MAGOME-post town festival 2016

2016-11-05 15:16:40 | 木曽路 馬籠宿
Let's walk ,let's walk, let's walk ........
Oh,! There is a road. That why I walk..........
?? But ,but ,why I have a pen ?? Why I have a penapple ??..........🎶

Honey !!!!!!!!
Shut down your computer !!
Now we are here at MAGOME-JUKU !!

Hellow !
At MAGOME-JUKU .you will enjoy" the lantern festival" on 5th,6th,12th,13th,19th,20th 2016.
It will start around sunset ~ PM 8:00.
If you like the quiet evening in the mountain, please enjoy that calmness and peacefulness in MAGOME-post town with yourself or with your friends,deeply.

"Sobadokoro-MAGOMEYA (soba restaurant)" " Cafe KAGO " "Shimizuta( Store specializing in bean snacks" and "Magome-kan anex (Betukan)" will open until PM8:00 on 5th,12th,19th .
Please enjoy your meal and shopping at evening.


2016-01-01 21:57:22 | 木曽路 馬籠宿


Oh! Where is the Winter ? This year is too warm. I want see the snow !!!!!!
The news paper is saying "Under El Nino phenomenon outbreak"
Is it not result of the global warming?
Does winter disappear by a global climate change?
Serious! Do the four seasons in Japan disappear?
This is a serious matter !!!!


The sightseeing of Japan can enjoy seasonal beauty of nature.
A pure white snow scene is attractive in winter but....this year was different than usual.
Such a season , it is usual that large snow falls in March from February around MAGOME-JUKU.

At all KISO-JI area,”The ice candle festival" will held from Jan 23th ~Feb 13th
Jan 23th Ookuwa-village area
Jan 30th Kiso-village and Kiso-town
Jan 31th Niekawa-Juku (Shiojiri-City)
Feb 3th Narai-Juku and Kiso hirakawa (Shiojiri-City)
Feb 5th,6th Kisofukushima-Juku Kaida-Kougen Mitake Outakii-village and MAGOME-JUKU
Feb 11th Agematsu-Town
Feb 13th Tsumago-Juku Kurokawa

There is the photocontest, too.!
If a good photograph comes out, apply by all means!
It is held in a season of severel cold in the winter of KISO-JI.
Don't catch the cold !
Please go out with warm clothes !

Enjoy the Winter of Japan at KISO-JI and MAGOME-JUKU

2015-12-05 23:10:58 | 木曽路 馬籠宿
Oh!,,,,Japanese Winter.....

Ski & Skating & snowboarding.......Sled & snowball fight & the making of snowman.......enjoy things that make them warm during yukimi such as yukimizake (sake drinking while enjoying a snow scene) or yukimiburo (bathing while enjoying
Making the small snow dome and bring in the warm Kotatsu (a table with a heater called 'yaguragotatsu') and drink Japanese hot sake........
kerosene stove........Firewood stove.........Briquette stove.......Brazier........Irori
Amazake (Sweet alcoholic drink or non alcoholic drink made from sake lees)..........Zoni (soup containing rice cakes and vegetables (New Year's dish)
Mikan (Mandarin orange)........And Onsen(hot spring).....
Wealing Hanten ........

Such and such ! There are many mysteries things in the winter of Japan !
Let's check it up !

Where are you living in this earth ?
If you don't know the Winter ,would you like to experience it at KISO-JI,MAGOME-JUKU and around this area ?
Near Magome-juku ,there are good place to play with snow for beginner ~senior.
Sure Onsen (hot spring ) also.
The winter in Japan is not only cold.
It is a season to be able to taste an atmosphere like Japan most.
You will feel in particular a traditional living of Japan for New Year holidays (Jan 1th~3th)
let's play in winter in Japan!