♪ Declan Galbraith’s Song


♪ 35. " love of my life"

2021-02-20 12:49:56 | 日記

2007.10.10  ♪ Love of My Life ♪amazon.co.jp 発売開始


 PABさん ありがとう ほんと。。。♪ Thank you ♪はどうなったのか? 

2007.10.10  Declan Galbraith 公式FORUM より


Declan has a few days at home now before starting a very heavy schedule.

He will soon be returning to Germany to shoot promotional videos both for his new album (November 23rd is a possible release date) and also for a single which could be released a couple of weeks earlier.

During this trip to Germany, Declan has been asked to appear on one of the German TV 'Pop Idol' shows due to be screened around 21st November, sorry not sure of the exact date or title of show or channel.

The promotional visit to China will take place from 19th to 30th October with the concert tour now re-sheduled for sometime in May/June of next year. The re-scheduling is to fit in better with appearances being planned for earlier in the year and will enable additional concerts to possibly be included in addition to those in Bejing and Shanghai.

I hear a whisper that one of Declans new songs may be included in the German Red Nose campaign which will soon get under way.

Finally I understand that the final selection of songs to be included on the new album has now been made and that one of Declans own compositions will be the 'B' side of the single and another of Declans own songs has been selected for the album itself.  

ドイツへのこの旅行の間、Declanは11月21日ごろ放映されることになっているドイツのテレビ『 'Pop Idol' 』showsの1つに現れるよう頼まれました。そして、正確な日付またはショーまたはチャンネルのタイトルの確かに残念に思いませんでした。
私は、Declans新曲のうちの1曲がすぐに始まるGerman Red Noseキャンペーンに含まれるかもしれないというささやきを聞きます。

 2007.10.10 "An Angel" is currently on the number 9 spot on the ( FHR Radio ) Top Ten Music Charts.

2007.10.09   Declan No.3 Album ♪ You and me  ♪

 2007.09.28 インターネット FHR RADIO

            Artist of the Month
            投票できます    DJ Rescue   DJ Jeremy

★お願い★Declan Galbraith公式 FORUM より 2007.09.26   インターネット FHR RADIO

さっきまで全然知りませんでした。。。人気投票だと思っていました。。。jigglypuffpuff Thanks 

♪ 私は(Windous Media Player Broadband128k)で聞いています。リクエストはしましたが、まだDeclanの歌は聞いていません。。。なかなかかからない。。。
かかりました。。。キャーーーーーーー♪ Sailinggggggggggggggggg ♪

10年以上前です。(*^ ^*)♪

WFHR RADIO - The Fire House Radio Station - Official Website - Request a Song 


  2007.09.18 Declan 公式 FORUM より   

Declan has now returned to Germany for more work on the new album including a new photo shoot.

As has already been mentioned elsewhwere on the forum, Declan has been invited to the Goldene Henne award ceremony which I understand will be shown on German TV on thursday.

If Declan is asked to perform, he will of course do so.

Declans promotional visit to China has been re-scheduled to start on 19th October to enable him to take part in another TV show in Germany before he travels to China.

But don't worry he is now due back from China on or around the 30th October, just 2 days before his charity concert in Gravesend.

The planned release date for the new album is late November, but no DEFINITE date has yet been announced.

More news when I have it..............


Declan公式 FORUM より http://www.friendsofdeclan.co.uk/ ✖

Declan will sing in the show "Goldene Henne" on Wednesday, 19th!!! MDR (20.15)

 Declan公式サイトより  http://www.declangalbraith.de/en/flash  ✖


 2007.09.12 VIVA BRAVO会場より(08.25) sherry Thank you !

November!Album ← 11月の発売になるようです
USA・declangalbraithfan FORUM より
http://www.declangalbraithfans.com/ ✖
 In the last Bravo was written Declans next album comes out in November, it will be more rock on it and some own songs!
own songs→Declanの作詞・作曲の歌だろうか?

