


2024-10-11 | 日記






【[Undercurrents of Japan】 "The Broken Washing Machine"

2024-10-11 | 日記
In December of the year before last, the washing machine we had used for over a decade finally broke down.  Reluctantly, we bought an inexpensive washing machine from Company A online. 

Last month, when I tried to open the washing tub hatch, it wouldn’t budge.  I looked through the manual and searched online but couldn't figure out why it was broken.  So, I reluctantly called the service center.  They said, "We will contact the relevant party," and I waited for three days.

Three days later, the service center told me, "The on-site inspection costs 15,000 yen, and parts are extra." They said they couldn't identify the cause without an inspection, so for more than ten days, my family did the laundry by hand. When the serviceman finally arrived and inspected it, he found that the support pin, which holds the hatch when it folds in half, was broken and had flown off.

To fix it, the entire hatch needed to be replaced, and the cost was 33,000 yen.  I couldn't help but ask, "Why!?"  The washing machine had cost only a little over 30,000 yen, but with the inspection and hatch repair, it was going to cost nearly 50,000 yen.  When I expressed my disbelief, saying, "This is ridiculous!" the serviceman could only apologize, saying, "I also think it's expensive."

In the end, we didn’t replace the hatch. The pin-less hatch occasionally misbehaves and shuts on its own, but the washing function itself is fine. Frustrated, I posted the old proverb "penny wise, pound foolish" on the internet to vent my anger. And here I am, writing this blog again. At least this way, I won't be accused of customer harassment.

Our previous washing machine was made by a major Japanese home appliance manufacturer.  It worked tirelessly, making rattling death throes sounds until the belt finally wore out and it stopped.  Perhaps that’s why the company withdrew from the home appliance market.  

However, Japan is a country proud of its wooden structures that have stood for over a thousand years.  There are more important things than immediate profits and market expansion.  I believe so.

K. Mikami 

【日本の底流】 「我が故郷の偉人・本居宣長」

2024-09-24 | 日記










【Undercurrent of Japan】 "The Great Figure of My Hometown, Motoori Norinaga"

2024-09-24 | 日記
Summer has finally come to an end, and the air of autumn begins to permeate the mornings and evenings.  As the proverb goes, "Heat and cold last until the equinox," the autumn wind blows through the fields, and the sky above is infinitely blue.  Reflecting on the past summer and the changing seasons, one feels "mono no aware" (the pathos of things).  This phrase was left by Motoori Norinaga, a great figure from my hometown of Matsusaka.

Norinaga, who passed away at the age of 71 in the early 19th century, dedicated his life to decoding the KOJIKI and played a significant role in the study of Shinto.  He expressed the feelings of being moved or empathizing with the "transience of things" and "the changing nature of the world" as "mono no aware."  This concept has influenced the aesthetics and values of Japanese culture, and various scholarly interpretations continue to emerge today.

His former residence, Suzunoya, is located at the site of Matsusaka Castle.  In my teenage years, I was used to roam around the castle ruins during summer vacation with a bug cage.  I caught bees with a large butterfly net and injected them with a needle from a specimen set. After wrestling with the bees in the rarely visited castle ruins, I would look up with a sense of triumph to see Suzunoya still in the forest, bathed in summer sunlight.

This is merely a childhood memory, but I recall reading somewhere that Norinaga, who was a doctor by profession, would lead young women to the second floor for examinations and then have his disciples remove the stairs.  I am not sure whether I read this in Suzunoya or in some other magazine, but my understanding of him stopped there.

(Unfortunately only Japanese)

Originally, Matsusaka itself was a fortress.  All the townhouses along the roads were built in a zigzag pattern to make it easier to shoot arrows or guns at invading enemies.   Because of this, transportation, such as buses, struggled for a long time after the war. However, Matsusaka Castle originally did not have a castle tower and had no history of being involved in battles.  For over 400 years, it has been a truly peaceful town.

Matsusaka is located in a plain spreading from the foothills of Mt. Hossaka-san, with scattered small forests called "Yoi hono mori."  A castle was built on one end of this area, surrounded by townhouses.  The castle used the Sakanai River, which flows on the north side, as a moat, and the townhouses were divided into sections by trades, such as Tono-machi (The town of his lordship), Uo-machi (Fisher's town), and Oshiroi-machi (The town of white powder) .  The Ise Road ran through the town, making it a key point connecting Kumano, Iga, Kyoto, and Nara.

Reading "Motoori Norinaga" by Akinaka Sensaki from Shincho Select Books, it becomes clear that Norinaga changed his positions as a samurai, merchant, and doctor while visiting Ise, Edo, and Kyoto.   Although I tried to read through his numerous accomplishments, they were extremely difficult for an amateur to understand.  It is no wonder that there are no novels or movies with him as the protagonist.  The great figure from my hometown is indeed too great.

However, as someone from the same hometown, I can imagine the landscapes he saw during his travels.  The foothills of Mt. Hossaka-san like a draped celestial robe, the clear water of the Sakanai River, the forests surrounding villages and shrines, and the endlessly spreading fields.  It's a truly peaceful scenery.  When he back to the Suzuka Pass and found the sky over the Ise Se after travelling through Kyoto and Nara, I am sure that he probably envisioned the same scenery.  

Every time I head to Matsusaka on the Kintetsu train, I think so feeling "Mono No Aware" too.
K. Mikami

【日本の底流】 「マイルポスト」

2024-09-16 | 日記

海上で使う1海里(nautical mile)は1852メートルであり、これは地球の緯度1分に相当する距離である。船が1時間で1海里進めば1ノット(knot)である。ノットとは「結び目」のことで、これは昔、knotsをつけたロープで速度を測っていたことに由来すると、書物で読んだことがある。





今日の「禅ごよみ365日(*1)」は「清風万里秋(晩節こそ清風の心で生きる)」である。その長さに関わらず、人生は波乱万丈である。ただ「抜け道」を追うなら、大きな夢を持つべきだろう。何度失敗しても器量を磨き、やるだけやって駄目なら潔く身を引く。晩節(Final knot)は清々しくありたい。
