


2006-06-05 12:08:37 | GW緑(ユニーク)
ライバー ショートボウ(アーボストーン:ライバー モスプランター)
ダメージ 15%増加(体力が50%以上の場合)

チックルフラットボウ(ドラザックの森:チックル サウザンド テイル)

Inallay's Hornbow( Inallay Splintercall in Morostav Trail)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1.
Health +30

Razorjaw's Hornbow( Razorjaw Longspine in the Silent Surf explorable area)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Energy +5
Armor Penetration 20% (20% chance)
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Retrieved from "http://www.gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Razorjaw%27s_Hornbow"

Royen's Hornbow( Nahpui Quarter (Explorable) area)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (While in a stance)
Armor penetration +20% (chance: 20%)
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance while using skills)

Chehbaba's Longbow( Yeti in the Mount Qinkai explorable area, outside of Aspenwood Gate)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Armor - 10 (while attacking)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%
Armor + 7 (vs. physical attacks)

Lorelle's Longbow( Lorelle Jade Cutter in the Rhea's Crater explorable area, southeast of Gyala Hatchery)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%
Armor +7 (vs physical attacks)

Meynsang's Longbow( Meynsang the Sadistic in Pongmei Valley)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% Always
Armor -10 (while attacking)
Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%
Health +30
Retrieved from "http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Meynsang%27s_Longbow"

Urgoz's Longbow( Urgoz's Warren)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30

Brrne's Recurve Bow( Famished Ancient Brrne in the Raisu Palace)
Piercing damage 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Armor -10 (while attacking)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%
Health + 30

Nandet's Recurve Bow()

Nundak's Recurve Bow(Nundak The Archer in Melandru's Hope)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Lengthens Poison Duration on foes by 33%
Health +30

Razortongue's Recurve Bow( Razortongue Frothspit in the Archipelagos explorable area, just outside of Cavalon)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15%
Energy - 5
Life Stealing: 5
Health regeneration: -1
Marksmanship +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Retrieved from "http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Razortongue%27s_Recurve_Bow"

Ryver's Shortbow(Ryver Mossplanter in the Arborstone Mission)
Piercing damage: 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Lengthens Crippled Duration by 33%
Health +30

Urgoz's Shortbow( Urgoz in his warren)
Piercing damage 15-28 (req. 9 Marksmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor Penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health + 30
