
Intention of Pilgrimage 2018

2018年01月25日 | ●English (英語版)
Ave Maria! Immaculata!

Dear Pilgrims!

Where ever Our Lady appears, she promises peace - and she brings peace.
In times, when both exterior and interior peace are so terribly threatened, God wants to show us, that there is no solution besides him: “Without me you cannot do anything!”
However, he decided to grant the gift of peace to nobody else than to Our Lady, that by her intercession , peace may be granted.
She who is called “Queen of peace”, surely wants to give to her children this immense gift, under one condition: That we ask Her sincerely for this grace!
That is the reason of our pilgrimage to Akita:

We ask her for the grace of peace for our nations terribly threatened, peace of our families, and above all - for peace in our souls, which is nothing but the fruit of our love of God and the neighbor.

We ask her sincerely: if a child asks his mother for a great favor and at the same time refuses to obey her but offends her, such a child is not sincere. In Akita we want to learn from herself to be sincere. We will be reminded of all that she wants from us! In the year 2017, the great jubilee of Fatima and the Militia Immaculatae, Our Lady revealed us again, what she wants from us! In 2018 we want to collect the whole message of Our Lady in one immense bouquet of flowers, gather all the fruits of the year of Fatima in our hearts, and with this treasure we can be sure, that our love towards her is sincere!

So she can pour into us the gifts of peace and grant to her poor children all the graces we need so terribly to keep the peace in our hearts in midst of the troubles of our times, to finally reach the eternal peace in heaven!

Rev. Fr. Karl Stehlin
District Superior of Asia, SSPX
Head Chaplain for the Pilgrimage to Akita 2018