2007年8月25日BRAVO TV 15:00(ドイツ時間)


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 8月4日

This afternoon Declan flew to Egypt with his mum, dad, sister and a cousin for a private holiday.

He will return to the UK on Sunday before flying out again to Germany a couple of days later.

Declan is sorry but he did not have enough time to answer your outstanding questions before going on holiday and his schedule is very hectic on his return so it may be a little while before he is able to post his answers.


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 7月31日

Declan has now returned home from Germany but is still extremely busy preparing new material for recording after his holiday next week.

Declan will be having a weeks private holiday with his immediate family in Egypt and no public engagements are planned for that week.


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 7月20日

Declan will be returning to Germany on Sunday to continue work on recordings which may feature on his next album. 
Closer to home, over the past few months Declan has adopted a new pet charity this year. It is a small and very special school which is doing terrific work caring for children of all ages with very special needs. 
As a result of his interest in the school, a concert is being arranged at the Woodville Halls Theatre in Gravesend which will be held on November 2nd to help raise funds for the school.
Declan will sing some of his early material, some from his recent album and some from the next album, so it should be a very special occasion for a very special school 
The seating capacity of this little theatre is just 700, and many parents of the children at the school will no doubt wish to attend, so tickets will be very limited. 
I understand that the Theatre will soon publish its programme of events for the next few months and this concert will be included in it. 
As is usual a little bit of information about the various artists, who will be performing at the theatre, is given in the programme and I am delighted to be able to give forum members a preview of the information about Declan that will be in it. 
Declan is busy recording his next album and his future plans include his own tours of Germany, China, and South Africa, there is even talk of a trip to Hollywood to appear in his first feature film. 
Now let me add that the future tours and first feature film are NOT yet definite but I understand that the ongoing discussions about them are proceeding satisfactorily at present.
Finally something for all those who are able to obtain the Bravo magazine....Declan has sent a letter and a drawing to the magazine which they will publish, I think next week but not absolutely sure. 


 2007.09.12 VIVA BRAVO会場より(08.25) http://www.declan.de.tl/
 sherry Thank you !

November!Album ← 11月の発売になるようです。

USA・declangalbraithfan FORUM より

 In the last Bravo was written Declans next album comes out in November, it will be more rock on it and some own songs!

own songs→Declanの作詞・作曲の歌だろうか?


2007年8月25日BRAVO TV 15:00(ドイツ時間)


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 8月4日

This afternoon Declan flew to Egypt with his mum, dad, sister and a cousin for a private holiday.

He will return to the UK on Sunday before flying out again to Germany a couple of days later.

Declan is sorry but he did not have enough time to answer your outstanding questions before going on holiday and his schedule is very hectic on his return so it may be a little while before he is able to post his answers.


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 7月31日

Declan has now returned home from Germany but is still extremely busy preparing new material for recording after his holiday next week.

Declan will be having a weeks private holiday with his immediate family in Egypt and no public engagements are planned for that week.


Declan公式 FORUM より  2007 7月20日

Declan will be returning to Germany on Sunday to continue work on recordings which may feature on his next album. 
Closer to home, over the past few months Declan has adopted a new pet charity this year. It is a small and very special school which is doing terrific work caring for children of all ages with very special needs. 
As a result of his interest in the school, a concert is being arranged at the Woodville Halls Theatre in Gravesend which will be held on November 2nd to help raise funds for the school.
Declan will sing some of his early material, some from his recent album and some from the next album, so it should be a very special occasion for a very special school 
The seating capacity of this little theatre is just 700, and many parents of the children at the school will no doubt wish to attend, so tickets will be very limited. 
I understand that the Theatre will soon publish its programme of events for the next few months and this concert will be included in it. 
As is usual a little bit of information about the various artists, who will be performing at the theatre, is given in the programme and I am delighted to be able to give forum members a preview of the information about Declan that will be in it. 
Declan is busy recording his next album and his future plans include his own tours of Germany, China, and South Africa, there is even talk of a trip to Hollywood to appear in his first feature film. 
Now let me add that the future tours and first feature film are NOT yet definite but I understand that the ongoing discussions about them are proceeding satisfactorily at present.
Finally something for all those who are able to obtain the Bravo magazine....Declan has sent a letter and a drawing to the magazine which they will publish, I think next week but not absolutely sure. 


