

What is subcloning?——generalbiosystems

2020-07-21 18:54:35 | biosystems

Subcloning is a molecular biology technique. The technology aims to divide several regions from a cloned DNA fragment and clone them into new vectors to obtain a series of new recombinants.


Subcloning can be divided into cell cloning and molecular cloning.

Cell cloning: For the cultured cells, from the original clones, the cells with certain characteristics are selected and cultured, which is called subcloning.

Molecular cloning: select specific small fragments from the large fragments and clone them.


The basic process of subcloning includes:

(1) Preparation of target DNA fragments and vectors;

(2) The connection between the target DNA fragment and the vector;

(3) Conversion of ligation products;

(4) Recombinant screening.

Practical use:

Using subcloning technology, the target gene can be introduced into the target vector for further research. 

For example, if you want to study the role of a gene in E. coli, you can import the vector into a mature E. coli expression vector (such as pUC9) to facilitate subsequent research.



If you are interested in subcloning technology, please contact, we will give you a more professional and detailed answer.

The importance of sterilization during fermentation process

2020-07-10 18:57:01 | 日記

Fermentation comes from a Latin word ‘fermentare’ that means to boil, that can be seen as a boiling appearance of the most common fermenting microorganism Yeast on the fruits, grains and other materials that undergo fermentation.


The carbon dioxide produced during the anaerobic process that degrades the sugars in the fruits and grains forming bubbles that give boiling appearance. Fermentation is done by the inoculation of desirable organism or a group of organisms in the suitable media.


But if this fermenting media comes in contact with any foreign microorganism it may lead to a loss in productivity of the actual fermenting microorganism due to a couple of reasons that are listed below:


  1. The foreign microorganism can outgrow the actual fermenting microorganism.
  2. The final product can be contaminated.
  3. The extraction of final product can become difficult due to the formation of some complex compound by the help of foreign microorganisms.


This can be avoided by the following methods:

  1. Inoculation in a pure culture.
  2. Sterilizationof the media used.
  3. Sterilizing the equipments and containers used.
  4. Aseptic conditions should be maintained during the whole process of fermentation.
  5. In order to obtain proper fermentation first the media used is to be sterilised. Sterilization of media can be done by use of radiation, chemical treatment, filtration, ultrasonic treatment or heat. The sterilizing treatment given is referred to as sterilant. Heating is the most commonly used form of sterilization as it kills most of the endospores present in the

media. Little amount of heat is given in the form of commercial sterilization that kills most of the microorganisms present in the media. Mostly sterilization with the help of steam is recommended for fermentation and all the other work best for animal or plant cultures.

The best quality and appropriate price gene synthesis service

2020-07-10 17:51:58 | 日記

Are you still worried about finding a professional gene synthesis technology team, appropriate gene synthesis price, and shorter gene synthesis time ?

Come to General Technology to help you solve these three major problems !


General Bio has a professional gene synthesis technology team and mature and complete technical equipment, which can synthesize genes of any length and various complex genes required by customers in a short period of time. We will also provide customers with custom-made genes, fast gene synthesis, long-segment gene synthesis, Genefragment gene synthesis and other services at appropriate prices.


The following is a quote for the services we provide to customers:

Custom gene:

Gene length

Delivery period

Price (yuan/bp)

<400 bp

5~8 working days


400~1500 bp

5~8 working days


1501~3000 bp

10~15 working days


3001~4000 bp

15~20 working days


4001~5000 bp

20~25 working days


5001~6000 bp

20~25 working days


≥6000 bp


Please Inquire

Difficult gene


Please Inquire


Fast gene synthesis:


Gene length

Delivery period

Price (yuan/bp)

<300 bp

5 working days


300~1200 bp

5 working days


1201~2000 bp

7 working days


Long-segment gene synthesis:

Gene length

Delivery period

Price (yuan/bp)

6000~10000 bp

30~35 working days


10000~15000 bp


Please Inquire

15000~30000 bp


Please Inquire

30000~50000 bp


Please Inquire




Delivery cycle

Output (ng)

Promotional price (yuan/article)

100-500 bp

2-4 days



501-750 bp

2-4 days



751-1000 bp

3-5 days



1001-1250 bp

5-8 days



1251-1500 bp

5-8 days



1501-1750 bp

5-8 days



1751-2000 bp

5-8 days




General Bio will provide you with the best quality and appropriate price gene synthesis service, and choosing us will be your most correct choice.

It only takes 5 days! The fastest gene synthesis methods.

2020-07-10 17:26:41 | 日記

Are you still waiting for the gene to be synthesized a week ago?

 Have you ever affected the progress of the experiment due to long-term gene synthesis?


General Biosystems will provide high-quality and fast gene synthesis services, you only need to provide nucleotide or amino acid sequences, and we will submit the ideal plasmid containing the target gene to you in the shortest time!


Description of fast gene synthesis service

Fast gene synthesis needs to meet the following conditions:

  • Non-complex sequences
  • Length ≤ 2.0kb
  • Cloning into pUC57 vector
  • No point mutation and plasmid preparation


◉ If the customer does not specify a vector, we defaults to cloning the customer's target gene sequence onto PUC57, and no subcloning fee is charged.


Fast gene synthesis service steps

  • Primer synthesis
  • Fragment stitching
  • Cloning
  • QC (enzyme digestion, sequencing verification)
  • Delivery acceptance

Fast gene synthesis service delivery cycle & price

Gene length

Delivery period

Price (yuan/bp)

<300 bp

5 working days


300~1200 bp

5 working days


1201~2000 bp

7 working days



Instructions for fast gene synthesis service delivery

Our company provides customers with all technical information and products, including:

  • COA file
  • Plasmid structure diagram
  • About 5μg freeze-dried plasmid DNA
  • Sequencing map
  • A tube of glycerol or puncture bacteria containing recombinant plasmids



Special statement: The company promises not to spread, open or use any form of the customer's gene sequence, and to keep the relevant information completely confidential. One month after the company delivers the product, it will completely destroy all relevant primers, plasmids and strains.


Hurry up and contact us through the following ways! !!

Tel : 888-778-6481
Eamil :