
Intention of Pilgrimage 2014

2010年04月29日 | ●English (英語版)
Intention of the SSPX 8th Official Pilgrimage to Akita

My dearest Brethren,

Ave Maria!
Our dear Pilgrims of Akita
The year 2014 is so special for us because it is the 800th anniversary of the Holy Rosary given to us through Saint Dominic by Our Lady as we know it today (according to the testimony of Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort). And it is the 170th anniversary of the official consecration of Japan to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

By Divine Providence, this year the 5th Rosary Crusade started from January 1st (until June 8th) upon the request of Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX. The District of Asia of the SSPX desires, under the leadership of District Superior, to spend the entire year 2014 as year of the Holy Rosary.

And this 8th Pilgrimage will have a great joy to see Fr Daniel Couture, Fr Marian Kowalski from Poland, and Mr John Vennari of Catholic Family News, among us pilgrims. We want to spend very meaningful time together with the pilgrims coming from all over the world. In order to have the desired results of this pilgrimage, I would like to propose two things: Rosary and Consecration.

First proposal is to make it as "Pilgrimage by Holy Rosary".
"Then, the only weapons which will remain for us will be the Rosary and the sign left by my Divine Son. Every day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the bishops and priests. … Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. It is only I who can help you from the coming calamities. Those who will rely on me will be helped." (Our Lady of Akita)
I would like to suggest to you, dear pilgrims, that, during our pilgrimage, we would pray 800 rosaries by all the pilgrims together, in commemoration of its 800th anniversary. I hope this would be possible with your generous participation.

The second proposal is to make it as "Pilgrimage of Thanksgiving" for the grace of Consecration of Japan.
Please allow me to quote what the late Fr Yasuda wrote few years ago in his book:

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After bloody persecutions for 295 years, at last, Fr. Forcade, M.E.P., a French missionary of the Paris Foreign Mission Society, came to Japan with his desire of re-evangelization of Japan. On May 1, 1844, arriving at the port of Naha, Ryukyu, he celebrated the Mass in a room on the warship. After thanksgiving prayer, he consecrated Japan, this new mission territory, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I would like to quote the text of that Consecration, reported by Bishop Wasaburo Urakawa in his book, "Resurrection of the Christians" (Book one).

"Oh, most holy Heart of Mary, most ornate of all hearts, most pure, most noble; heart ev-erlasting fountain of goodness, of meekness, of mercy and of love; admirable sanctuary of all virtues, and most sweet model; Heart inferior only to the Divine Heart of Jesus; that Ryu-kyu islands, entrusted to me though very unworthy, as first to be evangelized at the present time, thus, as far as it is my capacity, and as much as it belongs to me, I offer, I place, I say, I consecrate them under Thy special patronage. Especially, I promise, if, even only for few islanders, who converted from their vain cult of idols to the Christian faith, where a very small chapel would have been constructed, with the mission being started and established, I shall do all without any delay, so that this entire kingdom [of Japan] may be placed publicly and officially under [Thy] same patronage by the Holy Apostolic See."

"Oh, most merciful Heart, most powerful Heart towards the Divine Heart of Jesus, Heart which no one ever prayed in vain, despise not my most humble prayers, convert my most miserable heart to better disposition. Dissipate the evil of this mind so surrounded by darkness. Deign to obtain for me the spirit of humility, of prudence, of wisdom, and of for-titude among such difficulties and such dangers."

"And through Thy mediation, may the Almighty and merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, not disdain to use this vile instrument so that "He may confound the strong", "that He might bring to nought things that are" (1 Cor 1:27-28); and may, at last, convert, guide, lead this people sitting in the darkness and the shadow of death from long centuries, to the light of holy Gospel and the life everlasting. Amen."

Afterwards, Japan's political course changed. Japan woke from its long sleep of closed bor-ders. Japan ended his history of bloody persecution against Christians. Nevertheless, Christianization of Japan did not progress immediately. Rather, the effect of mission was not felt, if not only slowly. Then came the “Great East Asia War” (W. W. II) which must be called the most catastrophic disaster unheard in the history of Japanese people.

It ended, at last, with innumerable victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The memorable day of end of the war in 1945, was August 15, Feast of Assumption of Our Lady. This reminded Catholics of, then, some 90,000, the Divine Providence and the link between the Blessed Virgin Mary and Japan, once again. At that time, the Catholic Bishops of Japan decided unanimously to consecrate Japan to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, following the example of Fr. Forcade.
They recommended to the faithful the devotion to the Immaculate Heart, as well. By the way, on January 4, 1975, when the statue of Our Lady wept even thrice, the angel pointed out, in a message to Sr. Agnes that, "the Blessed Virgin Mary is pleased that Japan was consecrated to Her Immaculate Heart and she loves Japan. But she is sad because this devotion is not practiced" Devotion towards the Mother of God and our Heavenly Mother given to mankind, has always been most orthodox and important throughout the ages both by the Church Tradition and by the Sacred Scriptures. Japanese Christians of old were receiving spiritual strength to endure cruel persecutions and to accomplish their martyrdom from their devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Thus, the Blessed Virgin always loves Japan and cares for the Japanese people. But then why does she weep now?

