ソン·スンホンは30日午後、江南区ノンヒョン洞のカフェでの映画「人間中毒」関連のインタビューで、 「恋愛をするようになったら結婚するまで(一般に)発表しないのだ。結婚をすることになったらみんな分かるようになるだろうが、それまでは、知らせないのが相手への礼儀であるようだ"と話した。
「人間の中毒」は、ベトナム戦争終盤に駆け上がって行った1969年には、厳格な位階秩序と上下関係で結ばれた軍官舎の中で繰り広げられる男女の秘密の愛の物語を描く。ソン·スンホン·イムジヨン·オン·ジュワン·チョ·ヨジョンなどが出演する。 5月15日封切り。
Song Seung Hun " I do not want to release love is "
Actor Song Seung Hun has said the idea of love and marriage .
Song Seung Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu is 30 pm in a cafe with a film of human poisoning -related interview, " that if you love until marriage ( to the public ) is going to announce the marriage , then everyone will see to it that you do not inform until for example, seems to be a relative , "he said.
As for marriage , " but a lot of people who 've been to weddings , marriage culture in our country every lt is disappointing . Factory naedeutyi progress seems to take canned inconvenient " and " I dream wedding is a little different from a quiet place with loved ones I want to leave quietly paying , "he said. Followed by " Marriage is something the family will meet with the family , a lot of people will not be easy because it 's involved seems to be ," he laughed.
'Human poisoning chidalah his way to the final the Vietnam War in 1969, a strict hierarchy and going up and down in relation to the article knit group of men and women draw a secret love story . Song Seung Heon , etc. imjiyeon , onjuwan , joyeojeong appearances. Released on May 15 .