♪ 34. Valentine day

2021-02-14 00:25:15 | 日記

goo blog pictureをダウンロードする方法(How to download a picture)


jpg 大きいサイズになっています。(o^^o)♪


right click on the image

Save Image As
File type (T): WEBP file

all files

jpg  It's a big file.

♪.. ZDF Sommerhitfestival  

2021-02-13 23:47:44 | 日記


ZDF Sommerhitfestival - june 21, 2007

VIDEO 03:51

" All out of Love "


♪ 33. " An Angel " Tirolイタリア 南チロル地方

2021-02-10 19:04:00 | 日記

                           Spring ZDF ( Italian  ) Tirolイタリア 南チロル地方



           "An Angel"                                 "Where Did Our Love Go"



 " An Angel " " Where Did Our Love Go " Behind the scenes

" An Angel " 2007 Spring ZDF( Italy south tyrol ) [ HQ 49.5MB avi ] + lyrics

2007 Spring ZDF Italian Tirol ” Where Did Our Love Go ”

My mistake

Declan's song......No. 1-33    Declan's" song " An Angel " " Where Did Our Love Go " Behind the scenes

I was searching and came across the Swiss Forum.




BRAVO Supershow

                                                   PHOTO             Capture

    Declan は水玉のスカーフを寄付しました。



  PHOTO   19枚

Declan has GOLD!


Declan again on TV
In addition to his big performance in the BRAVO Supershow on May 1st (5.15 p.m. on Pro7) Declan can also be seen in the ZDF spring show on May 3rd (broadcasted again on May 6th). So once again: Declan on all channels.

Declanからのメッセージ  2007 4月9日月曜日

Hi Everyone,

I would just like to wish you all a Happy Easter,
I have been very busy lately, and I’m visiting Germany again very soon.

Thank you all for you continued support, it really means a lot.

Speak soon,


Declan Wishes Happy Easter

"I wish all of my fans: HAPPY EASTER 2007! See you soon. Yours Declan."


Declan live in BRAVO SUPERSHOW

Europe´s biggest teen magazine has not only been reporting regularly about Declan for months now, but now BRAVO has also invited him to perform live in their big TV show, which is yet another great honor for Declan. Beside Declan, other artists like Sarah Connor, Monrose and Tokio Hotel will also perform on the show, which takes place in Düsseldorf on April 28th (TV broadcasting on May 1st on Pro7).


„Love Of My Life“
as real tone on your mobile

For fans who want to have Declan´s new single as a ring tone on their mobile phone, simply send the keyword DECLAN to 71111 (3,99 EUR/song plus Transp/WAP/GPRS).


Declan still on top in the charts!

Four months after his record was released, Declan is still on top in the German charts. Due to his constant presence in the media and the release of his new single “Love Of My Life” last Friday, his album climbed to # 23 again! Declan’s debut album has charted higher than international superstars, Pink, Rosenstolz, Sasha, Sunrise Avenue, Gwen Stefani and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Declan´s TV performances at “Nur die Liebe zählt (Love is all that matters)”, “Musik für Sie (Music for You)” and “Schaubude” last weekend should give him additional chart momentum. About 6 millions of viewers saw the shows altogether. The performances can be seen in full length again here:

Declan still on top in the charts!

