♪ Declan Galbraith’s Song


♪..暑中お見舞い申し上げます  inquiry after someone's health in the hot season

2024-05-08 23:31:06 | 日記

暑いですね! お盆が来るのに何も出来てない。。。クーラーがごちそうです。

It's hot! Obon is coming and nothing has been done... The air conditioner is a feast.
A typhoon is about to hit the Tohoku area. I hope the typhoon will subside.

                   click ↑

♪..BRAVO  ♪..Love of my Life

These three pictures were uploaded to the China Forum.


Listen to the song and watch.


約束していた ♪ Imagine ♪ がやっと,やっと出来ました。
Declanの Imagin 大好きです。

東山魁夷( kaii Higashiyama)の白馬です。白馬シリーズでも、この画が人気です。この画は著作権になるので、YouTubeへはアップできません。

I finally made the promised Imagine.
I really like Declan's Imagine.

This is Kaii Higashiyama's White Horse. This painting is one of the most popular in the white horse series. I can't upload it to YouTube because of copyright.
So I have no choice but to upload this image and Declan's song.








日本人の生徒、中国人の生徒、イタリア人の生徒が一堂に会するはずだった。 あいにく今日は日本人学生は来なかったし、イタリア人学生もなぜかいなくなってしまったので、その屋台は中国人の独壇場になってしまった。
さらに興味深かったのは、多くの人が自分の名前だけでなく、飼っている犬や猫、大好きなポニーの名前を翻訳してくれたり、「I LOVE YOU」を翻訳してくれるように頼んでくれたりしたことだ。


Red Nose Day was first celebrated on February 5, 1988! According to information, it is a day of relief and charity.
RED NOSE DAY in the UK is a more comedic day of charity.
Even the British, who are said to lack a sense of humor, suddenly return to their childhood on this day, and many people "dress up," dye their hair red, wear comical red noses, and completely lose their former serious selves. Many comedians wear red noses and perform slapstick comedy to the laughter of the audience and various fundraising scenes.
This is a uniquely British fundraising day that aims to put money into the pockets of the poor and disadvantaged in the UK and Africa through comedy!
Many schools use this opportunity to teach compassion and organize mini-drama fundraisers where students learn to help others through fun and laughter. Babies are also given red noses by their mothers, put in prams, and sunbathed on the streets.
Naturally, schools are no exception, with many teachers wearing red noses in the classroom and many more wearing bright red dresses and funny red rabbit ears.
In short, they pulled out all the stops to make people laugh, and were willing to pay for it.
As a result, many faculties organized fundraising events.
There were people playing saxophones in front of the restaurant early in the morning, people wearing clown hats and selling accessories, and most amusing of all, all three of the restaurant's male chefs were dressed in miniskirts, black mesh stockings, powder, and bright red wigs! They were dressed ladylike and sexy.
But it was the creativity of the international department that made the most money. They held English conversation classes, set up a stall outside the restaurant, translated everyone's name and made one pound cards. The idea was to attract Japanese, Chinese, and Italian students. Unfortunately, no Japanese students showed up today, and the Italian students somehow ran out, so the stall was now occupied by Chinese. Unfortunately, our noses were either too big or too short to wear red noses. We had to stick pictures all over our bodies and dye our hair red to stand out, but business was good, although we did not look strange. There were so many people asking for translations of their names that the three of us were too busy to teach them the correct reading of the Chinese characters, perhaps because they had become too difficult to read. What was even more interesting was that many people wanted us to translate not only their own names, but also the names of their dogs, cats, favorite ponies, and "I LOVE YOU". Even the school principal came out to support the event and picked out some really nice cards. (Some of us even had fish and chips).
I was tired but felt very proud. Chinese has great value. Maybe one day I'll open a food stall. Maybe we can make a few pennies.
The BBC reported early on December 12 that the amount raised surpassed the previous record of 37 million pounds set in 2003, bringing the final total to 61 million pounds at the end of the festival.
Incidentally, Red Nose Day Comedy Relief was founded in 1985. At that time, a group of British comedians wanted to make people laugh through comedy and show that there is still much poverty and social injustice in the world. They ran their campaign on Christmas Day.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

♪.. Declan on Belfast

Declan pops across
Pop singer Declan Galbraith (10) with the choir at Hazelwood Integrated College.

