Computing And PDA


sortby xquery

2005-07-23 11:06:35 | Weblog
Data and Databases 2. Session 5. 8 March 03.に以下の記述がありました.
FLWOR expressions (good acronyms gone bad: these used to be "FLWR" expressions, pronounced "flower", but in the 11/02 revision of the XQuery draft the standalone "sortby" operator was replaced by an "order by" operator that has to be placed between a "where" clause and a "return" clause, "FLWR"s became "FLWOR"s, and the pronunciation got shot to hell).
atmarkitとかIBM Developer Worksのtutorialの例のsortbyがgalaxでもAltovaXQueryでも使えず困ってました.XPath2.0にしたがっているので使えないで当然なのですね.order by (@atributevalue)をwhere clauseの後に書けば結果をatributevalueでsortできました.

