
Trumpet flower and Hydransea

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    ch396427 情報

    Trumpet flower and Hydransea


    Rainy seasan is in midst now. Hyransea, I am now morning must to sketch them. I am struggling to grasp points just to their character. Trumpet flowers are brilliant there. They are saying hello and goodbye every morning. SAKURA craypas, I am now trying to get myself afit. This time these works are shown here.

    写真枚数 12枚
    スマイル スマイリーを取得しています...

    Yassie Araiのメッセージ

    タグ arai   荒井康全   朝のスケッチ、   Morning   Yassie   散歩      凌霄花、    
    作成/更新日時 2017-07-02 09:21 / 2017-07-02 09:21
    サイズ :             
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