Four months after his record was released, Declan is still on top in the German charts. Due to his constant presence in the media and the release of his new single “Love Of My Life” last Friday, his album climbed to # 23 again! Declan’s debut album has charted higher than international superstars, Pink, Rosenstolz, Sasha, Sunrise Avenue, Gwen Stefani and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Declan´s TV performances at “Nur die Liebe zählt (Love is all that matters)”, “Musik für Sie (Music for You)” and “Schaubude” last weekend should give him additional chart momentum. About 6 millions of viewers saw the shows altogether. The performances can be seen in full length again here:

♪ 32. Message from Declan

2021-02-08 16:26:18 | 日記

Declan still on top in the charts!

Four months after his record was released, Declan is still on top in the German charts. Due to his constant presence in the media and the release of his new single “Love Of My Life” last Friday, his album climbed to # 23 again! Declan’s debut album has charted higher than international superstars, Pink, Rosenstolz, Sasha, Sunrise Avenue, Gwen Stefani and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Declan´s TV performances at “Nur die Liebe zählt (Love is all that matters)”, “Musik für Sie (Music for You)” and “Schaubude” last weekend should give him additional chart momentum. About 6 millions of viewers saw the shows altogether. The performances can be seen in full length again here:

2007 ? Spots Frankfurt  フランクフルトにて♪

  VIDEO 02:03  ✖

2007.03.25  MDR 20:15 "An Angel"

2007.03.25 " Love of my life "  German TV SAT.1 "Nur die Liebe zaehlt" 19:15 

2007.03.23  NDR schaubude Interview + " All out of Love " 11:25


 2007.0 3.23

Message from Declan

Hi Everyone,

It's good to have the forum on-line again. we don't know what went wrong with the old database but it was very serious and couldn't be put right.

So it was decided to start again. Some bits of the previous forum may be able to be saved and I want to send a very big THANK YOU to Fred and Debbie for the many hours spent trying to sort out the problems and in setting up this new forum.

I hope that everyone will enjoy this new forum and that it will soon be buzzing with lots of interesting posts.

Have fun everyone

Declan on all channels

This weekend, look for three Declan performances on TV. On Friday, Declan will perform his song “All Out Of Love” in the NDR show “Schaubude” at 9.15 p.m. On Sunday, there will be another performance at the Sat1 show “Nur die Liebe zählt (Love is all that matters)” (7.15 p.m.) where Declan will present his brand-new single “Love Of My Life” to Kai Pflaume to millions of viewers for the first time. On the same evening, MDR broadcasts the show “Musik für Sie (Music for You)” at 8.15 p.m. where Declan performs his hit “An Angel” once again. Three performances in one weekend: All the Declan you can handle.


1.4 million viewers watch Sat1 “Blitz” feature

Last weekend, Sat1 showed a very informative feature about Declan. Besides “Behind the scenes” footage from the video shoot for his new single “Love Of My Life” (coming out on March 23rd), Declan also answers questions about his current success and his image as an artist. His fans can watch the feature in full length online on YouTube and MyVideo.:

Like ProSieben, Sat1 will also show the video clip of “Love Of My Life”: On March 24th at 9.00 a.m after “Deal or no Deal” and on March 26th at 12.45 a.m. after the Sat1 News.


Declan´s video premiere on ProSieben

The music clip for the new single “Love of my life,” shot on the island of Rügen in February, will be shown on ProSieben on Wednesday shortly before the blockbuster “The Girl Next Door” (USA 2004). Not many artists have the honour to have their music videos broadcast in prime time. Congratulations Declan…!

Fans can watch the video again on the platforms myvideo.de and youtube.com under the following links:


Declan at „Nur die Liebe zählt
(Love is all that matters)

Thanks to an incredible public response after Declan´s last performance on Kai Pflaume´s show in December, the “Shooting-Star 2007” , Declan was invited for a second time to present himself to an audience of millions. Declan returns to the show on March 25th with his new hit single “Love of My Life”.


New Declan single out on March 23rd!

At the end of the month, the new single “Love of My Life” CD for Declan will be released. The single will include the album version as well as the video mix of the song. The CD also contains the hit “An Angel” and a bonus, unreleased track. In addition, the CD has the video clip of “Love of My Life” and an exclusive Declan feature video.