The "Prayer of Consecration of Japan to the Immaculate Heart of Mary" is found on page 241 of "the Prayer Book of Catholic Church" as it is. But should someone look around the actual situation of the Church with angelic eyes, throughout this country, can he find this prayer recited? Or, even if it is not said orally, can he find some churches in which this devotion is practiced with the spirit of this prayer ?
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Let me explain the importance of this devotion for Japan by a quick glance on its history. As soon as Japan was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Fr Forcade, the situation of Japan quickly changed. Fumie (stamping the holy images) is abolished. The ports opened to the activities of the Church. The signboards of interdiction against Catholic Church will disappear in 30 years later.

In 1830, Our Lady appeared to Saint Catherine Laboure (1806 - 1876) at Rue de Bac, Paris and she gave the Miraculous Medal.
On Dec 3rd, 1836, Fr Desgenettes (1778 – 1860), Parish Priest at Our Lady of Victories Church in Paris, heard the voice during Mass: Consecrate your parish to my Immaculate Heart. Thus, he did so on Dec 11th. Immediately, this parish received miraculous graces and became the center of the devotion to the Immaculate Heart.

On May 1st 1844, Fr. Forcade (then 28 years old) vowed prayed and consecrated Japan in the port of Naha, in the boat Alcmene after the celebration of Mass. Afterwards he stayed 2 years in Ryukyu (today's Okinawa) in order to learn Japanese language. He came to Nagasaki in 1846 to land but in vain. Fr Forcade was assigned as first head of the Apostolic Vicariate of Japan and was consecrated as bishop (but he will be forced to stay in Hong-Kong).

In 1847, Fr Leon Robin , Parish priest of Saint Claude, France, was moved by Bishop Forcade's letter: Pray, pray and pray. With the permission of his bishop he established an “Association of prayers for the conversion of Japan” with its rules of praying every day for the intentions that missionaries could enter in Japan, and that Japanese would have one day Catholic faith. 450 villagers among 550 registered at first, and three years later it counted 1800 members. In 1862 it had more than 3000 registered members.

On February 11, 1856, Our Lady appeared to Saint Bernadette at Lourdes (18 times in all). She told that "I am indeed the Immaculate Conception." (Please note: February 11 is, according to "Nihon Shoki" ("The Chronicles of Japan "), the date of enthronement of the first Emperor of Japan, Jimmu. The Lunar year Jan. 1, 660 before Christ is translated into February 11, 660 BC.)

In 1857, Fr Girard, M.E.P. was assigned vicar of Apostolic Vicariate of Japan.
1858, Abolishment of Fumie.
1858, Treaty of Commerce between Japan and France. French are allowed to enter into Japan. Fr. Mermet-Cachon, M.E.P. went to Hakodate, Fr. Girard went to Yokohama.

On Jan 12th, 1862, Catholic Church dedicated to the Sacred Heart opens for foreigners in Yokohama for the first time since the atrocious persecutions. This date is considered the start of re-establishment of Catholic Church in Japan.
On June 8th, 1862, canonization of 26 holy Japanese Martyrs in Rome by Pius IX. Bishop Forcade attended the ceremony as bishop of Nevers (1861-73) in spite of opposition of French government.
On March 17th, 1865, discovery of Crypt Christians in Urakami village, Nagasaki: Isabelina SUGIMONO etc.
In 1866, Fr. Petitjean became the first resident bishop of Japan since re-establishment.
1867, Bishop Forcade officiated the ceremony of vows for Saint Bernadette.
1873. The disappearance of signboards of interdiction against Catholic Church

Our Lady of Fatima also shows how important this consecration is, using Portugal as the model.
On May 13, 1931, all bishop of Portugal, in front of 300,000 faithful gathered in Fatima, conse-crated Portugal to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As a result of the consecration, Portugal experienced a three-fold miracle:

(1) Spiritual good. There was a magnificent Catholic Renaissance, during which there was a striking rebirth of Catholic life. During this period, Portugal enjoyed a drastic upsurge in priestly vocations. The number of religious almost quadrupled in 10 years. Religious communities arose likewise.;
(2) There was a miraculous political and social reform, in line with Catholic social principles, took place; and
(3) There was the twofold miracle of peace as a result of the Consecration. Portugal was preserved from the Communist terror, especially from the Spanish Civil War, which was raging next door. Portugal was also preserved from the devastations of World War II.
Sr. Lucy wrote to Fr Aparicio S.J. a letter dated on March 19, 1939:
«Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is why I desire its propagation so ar-dently, especially because this is also the will of our dear Mother in Heaven.»
She said also to Pius XII in her letter of Dec 2, 1940.
"Most Holy Father, (...) our Lord promises a special protection to our country in this war, due to the consecration of the nation by the Portuguese Prelates, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; as proof of the graces that would have been granted to other nations, had they also consecrated themselves to Her."