By Claire Regan
Wed 25 Sep 2002 at 08:00   

A PINT-SIZED pop star - who has already signed a £1m EMI album deal - spoke today of his excitement at coming to Belfast later this year to take part in a record-breaking concert.
Ten-year-old Declan Galbraith, widely tipped as the next Robbie Williams, is set to lead a choir of around 6,000 Ulster schoolchildren at one of two special Christmas concerts to be staged at the Odyssey Arena.
Over 130 schools have already signed up to participate in Young Voices in Concert 2002 which will be hosted on December 9 and 10 and is sponsored by the Northern Ireland Events Company and the Belfast Telegraph.
The youngster is set to lead over 40,000 young voices linking up with Belfast from right across the UK to sing his new song 'Tell Me Why' in what is hoped to smash the Guinness World Record for the largest simultaneous choir.
Speaking to the Belfast Telegraph as he rehearsed for the huge event with the choir from Hazelwood Integrated College in Newtownabbey, the young Englishman said he was delighted to be back in Northern Ireland.
"I have been over here quite a bit taking part in different shows such as the Kelly Show and George Jones' radio show," he said.
"It's lovely to be back, especially to come along here today to have a chance to practice with the Hazelwood choir.
"I can't wait to get back for the concert in December, it's going to be huge.
"I'm most excited about the Guinness World Record attempt.
"There will be around 6,000 children singing in the Odyssey adding to 40,000 children linking up together from other places to sing with me."
The singing sensation's visit to Northern Ireland this week has coincided with the launch of his first album 'Declan.'
If it makes a mark on the charts, he will be the youngest British performer ever to done so.
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2002年 9月 25日(水曜日) 08:00

(Ten-year-old Declan Galbraith, widely tipped as the next Robbie Williams,)


この若者は、同時合唱の最大規模というギネス世界記録を塗り替えるべく、英国全土からベルファストとリンクする4万人以上の若者の声を率いて、彼の新曲「Tell Me Why」を歌うことになっている。


  ♪    Child Of Mind 

  ♪ ROUTE 66  CD 

 ♪ Red Nose Day

  Angel   Live On Red Nose Day (youtube.com)


  ♪   Declan Galbraith  中国フォーラム  China Forum 



It came out. It came out. This is the China Forum, which is not there now.
I miss it. I could speak neither English nor Chinese, but I was warmly welcomed.
The translation was terrible back then, too.

全文はFC2 blogへ  ↓

♪ BRAVO パソコンエラー computer error


I was considering initializing my computer due to a computer error.
I took it to a private repair store and the router seemed to be going bad.
It was fixed immediately. 

I found this BRAVO magazine on the official page. I did not buy it.
Only the cover page was up and I downloaded it.
The other 4 pages were also found on the net.

♪   北京記者会見   Beijing Press Conference

Declanのビデオ "Tell Me why"のVIDEOを見た時に加入していたサイトで学びました。学ぶと言っても教えてくれるのじゃなくて、よく見て、試行錯誤して盗むのです。

This picture looks unprocessed, but it is.
When I saw Declan's video "Tell Me why" VIDEO, I didn't learn it by being taught, I learned it by watching it closely and stealing it through trial and error. I would like to see everyone's PICTURES.

中国公式ウェブサイト 6枚  China Official Website 6 copies

It is a pity that both the China Forum and the official China website are no longer available.

2007-04-27   gold record photo-19


STARS 4 HiDS ←?stars 4 kids 


Chat was hard to find both here and here.
This page was full of unreadable text and did not show any pictures.
I had to click on a hunch. There is a mountain of photos.



♪ The Sargent Christmas Concert  

 News-1に追加 add



In creating this BLOG, I was planning to translate only Japanese.
I am translating it between English and Japanese because I want to share Declan with people around the world.
I am sorry if the updates are slow or if the spelling is wrong.

I like this doll. It is ceramic and seems to enjoy being placed gently in a flowerpot.
I bought it at Dies. I also gave it to her as a mid-year gift. 😉

               Beijing Press Conference "Love Hurts" 

   北京 記者会見

 Declan  chat  lost article     Chat ←

ドイツだったかな?私は英語もドイツ語も理解できない。。。検索 検索です。


I had a hard time finding a photo of this chat. Was it England or Germany?
Was it Germany? I don't understand English or German... Search Search.

It was at the bottom of a page that said there was a Declan chat.
The chat conversation was a bit far away. The small 5 pictures were on a different page later.
Declan's conversation was painted red, but stopped in the middle.
You paint it. I wish you the best of luck and I wish you the best of luck.

     ♪  tears-in-heven 


declanのvideoの中でEric Clapton " Tears In Heaven "だけ知っていました。

I only knew Eric Clapton " Tears In Heaven" in declan's video.
I don't know western music or English.

♪ Ego you




                             ♪ Declan Galbraith’s song [photo] 12 2007.01.30

見た事のない写真を探せた時,   ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و  わぉ~
I have spent about 117 years looking for these photos on the net.
There are a mountain of photos, many of them.


«  ♪.195. QRVE RECORDS @011 | トップ | ♪.. " Tears In Heaven "... »
