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自律カメラロボット Autonomous camera robots

2018-11-26 16:16:16 | ビジネス

Autonomous camera robots
Autonome Kameraroboter
Robots de caméras autonomes


Through automation, take video production to the next level:


Seervision AG is a spin-off from the Automatic Control Laboratory of ETH 
Zurich and is developing automation robots and software for professional 
event video productions.


The mission:


+ create the world’s first portable, scene-aware, 

autonomous video production 

+ turn every camera into a robotic cameraman

+ turn every cameraman into a multi-camera crew

+ execute all operational tasks of traditional camera 

crews autonomously

+ leaving only creative storytelling to human operators



The company estimates that they can reduce the average cost of a 
production by 40% through there technology, making professional 
video accessible to entirely new segments.


The award-winning company Seervision AG was incorporated August 23, 
2016 and is based in Zurich, Switzerland.






Thank you for reading


Any questions...


Business development – 営業開発・EU ・スイス ・Switzerland









