♪ Declan Galbraith’s Song


♪ 30. Declan Galbraith

2021-01-11 18:54:59 | 日記




これは、Baidu  中国サイトです。私のは外付けハードの何処か?とほほ




出来立てのほやほやです。肌色(Skin color)を修正しました。


♪ 29. Declan Chat

2021-01-11 16:28:49 | 日記


Declan still on top of the charts!

Declan retains his #6 position in the current German album charts. His album “Thank You” is now in the Top 10 for the third successive week! BRAVO reacts to the current Declan hype with a mega fan poster in its issue published today! 


2007.01.30      Chat         photo


2007-01-27  ARD  site  site  site

  Declan 腹話術 (Ventriloquism) 3:14

 Rote Lippen soll man kussen VIDEO 3:23(Red lips can we kussen)

 "An Angel "VIDEO  4:05

Declan Live!!         "Winterfest der Volksmusik"   9分57秒   ? ? ?

Last Saturday, Declan was again guest of Florian Silbereisen´s primetime show and performed his hit “An Angel” to more than 7 millions viewers. After a short show interview with a ventriloquist, Declan surprised his fans with a German song he had prepared and which he performed with a slight accent and in a duet with the obviously amused host Silbereisen.

Fans can see the performance again on the platform MyVideo under the following link: www.myvideo.de/watch/727713


Declan live on ARD tomorrow

Declan has accomplished what no other artist appearing on the Florian Silbereisen show has before: Tomorrow, the rising star will perform for the second time in a row with his song “An Angel” at the “Winterfest der Volksmusik” (winter celebration of folk music). The TV show will be broadcasted live at the ARD on 20.15 p.m. and reaches up to 6 millions viewers.

Declan Galbraith interview at Sat 1 Part 2      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP_mbMLPDLc  7.05 ego you   

 at Sat 1 Part 2

Declan Galbraith-sat1 2007


  at Sat.1 Morningshow Take 1 01:46

 at Sat. 1 Morningshow Take 2 07:24

   at Sat. 1 Morningshow Take 3  07:13

Interview of Sat1 early morning show on myvideo.de!


New Bravo Interview!!

Following last week’s piece, the current BRAVO issue features Declan in a two page article. In the BRAVO interview, Declan explains how his sudden success has affected him and reveals exclusively that he has no girlfriend at the moment! After the first showings of his music clip on VIVA and his appearance at the Sat1 early morning show, Declan’ s album has now climbed again to the #2 position of the daily published album trend charts! His success story continues…


Play list on VIVA show “Get the clip”

Declan has made it on the playlist of the VIVA show “Get the Clip” with his song “An Angel” and is now eligible for voting starting on January 27th.  On the show, the viewer becomes the show director and chooses his favourite clips among the hottest chart tracks via phone or text message. Of course, Declan hopes that his fans will vote for him often.

link cut


Declan on VIVA show ?NEU“ (“NEW”)


Don´t miss it:
Declan´s video clip at Pro7!

A great opportunity for all those fans who just can´t get enough of Declan and “An Angel”. On the live broadcast of the Grammy Awards 2007, Pro7 will show the video clip three times this weekend, the first time at 2.00 a.m. Sunday night.


BRAVO at it again!

As is well known, BRAVO has been reporting about rising star Declan constantly for weeks now. In the latest issue, Declan is again featured, this time with a detailed home story which covers even three pages.


Declan is a success in Austria and Switzerland as well!

Now, Declan and his hit album “Thank You” take also Austria and Switzerland. This week, the album climbed from #32 to #18 in Austria and from #82 to #38 in Switzerland! This is even more amazing seeing that due to his tight schedule, Declan hasn’t had the opportunity to visit these countries much. But there are no boundaries for word-of-mouth buzz about Declan, which has obviously pushed the album in these countries. Needless to say that Declan is happy because, as we all know, he wants to reach every single fan – no matter where the fan lives…


Ringtone „An Angel“ for all fans

All those fans who still don’t have Declan’s “An Angel” as a ringtone, now have the opportunity to order it here:

Simply send the password ANGEL to 71111 (3,99 EURO/SMS plus Transp./WAP/GPRS). Have fun!


Declan claims his position in the charts!
The official German album charts published today confirms once again Declan as a phenomenon: a #5 chart position this week keeps Declan in the top ten for a month straight! And that is direct competition with internationally successful artists like Nelly Furtado (#3), Pink (#) and despite new record releases of top artists like Norah Jones (#1) and Madonna (#2). Keep it up Declan!


Declan still on top of the charts!

Declan retains his #6 position in the current German album charts. His album “Thank You” is now in the Top 10 for the third successive week! BRAVO reacts to the current Declan hype with a mega fan poster in its issue published today!






Florian Silbereisenも「Gitti&Erika」を歓迎します。民謡デュオは長い間演奏していません。主な理由は、2人が何を着るべきかわからなかったからです。FlorianSilbereisenが救済策を提供するようになりました。彼の最後の放送の1つで、彼はすでに視聴者に2人の服のデザインを送るように呼びかけていました。「冬祭り」では、「Gitti&Erika」が提出された多くのデザインからお気に入りを探すことができるようになり、「春祭り」によって実装されます。



♪ 28. Happy New Year 2021

2021-01-02 00:52:31 | 日記

       あけまして おめでとうございます
       世界の皆様の健康を  心より お祈り申し上げます

       Happy New Year
       I sincerely pray for the health of everyone in the world

                                                          (マインツのZDFテレビガーデン )