13 project construction unit, to build experimental station on 1000 day study and hard work.

Initially do mirror

Encounter wind like wild ducks random flap the wings

Before 2006, our country in solar thermal power generation technology is a blank, building solar thermal power station is without precedent.

And Wang Zhifeng said, because there is no experience, no matter the installation, debugging and other work, there will be a lot of beat all the difficulties.

Power plant construction, an important part is to make high precision, low energy heliostat, let these " sunflower " can gather enough sun light, the light into electrical energy.

" Power, beam center temperature reaches 1600 degrees Celsius, a slight error, not only can collect heat, heat absorbing tower will also be burned. " Wang Zhifeng says.

Before our country never made a commercial heliostat. Researchers in more than 10 years of scientific research on the basis of accumulation, repeated tests, developed a different area and structure of 8 kinds of heliostat; after 4 generations of update, finally made the high precision, light weight, low power consumption, quick installation of heliostat.

" We just started out doing mirror, like the wild duck, encounter wind is indiscriminate shooting ' wings '; now Badaling even if there are six or seven levels of gales, deflection is not more than 0.2 degrees, the error was reduced to hair thickness.

To solve the difficult problem of the installation, the now 100 square meter mirror, a staff of two up to two days can be installed. " Emperor Ming technology R & D center vice minister Yu Jiawu said.
