プルメリア フラ ハラウ 上海

上海 習い事・竹本ひろみ・フラダンス・ウクレレ・タヒチアン・ハワイソング・子供習い事 絶対音感 レッスン&イベント情報


2014年09月23日 23時16分45秒 | イベント情報
主办单位 | 大鹏新区管委会 / 深圳市文体旅游局
承办单位 | 大鹏新区经济服务局
协办单位 | 大鹏新区综合办公室
支持单位 | 佳兆业集团
组织单位 | 磨房·元空间策划顾问 / SIMILE THINGS
活动时间 | 2014 年 10 月 18日 / 16:00 – 18:30
活动地址 | 深圳大鹏新区较场尾海滩(在狼窝客栈集合)
赞助单位 | 美国Ohana ukuleles品牌 / 九千万天然泉水 / 法西妮蛋糕

We are very pleased to announce that, for the first time in history, Shenzhen will host an ukulele festival! Shenzhen is a perfect place for the ukulele, sub-tropical climate and beach! So we thought it'd be a good thing to gather uke’ lovers on Shenzhen’s best beach: Dapeng.

The show will host GREAT ukulele players to play along with:
Liu Zong Li, best player in China, author of "The Complete Ukulele Solo Tutorial".

Hiromi Takemoto from Japan and raised in Hawaii, both pro ukulele player and Hula dancer, she will bring the very Hawaii spirit to Shenzhen!

Peter Kruse, American pro ukulele player and song writer living in Shenzhen, will sing original songs.

Lin Zi Hong, from Xiamen. Pro guitar, guitalele and ukulele player. First guitalele player ever in China. Guitar tutor praised by his students.

David Chen, from Taiwan, within China's top 10 ukulele players, author of "24 lessons to learn ukulele". Organised Taiwan's first six ukulele festivals. Has been the first Taiwan player to be trained in Hawaii.

And we will be accompanied by pro drummer, Mark "Butchoy", performer at the Terrace (Shekou).

AND! The last but not the least: SIMPLE THINGS ukulele family! All of you who are playing with us for more than a year. This is your time, to play along professional players!

The spirit of this show is "everybody play together"! Liu Zong Li will play “Yellow Submarine” that he is teaching us in the video above. Hiromi Takemoto will teach us some Hula, be prepared to dance! We will rehearse the songs we will play together every week in every SIMPLE THINGS shop. Friday: Bao'an Tian Hong shop Saturday: 1234space shop / Sunday: Futian BookCity shop. All at 6:30.

The show will take place at “Dapeng Jiao Chang Wei" beach, in the afternoon. 300 people only will be able to get there on free shuttle buses. Buses will depart from Futian Book City at 1:00pm. And return from Dapeng at 6:30 / 7:30 / 8:30 pm. You can select the most convenient time for you to get back to Shenzhen. Others can choose to go there by their own means of transportation.

To benefit from the transportation, you will need to register. To register you will need:
- to fill in the form on our wechat page.
- to pay 35 yuans to any SIMPLE THINGS shops.
- to collect a t-shirt in any SIMPLE THINGS shops.
The first to be registered, the first to secure bus seats!

5 of the people registered on wechat will win a Ohana ukulele by drawing lots!

The show will last from 4:00 to 5:00 and will be followed by an open mic and picnic. (Anyone willing to participate to the picnic should bring his own food.)

Approximate time: Show: 4-5pm.

Open mic: 5-6pm.

Picnic: 6-7pm.

Program - (subject to modifications)
Canon: C. G. Am. Em. F. C. F. G.
Yellow Submarine. verses: C. Am. F. G. / chorus: C. G. G. C.
I'm Yours: C. G. Am. F.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight: C. F. C. G7.
同桌的你 / Tong Zuo De Ni
小苹果 / Xiao Pinguo (dance)
深圳是一个女孩 / Shenzhen Is a Girl
友谊地久天长 / Auld Lang Syne: F. C. F. bB. - F. C. F. F. (English/French/Spanish/Chinese)

Aloha! I nearly forgot!
BRING YOUR UKE!! 请大家带上自己的ukulele!

主办单位 | 大鹏新区管委会 / 深圳市文体旅游局
承办单位 | 大鹏新区经济服务局
协办单位 | 大鹏新区综合办公室
支持单位 | 佳兆业集团
组织单位 | 磨房·元空间策划顾问 / SIMILE THINGS
活动时间 | 2014 年 10 月 18日 / 16:00 – 18:30
活动地址 | 深圳大鹏新区较场尾海滩(在狼窝客栈集合)
赞助单位 | 美国Ohana ukuleles品牌 / 九千万天然泉水 / 法西妮蛋糕

SHENZHEN UKULELE FESTIVAL 2014 10月18日 乌克丽丽音乐派对

2014年09月23日 23時10分19秒 | イベント情報
竹本敬美 Hiromi Takemoto:来自日本,在夏威夷长大,是著名ukulele及夏威夷草裙舞表演艺术家;2010年上海世博会受上海市政府邀请作为中日文化交流代表出席;2013年与六次格莱美得奖者夏威夷演奏家Daniel Ho同台演出。

2014-09-23 SIMPLE THINGS简单事物



刘宗立老师:国内首屈一指的ukulele演奏家;2014夏威夷国际ukulele大奖赛 世界亚军;《尤克里里指弹独奏完整教程》在中国大陆、台湾地区同步出版。

竹本敬美 Hiromi Takemoto:来自日本,在夏威夷长大,是著名ukulele及夏威夷草裙舞表演艺术家;2010年上海世博会受上海市政府邀请作为中日文化交流代表出席;2013年与六次格莱美得奖者夏威夷演奏家Daniel Ho同台演出。

David Chen:传奇中国ukulele演奏家;《ukulele完全入門24課》作者;主辦一到六屆台灣ukulele嘉年華;台湾第一個受邀至夏威夷表演團體。


Peter Kruse:来自美国的专业ukulele玩家兼作曲家。


刘宗立老师将会演奏“Yellow Submarine”,他将会提前给予我们教学视频,视频将会发送到你们的微信。 Hiromi Takemoto将会教我们草裙舞,准备好动起你们的身体了吗!

最后,还有我们的SIMPLE THINGS Ukulele family成员们!你们所有人和我们一起玩ukulele一年多了,这将是你们的时间!和专业玩家一起玩 !这次活动举办的宗旨,就是希望所有的音乐爱好者聚集在一起参与演奏,聆听,享受音乐带给我们的欢乐。


此次活动活动费用35元,参与者请从各个SIMPLE THINGS 小店领取免费活动T恤一件。这件T恤将被视为免费客车接送和现场免费茶水饮料的凭证。(活动费用35元请到SIMPLE THINGS各个分店交纳,本次活动T恤和穿梭巴士车位均只有300个名额,以交纳活动费用为准,先到先得!)

Open Mic:5:30-8:30pm

所有报名的朋友,我们将大家的报名ID放到抽奖箱里,大家将有幸参加本次活动由美国Ohana ukuleles 品牌赞助的丰富奖品抽奖!