Japan have been receiving special graces because it was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Immediately after the W.W.II. all bishops of Japan renewed its consecration to her Im-maculate Heart, and Japan received special graces of vocations, conversions, political stability and peace. We must thank all the graces and blessings received.

Let us thank for this grace, especially during this pilgrimage, in order to remember and to con-tinue this devotion to the Immaculate Heart. For this pilgrimage, I would like to have time for a contest of Marian songs, to be dedicated to the Immaculate Heart. We desire to praise her Im-maculate Heart by our humble songs.
This year is also 100th anniversary of the death of our patron Saint Pius X. It is the 25th anni-versary of the ordination of Fr. Daniels. It is the 18th and last (alas!) year as Superior of district for Fr. Couture. We would like to make this 800 rosaries for the intentions of Fr Couture and Fr Daniels as spiritual bouquets for them.

May God bless you.
Fr Thomas Onoda, SSPX
Priest in charge of Akita Pilgrimage

The first message, July 6, 1973
"My daughter, my novice, you have obeyed me well in abandoning all to follow me. Is the infirmity of your ears painful? Your deafness will be healed, be sure. Does the wound of your hand cause you to suffer? Pray in reparation for the sins of men. Each person in this community is my irreplaceable daughter. Do you say well the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist? Then, let us pray it together."
"Pray very much for the Pope, Bishops, and Priests. Since your Baptism you have always prayed faithfully for them. Continue to pray very much...very much. Tell your superior all that passed today and obey him in everything that he will tell you. He has asked that you pray with fervor."

The second message, August 3rd, 1973
My daughter, my novice, do you love the Lord? If you love the Lord, listen to me.
This is a crucial message. Convey it to your superior. Many men in this world are saddening the Lord. I desire people who would console the Lord. In order to appease the wrath of the Heavenly Father, I desire, with my Divine Son, souls who would make reparations on behalf of sinners and the ungrateful by sufferings and through poverty. In order to make known that the Divine Father is in ire towards this world, He is about to inflict a great chastisement on the whole mankind. With my Divine Son, many times I have tried to appease His wrath. By showing the sufferings of His Son on the Cross and His Precious Blood, by offering a cohort of souls who console and love dearly the Divine Father, the victim souls, I have been holding Him. Prayers, penance, poverty and courageous acts of sacrifice can soften the wrath of the Divine Father. I desire this also from your community. Honoring the poverty, and amid your poverty, be converted and for the reparation of the ingratitude and insults done by so many people. Pray from your heart the prayer of the Eucharistic Servants, and practice it, offer it for the work of redemption. Make the best use of one's ability and current position and offer them with all these.
Even in a secular institute, prayer is necessary. Already souls who want to pray are being gathered. Pray in order to console the Divine Lord fervently and steadfastly without attaching too much importance to the type (of the institute).

After a silence:
"Is what you think in your heart true? Are you truly decided to become the rejected stone? My novice, you who wish to belong without reserve to the Lord, to become the spouse worthy of the Spouse, make your vows knowing that you must be fastened to the Cross with three nails. These three nails are poverty, chastity, and obedience. Of the three, obedience is the foundation. In total abandon, let yourself be led by your superior. He will know how to understand you and to direct you."

The third message, October 13th, 1973
My dear daughter, listen to me carefully. And relay this to your superior.
(After a moment's silence)
As I had told you before, if men do not repent, the Heavenly Father is going to inflict a great chastisement upon mankind. It must definitely be a punishment greater than the Deluge, such as has never been before. Fire will plunge from Heaven and a large part of mankind will die through this calamity. The good as well as the wicked will die, sparing neither priests nor the faithful. Survivors will have such terrible hardships that they would envy the dead. Then, the only weapons which will remain for us will be the Rosary and the sign left by my Divine Son. Every day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the bishops and priests.
The work of Satan will infiltrate even into the Church, where cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops against bishops. Priests who venerate me will be scorned and attacked by their confreres. Altars and churches will be sacked and the churches will be full of those who compromise. Many priests and religious will abandon their vocations by the temptations by Satan. Especially Satan is working to influence souls consecrated to the Divine Father. The perdition of many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins continue, there would be no longer the forgiveness of sins.
Have courage to tell this to your superior. Your superior will then order everyone to pray fervently by telling them one by one that they must engage in prayers and work of redemption.
Today is the last time that I will communicate with you with my voice. From now on, obey the one sent to you and your superior.
Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. It is only I who can help you from the coming calamities. Those who will rely on me will be helped.

