
©Sri Ramanasramam, Published with Their Kind Permission

Talk 28 (2)

2017年07月25日 | 1935年5月15日
D.: Are there any aids to (1) concentration and (2) casting off distractions?

M.: Physically the digestive and other organs are kept free from irritation. Therefore food is regulated both in quantity and quality. Non-irritants are eaten, avoiding chillies, excess of salt, onions, wine, opium, etc. Avoid constipation, drowsiness and excitement, and all foods which induce them. Mentally take interest in one thing and fix the mind on it. Let such interest be all-absorbing to the exclusion of everything else. This is dispassion (vairagya) and concentration. God or mantra may be chosen. The mind gains strength to grasp the subtle and merge into it.



Talk 28 (1)

2017年07月20日 | 1935年5月15日
D.: What is the interrelation between regulation of thought and regulation of breath?

M.: Thought (intellectual) and respiration, circulation, etc. (vegetative) activities are both different aspects of the same - the individual life. Both depend upon (or metaphorically ‘reside’ or ‘inhere’ in) life. Personality and other ideas spring from it like the vital activity. If respiration or other vital activity is forcibly repressed, thought also is repressed. If thought is forcibly slowed down and pinned to a point, the vital activity of respiration is slowed down, made even and confined to the lowest level compatible with life. In both cases the distracting variety of thought is temporarily at an end. The interaction is noticeable in other ways also. Take the will to live. That is thought-power. That sustains and keeps up life when other vitality is almost exhausted and delays death. In the absence of such will-power death is accelerated. So thought is said to carry life with it in the flesh and from one fleshy body to another.



Talk 27 (8)

2017年07月16日 | 1935年5月15日
D.: Why should one adopt this self-hypnotism by thinking on the unthinkable point? Why not adopt other methods like gazing into light, holding the breath, hearing music, hearing internal sounds, repetition of the sacred syllable (Pranava) or other mantras?

M.: Light-gazing stupefies the mind and produces catalepsy of the will for the time being, yet secures no permanent benefit. Breath control benumbs the will for the time being only. Sound-hearing produces similar results - unless the mantra is sacred and secures the help of a higher power to purify and raise the thoughts.



Talk 27 (7)

2017年07月13日 | 1935年5月15日

D.: What is the good of this process?

M..: (a) Conquest of the will - development of concentration.

(b) Conquest of passions - development of dispassion.

(c) Increased practice of virtue - (samatva) equality to all.


マハルシ:a) 意志を克服すること、集中力を高めること。b)熱情を克服すること、平静さを保つこと。c)善なる行いを増やすこと、すべてのものに対する平等の意識である。

Talk 27 (6)

2017年07月11日 | 1935年5月15日
D.: Is all this process merely intellectual or does it exhibit feeling predominantly?

M.: The latter.



D.: How do all thoughts cease when the mind is in the Heart?

M.: By force of will, with strong faith in the truth of the Master’s teaching to that effect.



Talk 27 (5)

2017年07月01日 | 1935年5月15日
D.: How long can the mind stay or be kept in the Heart?

M.: The period extends by practice.

D.: What happens at the end of the period?

M.: The mind returns to the present normal state. Unity in the Heart is replaced by variety of phenomena perceived. This is called the outgoing mind. The heart-going mind is called the resting mind.



