Sana and the World


Bar Zaigo

2007-03-24 16:53:38 | Weblog
 A new but old fasioned style bar opened end of the last month. The Bar was built by used house walls and doors but set as stylish. You can drink cocktails and soft drinks also you can eat local desserts. The master is trained as the bartender. At least I heard four new restaurants and two bars were opened in this year already. How competitive in food field. This light has the sige of "Zaigo", but my crappy cellphone camera didnt take it well enough to see sign. You should check this Bar out soon

マックスマーラ・Max & co・フルラ・などなど

2007-03-17 12:06:38 | Weblog

 If you like brand named clothes, you should check this Montecarlo street in Milan. You'll get anything you want. However you have to prepare money for them too. This buiding is like a dream building for someone who like fasion and clothing. I used to like them. But since my body shape changed, I lost interests.

スタイリッシュな電話  The phone booth

2007-03-14 13:15:57 | Weblog
 This is the Italian phone booth you can hear other person's conversation easily!! Dont they mind letting people what you are saying, I wonder? But the silver phone has the orange handle. It looks very cute!

地下鉄 Metro

2007-03-13 12:08:18 | Weblog
 This picture was taken in the subway(tube) in Milan. I had looked around downtown while my clients attended the city tour set by other professional tour guide. What a beautiful wall they use and it was also clean. However I hardly saw any people and felt scared in the late morning on weekday. I could reach the shop I wanted to go, but I didnt have enough time to look around, then I had to return to the city center to meet my clients.


2007-03-09 11:48:31 | Weblog
 先日NHKで「ミセスダウト」を放映していたのを偶然見つけて見入ってしまいました。最初見たときは印象に無かったのですが、舞台はサンフランシスコのダウンタウンでした 私の大好きな街なので思わず、「あ~ここで撮影したのか」と共感を覚えながら見ました。
 お天気が良くなるとサンフランシスコにある金門橋(ゴールデンゲートブリッジ)に呼ばれてしまう私です  でも、今は無理。。。。

上越国際観光振興研究所ワークショップ JIT workshop

2007-03-06 19:18:22 | Weblog

 日 時 : 3月23日(金)
 時 間 : 午後7時~8時30分 
 場 所 : きもの 小川 さん宅 2階  
 持ち物 : 筆記用具など
 備 考 : お茶やお菓子は出ます。(前回の繰越分がありますので)
 JIT is going to have a workshop(meeting) on March 23rd at Kimono Ogawa shop 2nd floor from 7pm to 8:30pm. We'll discuss what we can do in this volunteer group and what we suggest to other people, company and even city office. Let's get together and talk!!

No photoes of mine in Italy

2007-03-03 11:42:34 | Weblog

 I made a big mistake which I didnt ask anybody to take myself picture in Milan. This photo was taken by me in Amsterdam and it is the only photo I have from the recent trip to Europe.  Maybe I was too careful to watch other strangers to attack my friends then I didnt have enough time to think about enjoying this tour. It's because a lot of Japanese people warned me to be careful anytime in Italy. Unlike their suggestion, I hardly saw any dangerous sceens  But Look at me in the picture, some friend said if I saw a ghost there? This is how to take yourself picture with your own hand by my smart friend Aya. Do I look scared?

 2月のイタリア・ミラノの旅で忘れていたことがあったそれは、自分の写真が無い事 周りの人々がイタリアはスリが多いから気をつけてねと事あるごとに忠告されていたので、常にお客様のかばんやら自分のを見張っていて気持ちの余裕がなかったのです。 この写真は、彩さんが自分を自分で取るには?みたいな方法をブログに載せていたので、ちょっと拝借! なかなか上手くとれたけど、ちょっとおっかなびっくりな顔で写っている。ある友人はアムステルダムで幽霊でも見たような顔で写っているね~って言われました。