Story's Goo Blog

yay!! videos for PSP, Play-Yan and iPod video

Happy New Year!

2006-01-28 23:46:55 | Weblog
It's the Year of the Dog! I was born in the year of the Dog

AAA - Hallelujah

This is the theme song to the drama Gachibaka. I haven't watched it but apparently it's a lot like Gokusen. The song is ok.
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BoA - Everlasting

The song is ok. It's kind of a power ballad.
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Crystal Kay - Kirakuni

One of my favourite songs at the moment <3 Download You're Too Late

melody - see you...

It sounds nice but I think there's too much english in this song... or too much japanese. She either starts of ends a sentence in english and.. i dunno.. it makes her japanese sound funny. I'm no expert but her japanese seems to have an american accent. Maybe it's the constant changing from japanese to english =/ I haven't checked out her blog for ages - you can find the link at the side :D
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Aiko Kayo - Hold on to love

I really like this song. It's a cute soft rock pop song. I haven't checked out her blog for a long time either. The link is at the side too :D
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Perfume - Computer city

I like this song. I like the blue highlights in their hair. It sounds like they're singing "Computer shitty" XD
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Anna Tsuchiya - Change your life

It sounds alright.. I'm not too fond of her rock/punk image =/
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Mika Nakashima - CRY NO MORE

Did she film the video in america? It looks like she's in the south like Mississipi or Alabama. I only listened to it a couple of times and the chorus is stuck in my head. I think she needs to cover her forehead
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2 コメント

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??? (Ash)
2006-01-30 00:03:13
Nuuuu!!!! the kirakuni link doesn't work! T3T

but good stuff none the less, I took Gackt! Hotness...but why does he have cornrows and shirley temple curls??? o_o;
Unknown (Asuka)
2006-02-05 07:05:29
Didn't take anything this time, but "computer shitty"... lmao.