The JAG Relief Action Updates (English Edition)

On our suffering churches and relief activities

[Kumamoto] Report of Support-Activities on April 23

2016-04-23 14:36:50 | Reports of Relief Activities

We appreciate your prayers and support, especially of the JAG churches all around the country.

Yesterday (April 22), we six people - me, our missionaries Revs. Gonzales, and other three - went to Kumamoto with some relief goods in two cars. As we approached the downtown of Kumamoto City after getting off Kyushu Expressway at Ueki Interchange, we saw more damages to houses and buildings and a lot of houses with their roofs covered with protective sheets.


1. Kibogaoka AG:

When we arrived there before lunch, Rev. Hombori had gone to his parents' place in Uto City (south of Kumamoto City), for their house was half collasped.

We talked with his wife, Rev. Takako, while unloading relief goods.  She said, "I have been sensitive to shakes because of the frequent occurence of aftershocks.  There is no time to get relaxed."

We then left for Kawashiri. We talked with Rev. Nagasawa of Kumamoto Bible AG on the phone to leave some of his needed goods at Kibogaoka AG.


2. Kawashiri AG:

There is a big crack in the parking lot around 15-20 meters away from the church premises.  No one can stay inside the house beyond it.  We even saw a house whose concrete walls were broken down or whose premises had two levels separated by a crack.  I thought such damages might have been caused by earth faults.

Inside the sanctuary of the church building, the pulpit side and the entrance side were both sunk (we checked it with a portable level gauge).  As there are some places where the doors cannot shut, it seems that some parts of the basis have been sunk or risen.

Later on, we left some relief goods at the church. Please pray: Rev. Takaguchi contines his pastoral ministries and supervising ministries to other churches while living alone because his wife, Rev. Tamiko, is hospitalized.


3. Sharon AG:

There have been a lot of relief goods gathered at Sharon AG, too.  Rev. Ueda is quite busy sorting them out for further delivery.  Please pray for the Lord's protection upon the pastor couple because his wife, Rev. Emiko, is expecting.


That's all for now.  We will let you know further information as it arrives.


Rev. Yoichi Sato
District Superintendent, Kyushu District Council of Japan Assemblies of God
